What is the general "mood" these days of Dubs at meetings and assemblies?

by Alpaca 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    They will simply relax the "qualifications" when that time comes. Articles will come out on how everyone's imperfect.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Here is the breakdown in our congregation:

    Males 60+: 12 total, 4 elders, 1 MS (% that are "servants" - 42%)

    Males 50 - 59: 4 total, 1 elders, 0 MS (% that are "servants" - 25%)

    Males 40-49: 5 total, 0 elders,1 MS (% that are "servants"- 20%)

    Males 30-39: 3 total, 0 elder, 1 MS (% that are "servants" - 33%)

    Males 18-29: 8 total, 1 elder,2 MS (% that are "servants" - 38%)

    I notice that here, the percentages drop off immediately. We have 2 former elders and 3 former MS. We also have quite a few females that are either divorced or married to "unbelievers". I think the number of publishers is around 120 or so. The 18-29 group will probably drop in totals as most of them are at the low end of the group. That group typically has the most df'ing.

    As the older ones pass away (most of the elders are elderly), there will be no one to step into their shoes.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I'd also describe the general mood as auto-pilot. Most folks try to put on the fake smile but lately they haven't even bothered doing that. Also, about 5 minutes before the meeting starts, most are in their seats already. At least 30% come in after it starts and there is a stampede out the front door as soon as the prayer is done.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    The elders and servants in our congregation are as follows:

    Aged 65+ : 3 elders, 2 ministerial servants.

    Aged 50-65 : 1 elder, 3 ministerial servants.

    Aged 40-50: 1 elder, 2 ministerial servants.

    Under 40 : 1 ministerial servant!!!!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think a tipping point will be reached but the way I see it that won't come for another twenty years. The big problem I foresee is a complete lack of younger men interested in taking the reins from the 60+ age group of elders. If the congregations lack leadership, it's only a matter of time before things start to really fall apart.

    You nailed it. I've seen the decline over the years while I was still in. The year I left the brothers were mentioning that they had maybe 1 candidate for MS and that was it. A number of elders had moved away or stepped down at the time and the ranks of the elders were getting really thin

  • wobble

    I think that there is a problem,with being able to appoint enough guys willing to take on the work,but I was in the Borg for so long I have seen this many times before,and still the monster lives!

    It never ceased to amaze me that the unlikeliest guys took "The Queens Shilling"or "Grasped the nettle" and actually didn't do a half bad job.Now I know the calibre is going down fast,but with the moderrn format of "Meetings for numb-nuts" all scripted ,and no real need to fire- up any brain cells, it dosn't really matter.

    I think though there is an undercurrent of depression as people realise that there is a smell in the air,and the smell is BULL**IT!

    I give it five years before the credit crunch and the internet combined bring about major panic at the Tower. then what????



  • OnTheWayOut

    Do you think at some point there will be critical mass of doubts (and doubters) that will just start spilling out when Dubs realize that others around them feel the same way?

    I was an elder long enough that people were not expressing any doubts to me.
    I did see more and more brothers not interested in really becoming "titled."
    But I didn't think that doubt was really rampant among the attenders, more a
    general feeling of "WHATEVER." Not doubting, but just not really thinking about it.

    Still, it must have been there. I had it. There's been so much confusing doctrine out
    since the 1995 Generation change and blood fractions.

    Even if their literal eyes are open, here's what is going on mentally for most:

  • garybuss
  • civicsi00

    Gary, I used to have video footage of family members falling asleep at the conventions. It was hilarious!

    The general "mood" at the meetings, at least in the spanish congregations, is that of keeping the "right" behavior so one won't get D/F. Of course, there are still occasional slips (such as a wife sleeping with a "brother" who is not her husband), but for the most part everyone is brain dead. Doctrine seems to be the last thing on most JW's these days. Gone are the days when the WT would release a new date or at least a hint that the end might be near.

    It seems that they are very content being in the "one true religion" (HA!) even though they may not understand what 1914 or 1919 really mean.

    The WT is doing very well in concealing most of their true doctrines (Jesus not the mediator for all, old prophecies, etc.), and I believe this accounts for the growth that they're still experiencing.

  • Alpaca

    Those "nod out" pix are great!!!

    I had forgotten about that until I saw garybuss's post.

    In South Florida, every year without fail (1970s and 80s), the local news shows would air similar napping sessions when they were reporting on the conventions.

    The outside assemblies at the Hialeah Dog Track or Gulfstream Racetrack were brutal---temps in the high 90s and the sessions lasted forever. You would be literally soaked with sweat the whole day. There were always at least one or two paramedic calls.

    On a more serious note, I think the observations are "point on" about effect of 2014 and the lack of males willing to shoulder the burden of responsibilties. Also, without some central theme or purpose (e.g., imminent GT, backed up with some scriptural hocus pocus pseudoscholarship) to solidify the movement it is hard to keep the R&F enthusiastic.

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