Questions for FormerMormon

by rebel8 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover
    My wife & I regularly watch Big Love. I slip in comparisons to JWs all the time (not the polygamy but the other stuff).

    Yea, some of the parallels are scary...I'm amazed that the couple of JWs that I know that watch can't see themselves.

    The first season or so, I was pulling for Bill. Even though he still believed in the Principle, he knew that Roman Grant was a false prophet and he was going to try to serve his heavenly father as he saw best.

    But as this season has progressed, he's really not a lot better than Roman or Albie. He's tampered with federal witnesses, he's lied to cover up his involvement and he sought to form a partnership with Albie in order to do Roman in. The whole lot of 'em are crooked and deceitful. The Russian chick needs to run, run far away. And the daughter needs to take her baby and run, run far away.

    I have a feeling when the series ends, Bill will suffer the same fate as the leadership at the compound.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    You wonder if that show is going to end up with everyone back at the compound and in a showdown with the Feds, Waco style.

    I'm not exactly sure why they even introduced the Russian chick, but it sounds like she's leaving the "family" anyway. I really thought the daughter's plan to go to school out of state was a good one. Its kind of interesting to see how Bill's kids from Barb (especially his daughter) are repulsed by the whole thing.

    Too bad HBO can't come up with a JW show. I guess it would be just way too boring!!

  • rebel8

    Wow. Holy cow. My head is on the verge of explosion. Wow to FormerMormon's post and wow to aniron's post.

    I am also a big fan of Big Love, in a rubber-necking-at-accident-scenes sort of way. I am always left wound up, fascinated, and sickened. The "sickened" feeling is beginning to grow with new developments in the story.

    FM, what does "attrition" mean in the context of accumulating wives?

    I can't imagine how it feels for a divorcee to believe he or she is going to spend eternity with an abusive ex.

    And yet I'm surprised they let women trade up. Probably had nothing to do with respect for women--must have served a purpose for the church, pressuring men to be more churchy or something.

    Holy cow. But thanks for answering all these questions. Quite fascinating. I hope it's not upsetting for you to discuss.

    Ex-Mormons must have lots of material for jokes, such as, I wonder if it's easier to give birth to spirit babies?

  • FormerMormon



    Yes, many women are pissed that they are sealed to an ex husband and married to another one. A man does npt have to get his ex's permission to get sealed to another woman. A woman DOES need to get her sealing cancelled before she can be sealed to another. It's interesting that in the weeding ceremony, the woman GIVES herself to the man and the man then accepts her. It CLEARLY insinuates who belongs to whom.

    Brigham did teach that women could trade up. I know it was practiced when he took Zina from Henry. Beyond that, I don't think this particular jewel of mormon history was taught or practiced much beyond this.

    No, it's not upsetting to discuss. It's healing. Kinda like the healing my wife and I get from watching Big Love. It's also healing to have outsiders like EX JW folks say how strange LDS doctrine is. For years, I was under the impression that most people loved and respected Mormons (they just can't live up to our standards). When I left, I realized everyone else recognizes LDS doctrine for the FREAK show that it is.

    Did any of you EXJWers feel the same way? You may have thought people respected you, then you find out on the outside that everyone thinks your church is a freak show?

  • rebel8

    It was painfully obvious to me that everyone thought we were nuts. It wasn't to you--maybe you practiced your kookiness in a more private way than we did. We were reminded every a.m. when we had to sit down during the Pledge of Allegiance. And all of us had to go doorknocking monthly, not just adult males. This tended to make us pretty unpopular in school.

    Wow, I think I'd need tranquilizers to watch a jw version of Big Love.

    Is there really magic underwear? And what's with the Little House on the Prarie fashion and bouffant-braid combo?

    Mormons built a church nearby recently. Should I be expecting door knockers soon? Is there anything in particular I should say to them? Why are they always on bikes?

    Was it mean of me to fill out the online visit request form with jws home address when the dubs pissed me off?

    As you can tell, I have a million questions. Feel free to ignore me. ;) I've been fascinated with this topic ever since I was 6, you know, the unrequited Donny Osmond crush.

  • FormerMormon

    Yes there really is magic underwear (bottoms and tops). If it doesn't work, if it doesn't save your ass from fire, or bullets or whatever, well you just didn't have enough faith. You weren't worthy enough. Maybe you masterbated too much as a teen(or later). Maybe it wasn't god's will.

    The throat slitting, intestine spilling oaths inside the temple are true too. They eliminated these violent oaths in 1990. I was endowed in 1985. It freaked me out, but I was told by everyone else what a profoundly spiritual experience it was. I wondered- maybe I didn't have enough faith. Maybe that's why all the violent oaths were so disturbing to me.

    The temple is too "sacred" to talk about. So in a generation, mormons will deny that such a thing was ever done in their holy temples. It is inconceivable. My wife was endowed after the changes in 1996. She didn't want to believe it. She's freaked out by it now.

