Has Leolaia moved to Oxford, England ?

by aligot ripounsous 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • ninja

    leo couldn't even win the wee quiz we have on here that snowb et al play....never mind university challenge...........he he....just joking.....ninja....universally challenged

  • slimboyfat

    Sorry I can't help out with torrents or anything. It's a shame you Amercian folks don't get the iPlayer.

    Did anyone hear this story has taken a rather alarming turn?


  • Leolaia

    I really like Gail Trimble from what I have seen from the two online interviews. She is poised, confident, honest, and likeable, not smug in the least. I can't see how anyone not mean-spirited could criticize her. Hopefully she will become a scholar whose work I will get to read in the literature in the coming years.

  • wobble

    Dear Leolaia,

    I often wonder where you got your great learning,and what your contact with Dubs was,did you once inhabit the world of Dubland in ignorance as most of us did?

    I agree with your opinion of Gail Trimble,but having seen the whole series,she did give the impression in early rounds that she was rather self-satisfied and over-confident,but I am sure those are false impressions,good luck to her in the future!



  • slimboyfat
    I can't see how anyone not mean-spirited could criticize her.

    In the UK there is a tradition of knocking successful people I am afraid.

  • Leolaia

    wobble....I credit the JWs a little for getting some of my interests going -- especially for producing the Aid book which I devoured and couldn't get enough of. At least there were intellectually-stimulating things like that which helped me along (the 1984 Edition of the NWT was another one, especially with the critical apparatus), so it wasn't completely an intellectual wasteland for me. In fact, I seriously doubt I would've ever gotten interested in biblical subjects if it hadn't been for the JWs. But by the time I got to be 17, I think my mind matured enough to think more critically, and it was going to college that exposed me to worlds of new information and approaches. Anyone can have similar learning if they have an intellectual curiosity as intense and have access and time to read and learn as much about things. I am sure we all have some fantastic thinkers here in their own areas of expertise.

  • watson

    Leo, I like your style!

  • watson

    Comp is running slow.

  • watson


  • kurtbethel
    Hopefully she will become a scholar whose work I will get to read in the literature in the coming years.

    And hopefully you publish something or write a blog and some of us will get to see more of what you have to say, Leolaia.

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