Kundalini "the 'original' coiled serpent"...anyone here familiar with it?

by lurk3r 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    I went to the Global Oneness Project website and did a search there for Watchtower, but it gave no results. Would love to keep a reference to what you describe, that they are including WT as part of the Global Oneness movement.

    Hi Abbigail!

    How nice to "see" you!

    I will find the info for you and will send it in a PM.

    Maybe you will find something useful in it to post later!

    This looks like a really good video you have posted.

    I am going to watch it now!



    Excellent video.

    people become "detached observers paralyzed by religion".


  • abbagail

    Yeah, hey hey hey kiddo. I haven't 'been around these parts lately. Nice to "see" you, too, ha!

    That video is 4 parts, I only posted Part-1, naturally.

    Trying desperately to keep my trap shut about crazy people running after all the New Age stuff, that is nothing short of dancing with the devil himself, who is a very seduction deceiver who, when he is done wrapping his coil around these lost souls, he's gonna bite big and bad. But what can ya do... people are going to do what they want to do.

    BTW, I was surprised to see you quote a scripture a few pages back, lol. It was very good and right on.

    I'll keep an eye out for the PM... it doesn't look like the Msg. System is totally working yet (no way to tell when a new msg. has been received w/o going up there and scrounging around).

  • lurk3r

    In line with this area we are touching right now.

    I have soent a bit of time looking on the net for a story, but cannot find it...I read it a number of years ago.

    There is a story out there somewhere. I KNOW it out there, and I'm not making it up. Someone told me about it once, and I pretty much laughed at her right there on the spot. "No, that's not possibe" and immediately dismissed her. I ran into the story later though and ate my words.

    It is about an Indian person, and I am pretty sure it is a woman. She/he has not drank for many years. Not alchohol, but water. If memory serves me correct it was British doctors that actually brought her to the UK to make sure she was telling the truth, as such stories often bring disbelief. There was something in her throat (or something) that was not normal, and as a result she did not have to drink. Somehow her saliva or something was recycled, and she was able to live like this. I KNOW it doesn not make sense, and I KNOW it defys logic, but I am not making this up. This individual says that when he/she was very young, there was a spirit that blessed her with this "condition".

    The spirit or goddess had a name as well. I will look a little longer for it before i go to work for the day...has anyone heard of this story before? I assure you, I will find it eventually. I have seen it before. I will refrain from further comments about it until i do find that article though, as I think many questions or thoughts may be labelled as "hear say" until there is some evidence to present.

    Edit: Ta DA!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/3236118.stm

    Edit #2 The "Buddha Boy". He does something, or has something similar. In fact, in this Discovery link,( http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6bb2j_the-boy-with-divine-powers-15 ) is remarkably interesting. Chalam, please watch it. I would like to hear your thoughts and i mean this with sincerity. I HAVE NO desire to challenge our faith, other than to come to a better understanding. The boy could well be a "fraud"...there are some people that make money off of this boy. Regardless, there are many questions one could ask here.

    Edit #3 You can go here for "Buddha Boys" bio. It is great read. Of the things I noticed fta:

    He was born a Tamang, descendant of the Tamang Lamas who were renowned for their ability to go for long periods without food while receiving their prana through the practice of meditation. Legend has it that the Tamang lamas could fly and talk to trees, animals and birds. The lamas would befriend wild animals such as tigers, lions, bears and snakes and remain unharmed by them .Blessings be bestowed upon Maya Devi Tamang, mother of Tamang Tulku Rimpoche, Ram Bahadur Bomjon. She has been the means of making the people of Nepal and of the world fortunate to witness the birth of such an incarnation as only occurs once in thousands of years.

    This reminded me of JC. fta:

    When his mother became aware of the situation, she alerted the village, and everyone joined in the search for him. A local boy claimed to have seen him while he was shaking a mango tree. Guru had come up and picked up a mango, and stepped fully clothed into the river. “I thought you had disappeared,” the boy remarked to Guru.
    “Have I?” Guru replied. “You’d better go home, and be careful not to touch me.” The boy ran home to tell his story, but nobody believed him at first. Guru’s relatives went to the ravine. Guru smiled at them when they found him as was his habit. They told him to come home. “I’ll go home at four o’clock .” Guru said. His family decided it would be wise to keep an eye on him, and so some of his siblings stayed with him.

