so i made another meeting..#2....not as bad this time...

by oompa 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Snoozy

    Hummmmm......(Snoozy thinking up a dirty trick to play on Oompa..send text message and put "From Jehovah to Oompa" saying, " attention to the meeting!")..

    Hey Oompa, what is your address for text messages? (Snoozy still giggling)

    Snoozy..(Snicker snicker)

  • Kudra


    Text me from the meeting too!!! my # is on my FB page. :D


  • OnTheWayOut

    You are such a wild and crazy guy, sneaking stuff into your large Bible. Good luck with that.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    You got big Kahunas Oompa , I don't know if I should applaud you or shake my head in disgust.

    You do know that this organization is indirectly killing hundreds of people every year with their stupid no blood policy ?

    O well I guess if you cant beat them you might as well join them.

    I know your just going to appease the wife, don't chuck any spears back at me.

  • WTWizard

    Oh! Owe!

    It's only a matter of time before Brother Hounder is going to catch you. At which point, he will make you put the stuff away during the boasting session. Likewise, they will also make sure you have the "correct" materials (including a Not Well Translated Version of the Unholy Scriptures, not a trick Bible). Eventually, they will keep an eye on you to make sure you are not texting or watching porn during the boasting session. I bet there will be a Local Needs part on it if you keep going and doing that.

    After a while, you will be hounded to go back out in field circus--at which point, they will drive you to drink. I would quit going to the boasting sessions now, while you still can--they may in fact be setting you up to think it isn't that bad, only to clamp down eventually.

    Remember, each time you go to a boasting session, you are playing Press Your Luck. There is no prize to win there, and there are all too many whammies. Keep going, and it's only a matter of time before you land on a whammy.

  • LouBelle

    That's like going back to the vomit! I couldn't do it.

  • isaacaustin

    I could not do this.

  • rebel8

    oompa, I provided you with a nice long list of options. I was expecting you to weigh in. Here it is in case you didn't see it! I used several of these ideas back in the day.....(when I was much younger)....

  • out4good3

    I couldn't do it either. My wife is as staunch a JW as ever, but sitting in those meetings watching them bobble heads shake in the affirmative at everything coming from that stage makes me want to vomit.

  • sinis

    Actually, if you were smart, you would take a bible and towards the center cut out the exact shape and size of your phone. Then run the wire out the side, up your sleeve and to an ear bud. That way it looks like you are reading the bible. Brother nosey comes around flip a few chapters and cover the phone.

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