so i made another meeting..#2....not as bad this time...

by oompa 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Quirky1

    You'll make elder again before you know it. LOL

  • Hope4Others

    That really made me laugh...

    so what made you decide to go to the meeting?


  • flipper

    OOMPA- You are still under " cult mind control " - no matter what you say. Have fun playing both worlds just to have pretend friends whose friendships are conditional. Whatever turns you on. I know you need to save your marriage so if that's how you need to do it - might as well convince your wife you are doing it out of honesty

  • Chalam


    Oompa is caught between a rock and a hard place as millions of others are. That struck me in the videos I watched with the ex JWs earlier today. Step out of line and the Nazi secret police will get you. Say something which contravenes the teachings of Hitler and you are shot at dawn. Fear is a powerful tool for tyrannous organisations. How did Hilter lead so many astray? Deception, fear, pride, hate, oppression and such.

    In or out, the WT have you in one way or the other. Either live the lie or face the pain of leaving, neither is a great option and you decide which is the lesser of the two evils.

    I think there is true freedom for all but not all find it, that is apparent.

    All the best,


  • oompa

    damm this three paragraph post did not post.......and nooooooooo........flip....i am not still under fluckkin "cult mind control"......but damm this a sucky cliff note version that prob will not post either dammit!!!

    my other post took over thirty minutes to write dammit!!!.......gone forever....

  • Morbidzbaby

    I can understand why you're doing it. I've thought of it myself. My husband has my children...kicked me out with no hope of returning unless I go back to the bOrg, or at the very least, give up a lot of the things I enjoy (which are not detrimental to ANYONE, least of all my kids!). I don't want him, I don't want to be with him, and I want my freedom to choose what is right for me. I wasn't falling in line, so I got the shaft. I've thought about sucking it up and going back just so I could be with my kids again. I can't even have visitation because I'm so far away. I haven't seen them in months. But as painful as this is right now, I know that it will get better. I have to save MYSELF before I can save them. I cannot go back and pretend. I understand why you are doing it, Oompa...and you obviously are a stronger person in that respect. I couldn't withstand the pressure.

  • oompa

    Morbid...i have really good friends still in...and am pretty sure my wife and i have a better marriage than you did...(sorry)....i am not going back a bunch...maybe two a month and only for social reasons....that may not impress enough people....and i will vanish again........oompa

    oh and WELCOME morbid!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Oompa don't you feel that attending those meeting is tarnishing you own personal integrity,

    particularly now what you know about this organization ?

  • StAnn

    Oompa, just so you know, the FDS is NOT sincere. There's no way they can not know what they're doing.


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