Now Some Witnesses Are Buying Backpacks To Get Ready For The Great Tribulation!

by minimus 92 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quirky1

    Stock up on 30 packs now!!

  • Dagney

    "I doubt a backpack of supplies will do much good in the Great Trib, "

    Exactly. **sigh**

    According to their propaganda, er, literature, the pictures show only divine intervention is going to save them from the horrendous mass destruction.

    You know I laugh at this, then get a pang of sadness at the thought of my elderly mother worried to death about my upcoming painful destruction. **heavy sigh**

  • minimus

    This just shows you how some JWs are really nuts!

  • steve2

    Good. Now I just hope they will fill those backpacks up with assorted survival goodies and take themselves off into the remotest part of the country.

  • blondie

    I bet some jw is making a bundle on this.

  • BurnTheShips
    Now Some Witnesses Are Buying Backpacks To Get Ready For The Great Tribulation!

    Getting a bug out bag in the current environment is probably a good idea.

  • Poztate

    Backpacks...Hah... That is small potatoes

    My Dad studied with a young couple back in the late 1950's

    One of the scriptures at one study talked about "fleeing to the mountains"

    I don't think even then it was meant to be taken literally.

    They went and bought an old converted school bus (fully equipped camper) so when things got tough they could escape.

    I am sure they have sold it by now.....

  • still_in74

    so much for trusting in Jehovah.
    after the WT printed that article about having an "emergency kit" I am sure many JW's got all excited that the "New World Order" was coming soon...

    man......... "New World Order" - sounds so cultish when say it a few times eh? - "New World Order" - "New World Order"

  • minimus
    minimus never know when the Great Tribulation will come.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I remember a few months back my sister in law, from what I thought at the moment, had an urgent need to buy supplies. My went along, bought some water and food for storage. I laughed until I learned it came from the podium. So every local JW was buying supplies.

    So I suppose the kool-aid patrol is up to their usual shenanigans and directing people to invest in back packs, how cute

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