What is the general "mood" these days of Dubs at meetings and assemblies?

by Alpaca 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gordy

    I've been out for 7 years now. But on what I have picked up from non-JW family who still have contact with JW family. There seems to be an air of resignation. That over the last few years with changes in some major teachings its become a case of "plodding on" till the end for many.

    Also that many are just going trough the motions of being a JW. Older ones are getting tired of for years being told "the end" is near. Young ones are just pleasing their parents by being there, and would have stopped going ages ago if had the chance.

    Someone above mentioned about 2014. Time has become one of their biggest enemies. 2014 will be a hundred years since Christ supposedly took up "Kingdom rule" invisibly, 2019 will be a hundred years since Christ was supposed to have chosen the Watchtower as "Gods organisation" on earth.

    The problem for the Watchtower is that they did not expect to be here this long. They can only sustain saying "the end is near" for so long, before people start to think differently or for themselves. Then the exodus out will start.

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