Our JW Friend told by Elder "Satan is using a Pedophile to Break your Faith"

by flipper 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Sorry, flipper, I only read the first page of this thread so initially missed your follow-up posts.

    Outlaw said, I believe, that the police will only be interested if a crime has been committed. A convicted paedo patting his own 13 year-old daughter's behind is a crime - your friend was right to go to the police. Hopefully, she went to them again.

  • sparrowdown

    Why blame the elders or the GB when satan is such a handy boogey-man.

  • Vidiot

    Kaytee - "I found that they would use Satan for every excuse under the sun..."


    Jeez Louise; the degree he gets blamed for everything wrong in the Org, he must have completely infiltrated it top to bottom...

  • JWdaughter

    Report the pedophile with the record to police



    Report the entire thing to Bethel so that when this guy moves that a record of all this moves with him. Even if no one does what they are supposed to do, they have NO EXCUSE of ignorance.

    I didn't think any kind of sexual abusers could GET privileges.. .what's up with that?

  • JWdaughter

    Sorry, did not realize this was so old. I will shut up now!

  • Shanagirl

    Flipper, the bottom line is that your friend is realizing in her heart of hearts that this is not a religion that represents God. It has nothing to do with what the elder told her about Satan testing her faith thru the pedophile. It has to do with her awakening to the fact that her religious community is no longer a safe place to be with and her religious leaders are blind to the fact that this pedophile is a real threat to the safety of the children in her religious community, and they don't give a dam about it. This is so identical to a situation I experienced when I finally stopped pioneering, and left that horrible religion. I hope your friend does not subject herself to going there, and even pay a visit to the prosecutors office and report what she is seeing.


  • Vidiot

    JWdaughter - "I didn't think any kind of sexual abusers could GET privileges...what's up with that?"

    After the Dateline expose pack in '02, that was the WTS's official position.

    Then it quietly changed back over the following decade, to the point where a couple years ago, HQ officially decreed (in internal correspondence) that they will determine who is a "sexual predator".


    Which suggest something ominous...

    ...that the pool of "qualified brothers" who are not accused sex offenders is so small, they had to rescind the restriction just to get enough guys to do the jobs neccessary to keep the congregations functioning.

  • flipper

    I saw that this thread had been bumped up a couple months ago, and although it's an older thread from years ago I thought I would mention that this child molester WAS DFed in time due to abuse being committed again. AND reinstated as well within a year. Shows how the WT Society caters to pedophiles for sure. Thanks for the comments just wanted to respond to your thoughts as I have a little spare time here.

     BERRYGERRY- Yeah, the update is what I wrote above and our friend is doing well. She is still not attending meetings these last 5 years or so and has attained freedom of mind and is trying to move on with post-JW life. We keep in contact with her about once a month or so. We both have busy work schedules.

     LOVEUNIHATEXAMS- Our friend did everything she possibly could to protect this young girl- but in the end the elders did NOTHING to protect her, and she was molested. So like you say the WT Society does NOT care about the safety of minor children WT leaders just care about the financial liability coming from child abuse lawsuits.

     SPARROWDOWN- Exactly.  " Satan " has always been a good scapegoat when in actuality the WT leaders are to blame and they shift the blame to " Satan " .

     VIDIOT- Indeed it was a pretty arrogant statement by the WT leaders in the letter to elders and elders manual that THEY would determine WHO is a sexual predator - or not . And what qualifications do WT leaders have to make such a determination ? NONE whatsoever.  They should leave that determination to police authorities and experts and keep to printing their mind control crap.

     JW DAUGHTER- Indeed our friend did everything in her power to protect children from this pedophile. She DID tell people in her congregation on the side and yet still - the elders did NOTHING to protect this girl. One reason she got molested.

     SHANAGIRL- Exactly. Our friend DOEs realize that she wants nothing to do with this criminal organization anymore. And our friend DID do everything within her power to publicize the elders ignoring of the pedophile situation and still - nothing was done to correct the child abuse situation. So a person can only do so much. You do as much as you can- then leave it in the hands of the police authorities to do the right thing - if they can catch the pedophile before he re-offends. If not - then the child victim loses out and the WT Society is at fault as well as child protection services and police authorities. But our friend can sleep at night with a clean conscience KNOWING she did the right thing 


  • AlwaysBusy

    Tell her not to make the mistakes I did when my sons were molested by an elder.  I made a ton of mistakes.  I was bullied, and so were my sons.  I was such a 'good' Witness I believed the statement, 'you'll bring reproach upon Jehovah's name" if I said anything.  NO one can bring reproach against God's Name....He's God. My husband was very good friends with the pervert and didn't believe my sons when they told him what happened, but that is part of the baby-rapers' game, to gain the trust of everyone so that no one believes the victim/s. NOT going to the police brings reproach against the congregation. Hiding criminals so they are free to use and abuse more children/young people, or older ones is dangerous and stupid.  These freaks, pedophiles, are sick and evil and they will continue in their sick ways if not stopped. Don't let this weaken your belief in God, if you are happy in this belief.  I have PTSD from the years of abuse I have taken from the elders because of their hiding one of their own.  But I don't blame any of this on God....it is the fault of men, sick men who have no feelings for the innocent and abused.  IF I knew that a pedo was giving a talk, I'd walk out, but not before telling everyone what he was.

    Please tell your friend that she may send me a message if she would like to talk.

    Take Care





  • flipper

    Noticed this had been bumped up. thought I'd reply.

     ALWAYSBUSY-  Our friend realizes that evil men are in the congregations committing these crimes. It has affected her view of God or it's affected her view that the WT Society and Jehovah's Witnesses do NOT have the alleged " truth ". She's become agnostic and that's fine too. Nothing wrong with being agnostic. I'm very sorry that your sons suffered at the hands of one of your husbands friends. That's disgusting. And that the elders treated you and your sons so unjustly. It truly shows this organization has NO connection with God whatsoever. I hope you and your sons heal my friend. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper  P.S. I'll pass the message on to my friend that she can talk with you anytime. Thanks.  

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