Has Leolaia moved to Oxford, England ?

by aligot ripounsous 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Hopefully she will become a scholar whose work I will get to read in the literature in the coming years.

    So far the best thing we are sure of is that she will crush any contender standing in her way at Trivial Pursuit. Let's see now how articulate her thinking is which, honestly, we have no real reason to doubt about. Nice girl.

  • Leolaia

    I am still mulling over the idea of a blog -- not now, but maybe later this year. Might be a good outlet for my writing. Especially if this board continues to focus more and more on politics and other non-religious stuff.

  • Leolaia

    aligot....The thing about Trivial Pursuit though is that you gotta know a good deal of sports, or you've got a hand tied behind your back. If the question isn't about tennis, I am sure to lose in that category each time unless luck prevails.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    How about a photo of Leolaia on this thread so we can compare the claimed physical resemblance?

  • Leolaia

    Um, sure, but I don't think it's really that close overall, definitely not doppelganger ... maybe a similar style (longer hair, glasses, studious/demure look). I suppose it is in the eye of the beholder. In my case, I still see myself as how I looked in my early twenties when I was thinner and (hopefully) better looking, but I don't have those old photos handy. She also reminds me a lot of a roommate I once had in the university, she talks and sounds so much like her.

  • Leolaia

    Maybe I could find a better one later.

  • Leolaia
  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    maybe later this year. Might be a good outlet for my writing. Especially if this board continues to focus more and more on politics and other non-religious stuff.

    By all means, Leolaia, stay on JWD, That won't keep you from setting up your own blog, you add meat on the bone of a site which has already lost too many sustancial posters.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Very nice photos Leolaia. You and Ms Trimble could definitely be mistaken for sisters. Same hairstyles and similar facial features. Both have that wholesome, attractive, librarian look (that many bad boys find irresistible lol).

  • slimboyfat

    Not such good news. It's a bit of fuss over nothing if you ask me.


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