    Also fta:

    Then Guru, sitting in a meditative posture seemed to go into a trance. He began to ask himself questions and answer them out loud. The other villagers came and told Guru to stop being silly and come home. They feared he must be ill or crazy. When Guru’s older brother touched him, Guru’s body became exceedingly hot and turned red. “Please leave me alone, or one of us may die.” Guru said. “If anyone disturbs me or my things at midnight, I will have to meditate for 20 years, but if all goes well, I will meditate for 6 years.” Then Guru, followed by his brother, and at a distance by the villagers set out to find a good meditation place in the forest. His parents insisted he take some food and water with him.

    Another juicy tidbit - hmmmm? fta:


    Here it was that Guru became ill, and was unable to move his lower body. Distressed, his teachers sent him home to recover. During this time, Guru implored his family not to sacrifice any animals or take any alcohol otherwise further complications would arise. He got better, but was still limping when he disappeared from his home the night of May 16, 2005.

    I have also read, that once this serpent "uncoils" within someone, you have two options and two options only. One; accept it and live in bliss. Two; fight it and turn into a demon. Yes, I know it is just me talking...I'm not saying it as fact.

    Cameo - I havent read your Serephim link..yet. I will though soon. I'm sure I will have lots to say, as your idea presented is new to me, and I look at with doubt. Thats just off the top of my head though, and only cause I havent heard of it till now. Never say never though.

    Chalam - Are you able to have a conversation without quoting the bible left and right? I'm not saying this to be mean to ya either. If i am a salesman, it is much more efficient and credible for me to be able to present my "product", without having the manual open in front of me to refer to always. If the person I am talking to is unfamiliar with the product, as a good salesman, I should be able to promote my product in a way that does not get caught up in the details, leaving the customer frusterated and/or confused. Nothing beats experience, and when you lack it in a way that a customer can't relate to, it's much harder to make a "sale". One again, no offence, and I appreciate that you have your faith. "Sharing it" requires MORE than quoting from the bible though.Through my many years of being a Witness, it has given me experience in a way that I am indeed grateful for. I now know that to truly be a Christian, there is much more than just "surface conversation". While I don't classify you as such, and am not seeking an arguement with you, i feel it is very important to have more of an open mind. If not for yourself, for others...So that they too can be encouraged to take a confident step TOWARDS a Christian way of life, and what it presents. Perhaps the words of Paul are so very important, because he had the experience, having been a persecutor at one time. Please engage me on this.

    Cameo/ Abbagail - Hello Abbagail. I have not watched all 4 parts to the video yet. If I speak with ignorance here, please ignore me and direct me to watch the following 3. The one thing I did take note of in the first part of the clip you provided, is that people in the video ended up "worshipping their instructors." It's obvious that these instructors open up peoples minds in such a way that they were in awe. Cameo made the observation "people become 'detached observers paralyzed me religion' ". While I do agree with this statement, it seems to me that perhaps many people who experience "kundalini" or have their "eyes opened" by their spiritual guru's, could they not be one and the same, only in a differnt way? From the people in life that I have discussed this with, could they not be the "same' as "New Agers" in some regards? They have found "something that works", and as a result are paralyzed into dismissing or not looking at anything else as being credible? Christians too could fall into this. Could one be as ignorant as the other? Is it not better to be more "rounded out" and consider something before dismissing it? I want to make it cleear that I am not "labelling" anyone here, or lumping everyone together. Im talking individuals, not people as a whole. If these thoughts are hogwash as a result of me not watchig the rest of the video, please dismiss them.

    Thank you for the considerations.


