Are You Surprised That You Ever Believed "In The Truth"?

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I waz ignant.

  • flipper

    I was a born in like lots of you here. I wasn't surprised I believed in the WT societies BS as I was given no choice BUT to believe it being forced to go to meetings in a witness family. I was under " cult mind control" like the rest of them. Given what I know now - I would not have joined a cult - but who of us knew it was a cult while inside ? That's the point- a person doesn't know. I usually won't say I was a JW to strangers unless discussions come up about religion - then I warn them that the JW's are a dangerous cult that I was taken in by. Usually how I talk about it- when I do

  • SouthCentral

    People still think that I am. I do not care, I live a christian life. Witnesses are like any other religion; man's attempt to draw close to god. Some worship cows others knock on doors.

  • wobble

    I was born in too,and what pisses me off about myself is that I did see a lot of the Bulls**t for what it was,but I believed that as God allowed His Name to be on the religion,he would sort them out!

    What a silly twisted boy I was!

    I also suspected those QFR's, if not made up then they were never picking any hard ones to answer,thats for sure.

    I was always embarassed to admit I was a Witless,I knew they were weird.



  • leavingwt

    No. I was ten years old and I adored my parents. I was also ignorant of historic Christianity.

    Would I have accepted it as an adult? I don't think so.


    Minimus..Born in`s don`t have a choice..Believe,or your parents will make you a believer..The hard way!!..Hit Over Head 2..

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I was raised in it, so can't really blame myself for what I was taught as a child. I like to hope I wouldn't have made that choice as an adult, but what I have learned about cults is that they can suck in anybody. Plenty of smart, effective and successful people have been pulled in for one reason or another. The best thing people can do to innoculate themselves, IMO, is to learn all they can about cults and how they work so as to be able to recognize them early on.

    That having been said, I do remember wondering, about the time I left, how I could have believed they taught "the truth." That's when I realized what a cult it was. The teachings just don't hold water and are easily shot down with a little dose of facts. Yet I accepted it hook, line and sinker for years.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I was also raised in it and I don't blame myself at all for what I was taught as a child. I had enough sense by the time I was 15 to escape and leave the JWs in the dust. It destroyed my family but I couldn't continue living a lie.

    I agree with Mrs. Fiorini that anyone can be sucked into a cult under the right circumstances. It does haunt me as to exactly why my parents got involved. My mother's family all joined at the same time. They had had a history of extreme dysfunction and poverty in their family and then over the course of a few years several very terrible things happened in their family. I can understand why they were easily sucked into the cult.

    But, my father, I just don't get it. He did start dating my mother about the time that her family was "studying" with a JW. Somehow he got sucked in too. Maybe he was so in love with my mother that he just coudn't help himself.

    But I don't know how he stuck with it as long as he did. And I don't know why he continued to raise his daughters in this horrible cult. I am positive that he spent at least the last 5 years of his life questioning the teachings of JWs in his mind. But he never totally left and he never admitted that he no longer believed and had made a mistake.

    So the answer to the original question for me is no but I am surprised that my father ever believed "in the truth".

  • leftbelow

    Not embarrassed but sometimes when I say outload (telling someone what the JW's believe) it just sounds silly to me now.

  • avishai

    Nope, I'm another born-in, and I had questions they could'nt answer from the time I was about, oh, 5. So, little cracks started appearing in the facade even then.

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