Our JW Friend told by Elder "Satan is using a Pedophile to Break your Faith"

by flipper 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    I was given permission by a JW friend of my wife and me to post this experience. She's anonymous and posts on the board. We shall keep it that way. She is married to a witness still but is fighting on behalf of children in her congregation to not be a next victim of a pedophile who attends her congregation. This pedophile was convicted before becoming a witness and served 10 to 15 years in prison for sexual molestation of 2 young children. The pedophile has been touching young children right in the kingdom hall , called grooming , even patting his own daughter 13 yrs.old on the butt before sitting down at the meeting. Our friend has brought this to elders attention and she is being counseled that she is "causing division".

    She recently mentioned to an elder that because the pedophile was recently given the " privilege " to give talks that she felt uncomfortable sitting there listening to him speak - because she knows about him and what he is up to. The elder who is friends with the pedophile said , " Sister you need to forgive his past and sit and listen to this brother give talks ! " So our friend talked to another elder about it , and initially it looked like he empathized .

    The P.O. said to our friend, " You don't have to sit there and listen to the pedophile give talks if you feel uncomfortable about it ! " Our friend mentioned this pedophile touches his own daughters butt , and other young ones in the congregation then the P.O. said, " That's unnacceptable and not right ! My wife and I have teenage daughters and we always knock before going into their rooms . And we never touch them on their butts or walk around naked in our home. ! "

    Up until this point the P.O. had an authentic, real concern with a non-cult personality , but then something happened. Our friend told the P.O. " I just don't know if I even believe in God anymore seeing this pedophile give talks. " Then the P.O. elder's cult personality kicked into high gear ! He said, " Sister - Satan is using the pedophile to shake your faith in Jehovah . Don't let it cause you not to believe in God. It's still jehovah's organization. "

    So our friend was really shocked that this P.O. elder was shifting the blame from the pedophile to " Satan " trying to draw her away from Jehovah by using the pedophile to shake her faith. My wife and I told her that it was an easy, convenient way for the elder to not deal with the real culprit, the pedophile , and shift the blame to some inanimate figure like Satan ! It is such a copout on the elders part to ignore the real devil in this - the pedophile !

    So I wanted to post this thread to show how easily ANY JW switches from being a real or authentic, supportive person to a mind controlled non-supportive person making fake excuses in support of the WT society views ! And all it took was one catch phrase " not believing in God " to set the P.O. elder into cult protection overdrive ! Amazing .

    I'm sure our friend will read this so any thoughts, observations, or views from all you good people here would be appreciated ! Thanks so much, and Peace out to you all. Mr. Flipper


    .....The WBT$ and Jehovah`s Witness Elders are keeping a pedophile safe in the congregation.....Blameing that on Satan,tells us who the WBT$ and Jehovah`s Witness Elders work for..LOL!!...................OUTLAW

  • BabaYaga

    I am chilled to the bone and I wish I didn't believe this... but I know how their reasoning and arguments work. I have heard things like this myself. It is unspeakable.

    Get out of her, my people.

  • megaflower

    I'am speechless. The elders need a can of whoop A$$ opened up on them. She needs to stop attendeing, get as far away from them as possible.

  • undercover
    So our friend was really shocked that this P.O. elder was shifting the blame from the pedophile to " Satan " trying to draw her away from Jehovah by using the pedophile to shake her faith.

    Your friend shouldn't be so shocked. This is cult-think at its finest.

    It doesn't matter what the issue is, if you question too much or make statements of dissention, all blame or responsibility will be shifted to either Satan or on the dissenter themselves. This is to make her feel guilty that she would question the Organization. In the eye of the cult member, it's not the pedophile's fault, it's her (or Satan through her) that has the problem and she needs to get right with the program.

    It's good that she knows this person's history so she can help keep kids safe. If she's enduring the meetings in order to do this, it may be time to crank up the offensive a bit and make sure that this pedophile's criminal past be made know throughout the congregation...one person at a time.

    Good luck, Flipper's friend...

  • still_in74

    when all JW logic fails and falls flat on its face (as it ALWAYS does) the #1 reply of JW's is the infamous - "IT'S SATAN!!!"

    The beauty of this "logic" is that it cant be proven or disproven. If a JW (or anyone) denies that it is indeed Satan doing whatever it is they need to blame on him, then by default that JW has weak faith. Anything else they say no longer has any merit as they are weak and dont even know that Satan has blinded them.

    Its very sad to see intelligent people succumb to this side-step. The WTS has done a good job copying Catholicism with this control tactic.

  • Kudra

    Well, if there is this guy in their congregation, touching his daughter on the butt and patting other kids--- then it is HER RESONSIBILITY to call the POLICE. It doesn't matter if it happens in a KH or out on the street. If you know of a pedophile who is behaving inappropriately, you call the police.

    Why in the world hasn't she done that?

  • Robert7

    How about Jehovah using the LACK of pedophiles to STRENGTHEN your faith in the organization?

  • BabaYaga
    Kudra said: If you know of a pedophile who is behaving inappropriately, you call the police.

    Yes, Kudra, I was thinking the same thing. The thing we should be the most concerned about is his daughter.

  • bronzefist

    Just when I thought I heard it all...along comes this account.

    The elder who is friends with the pedophile said , " Sister you need to forgive his past and sit and listen to this brother give talks ! "

    I've seen how so-called friendships can give way to stupid blindness when it comes to these types of situations.

    When a similar "ex-evil brother" was allowed to give the opening prayer at a meeting I immediately left the main hall and stood in the back saying my own prayer.


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