    Edit: Also. Remember that guy who went a little "coo coo" a few months back? The guy in Canada that cut off his fellow passengers head on a greyhound bus? From what I remember here, this guy said "God" told him to do it. I beleive him too. Not that thats what God wanted, but, that is what he thought the "voice" was.( i know what your thinking right now Cameo!haha) I do recall he had gone through some "mental problems" in weeks previous. I sure would like to know what those problems were in more detail...I really wonder if many people go through something on a Kundelini scale that perhaps causes them to "snap". It's made me rethink why people commit suicide now even. I'm not saying THATS why...Im just thinking out loud here.

    Anyone recall the name "Lucas Helder?" Perhaps you may recall the "mailbox bomber" that went a little nuts in the States a number of years back? He went through a "spiritual transformation" of sorts, before he went on a 3000 mile car ride across multiple States. Along the way he put dangerous home made bombs in mailboxes. Looking at a map, it was apparent that he was trying to make a great big "happy face" - so that he could get people to pay attention to what he "learned". I wonder HOW he learned these things. In the end he wasn't found fit to stand trial. His story here, along with his 6 page manifesto , doesn't sound as though he was "insane", he just had some things he wanted to put out there. It would only be considered bizarre to someone not interested in the topic.It's an interesting story too, and up until then he was very normal. I would sure like to know how he came to his "understandings" too. Perhaps Kundalini gone bad? Perhaps not.I don't know. (Please don't go quoting now chalam, I know where your coming from buddy). Perhaps i should write him a letter and ask. Perhaps it's already somewhere on the nest already?


  • cameo-d

    Cameo made the observation "people become 'detached observers paralyzed by religion' ". While I do agree with this statement, it seems to me that perhaps many people who experience "kundalini" or have their "eyes opened" by their spiritual guru's, could they not be one and the same, only in a differnt way? From the people in life that I have discussed this with, could they not be the "same' as "New Agers" in some regards? They have found "something that works", and as a result are paralyzed into dismissing or not looking at anything else as being credible? Christians too could fall into this. Could one be as ignorant as the other?

    That's the point!

  • lurk3r

    Hear me out on this.

    The man who went nuts in the bus, his name is Vincent Li.

    i have scoured google for the past hour looking at various articles. Media does not give a shit about why these things happen. All they want is the story and the sensationalist headlines that they can sell papers with. One of the more detailed articles I found was this one. http://www.canada.com/Health/story.html?id=1356811

    FTA :

    In 2004, Li's life began to take a turn for the worse. Li told psychiatrists he began to hear voices. Ana( his wife ) noted that in the summer of 2004, Li would go several days without sleep or food. "He cried a lot and told me he saw God and I thought he was so tired so I bought him sleeping pills from Shoppers Drug Mart but that didn't work too well."

    Ana said Li admitted he was hearing voices. Li recalled that in those early days of his illness, the voices provided him with "direction and guidance."

    In September 2005, again without warning, Li set off for Toronto. "I thought it would be easy to find a job in Toronto," Li recalled. "I failed to find a job, then God's voice told me to go back to Winnipeg. I'm not sure if God's voice told me to walk back, so I started walking on the highway; I threw out my luggage after God told me to do that."

    Ana would receive a call from police in September 2005 indicating that Li had been picked up walking along Highway 427 north of Toronto, completely disoriented and appearing as if he had not eaten or slept in several days. He was taken to a psychiatric facility in Toronto.

    Li also revealed his greatest concern is that he disobeyed direct orders from God. It was God who told him to leave Edmonton and stop in Erickson to live "forever." But the same voice also warned him the man in the truck was going to kill him. Against God's advice, he left Erickson.

    "It's not my kill," Li recalled. "God kill him. God choose me to kill him. God angry at me because God asked me to stay in Erickson forever. God choose my hand to kill, I truly believe that."

    Later, Li claimed there were good gods and evil gods and it was the latter who commanded him to kill McLean, who was also a threat. It was kill or be killed, according to the God talking to Li, although he now acknowledged there were good and evil Gods in his head.

    "I don't think about God every day," Li told Rootenberg in one of their final sessions. "But sometimes I ask God why he picked me to do these things.

    "I'm an average person. I still trust God. God is 90-99 per cent good."