    If they come around AND you feel comfortable doing so, invite them in. There is all kinds of fun to be had:

    #1 The internet has been harsh for JW's and Mormons. Ask them if they have ever heard what Joseph Smith said about the copper Kinderhook plates from Illinois. Ask them about the rediscovered Abraham papyrus controversy. Ask them about Zina Jacobs and her HUSBANDS. Ask if they are able to use the internet for research (they can briefly for email). People/investigators are a click away from shocking Mormon history. If they cant use the internet and haven't been told about these issues, how are they supposed to help investigators if they don't even know the issues?

    #2 The BOM(Book of Mormon) is supposed to be a 1000 year history of god's dealings with ancient american hebrews. Christ came to these people. They had more truths, more gospel than we do. Jeebus gave the Nephites higher knowledge that was written up and sealed within Josephs mystical magic gold plates. (mention the 2/3rds of the golden plates that were sealed and are to be translated and revealed when we as a people are more worthy.)

    Anyway, if the Nephites and Lamanites (competing hebrew factions) had so much gospel knowledge, please show me where the bom talks about the word of wisdom (coffee, tobacco, alcohol). Where does it mention our existence as spirits in the pre earth life? Where does it mention eternal marriage or baptisms for the dead or temple work.

    The bom doesn't mention any of that because these MAJOR LDS themes hadn't been created in Joseph's Myths head yet. At best, they can point out a "scripture" that references god's plan existing before the foundations of this world.

    So much for the bom having the "fullness of the gospel" if it doesn't even mention these MAJOR LDS themes. If they say that it DOES have the fullness of the gospel, then just say "then we really don't need the word of wisdom, or baptism for the dead, or temple marriage or pre earth life knowledge, or knowledge of the three degrees of heaven in order to be good with god, Right???

    Here's some other fun:

    #3 Pretend you are just so very interested in geneology like the mormons. Have a great great grandparents name and birthdate in mind (and hopefully region or state of birth) Have them take you to the church geneology website to "look up my family". ( Ooh and aah at it if they find some of your geneology on line. Then key in another name:

    Joseph Smith

    Born 1805 in Vermont

    Look for a son of a bitch born dec 23

    Click on the son of a bitch and scroll through all the names of his wives.

    "Oh my, was he married to all these ladies?", you ask.

    Click on Helen Mar Kimball

    "Oh my, she was only 14???"

    Click on Zina Huntington

    "Oh my, she was already married to Henry. Can women concurrently marry two men in your church?"

    Click on

    Mary Rollins or

    Sylvia Sessions or

    Prescendia Huntington

    (they were ALL already and concurrently married).

    The vast majority of his wives died as faithful members of the church. Many spoke openly of the sexual nature of their concurrent marriage to their first husband and Joseph. Some wondered who the father of their child was. Others like Sylvia Sessions knew from the start that her daughter JOSEPHINA was joes kid and not from her husband Windsor.

    Zina's is a really freaky story. Henry marries her first, then Joe. Joe gets his ass shot. Brigham Marries zina when the Nauvoo temple was completed with HENRY watching the whole ceremony. Many speculate Henry thought the marriage would be as things were before. Joe was willing to share other mens wives. Brigham Young wasn't willing to share. Brigham preplanned, pre meditated and pre married Zina. He then sent Henry on a foreign mission and took Zina while he was gone. Henry didn't find out till he came back from England. He yearned for Zina all his days. And Zina, she got a rare rotation amongst Brighams 50+ wives.

    Zina and her Sister Prescendia were the only "already marrieds" who were required to leave their first husbands and marry "apostles" after joe died.

    I could go on...

    Feel free to discuss here or PM me. You can also email me at [email protected].


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Did any of you EXJWers feel the same way? You may have thought people respected you, then you find out on the outside that everyone thinks your church is a freak show?

    Exactly - As rebel8 says, nothing like knocking on the doors of kids you went to school with and feeling like you want to curl in a hole. Oh, and not (insert normal childhood activity such as playing sports, joing clubs, birthday parties, holiday parties, etc)Ah, memories....

  • poppers
    The throat slitting, intestine spilling oaths inside the temple are true too.

    HUH?! Please elaborate.

  • FormerMormon

    I wish they didn't add the cartoon blood. Otherwise this demo is accurate. The producer of this film, Ed Decker, does go way over ther top and does misrepresent Mormonism on other topics, but this particular demo is accurate. Ed Decker only has a standing with his Evangelical friends he pimps for. I don't know of anyone in the postmo world who respects him. It was the only clip I could find at the moment.

    There was a similar demonstrated penalty involving splitting your belly open. Understand that the Temple ceremony is long and boring.

    Remember, these blood oaths were taken out- removed from the temple ceremony in 1990. They were done to impress upon our minds the seriousness of the oaths we were making in the temple and the absolute necessity for keeping what happens in the temple, in the temple.

  • poppers

    Thanks FM. So it's only a symbolic gesture that is used?

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