    People are people. I'm not going to defend the guy. I know what he did was WRONG. "The voices provided me with directions and guidance" is what gets to me. He is sick. Im not disputing that. This doesn't make things any less real though. Chalam: Points for you eh? Could you please take a minute out for me, and explain all the "Jesus" whackjobs out there? No disrespect to JC, or you either. I have seen many people, clearly not in a "right state of mind" as big Jesus fans. What happened to them? It's in the name of Jesus, for him, or even thinking THEY ARE him. Why? If this came from Satan, how could he do it with Jesus's name involved? Please engage me. Would the path and direction that Mr. Li took, would he have been better off to "fight" the voices?Did he go along with them? Would he have had these problems if he would " accepted Jesus" somewhere along the way? Did he not understand the "voices" properly, and go with what he thought they would want him to do? Was he "posessed"? If Jesus was here, would he have fixed this man? There are many questions that can be asked...tonnes. sure it's easier for us to see them as most in todays society do,BLACK AND WHITE. Seriously though, who is that helping? It certainly didn't do his victim any good. "God told me to do it." Has anyone here seen this movie? "Frailty" Where did they come up with this storyline? Bill Paxton runs around killing people, claiming that God is telling him to, and that his victims are demons. Its really sad cause he brings his 2 kids into it...I seen it a few years ago, it was kinda scary. REALLY good ending though which made it worthwhile. No I don't have a degree. No I am not "educated" per say. But it is interesting how some things tie in together here. Disclaimer: The poster here, lurk3r, does not want anyone all over his butt for disrespecting the mentally ill. I am familiar with mentaly ill people, being as i am a 3rd gen ex jw. I mean NO disrespect here...if you wish to "unleash" your wrath on me, please do via PM as i really would like to keep the direction of things discussed in this thread. lurk3r
  • Chalam

    Hi lurk3r,

    Sorry for the delay, Here goes.

    Chalam - Are you able to have a conversation without quoting the bible left and right? I'm not saying this to be mean to ya either. If i am a salesman, it is much more efficient and credible for me to be able to present my "product", without having the manual open in front of me to refer to always. If the person I am talking to is unfamiliar with the product, as a good salesman, I should be able to promote my product in a way that does not get caught up in the details, leaving the customer frusterated and/or confused. Nothing beats experience, and when you lack it in a way that a customer can't relate to, it's much harder to make a "sale". One again, no offence, and I appreciate that you have your faith. "Sharing it" requires MORE than quoting from the bible though.Through my many years of being a Witness, it has given me experience in a way that I am indeed grateful for. I now know that to truly be a Christian, there is much more than just "surface conversation". While I don't classify you as such, and am not seeking an arguement with you, i feel it is very important to have more of an open mind. If not for yourself, for others...So that they too can be encouraged to take a confident step TOWARDS a Christian way of life, and what it presents. Perhaps the words of Paul are so very important, because he had the experience, having been a persecutor at one time. Please engage me on this.

    OK, I think the last post of mine had no scripture and I will endeavor to continue with this one!

    Yes, the bible is the manual in one sense. However, it is living and active i.e. not just a handbook but living a breathing life. Open your heart to the instruction of the Holy Spirit and you have a winning formulae. I know this in practice, not in theory!

    The interesting thing with Paul is that he had a complete u-turn. He carried on read the same scripture, but just had a total revelation about Jesus and how all that scripture was regarding Him. I think the analogy is a good one for ex JWs who are still seeking to know God and find the actual truth.

    Chalam: Points for you eh? Could you please take a minute out for me, and explain all the "Jesus" whackjobs out there? No disrespect to JC, or you either. I have seen many people, clearly not in a "right state of mind" as big Jesus fans. What happened to them? It's in the name of Jesus, for him, or even thinking THEY ARE him. Why? If this came from Satan, how could he do it with Jesus's name involved? Please engage me.

    Jesus says that there are many who come in His name but they are wolves in sheep's clothing. Also, that not all that call Him Lord will enter His Kingdom come the day of judgement. No better way for the enemy to smear the name of Jesus than to get some wacko to use His name to do some terrible things.

    All the best,


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