Ann Coulter

by megaflower 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • watson
    A repugnent, bile filled, despicable hag with all the charm of a two week dead camel. She hates freedom and democracy, no wonder the right wing nut jobs love her so much. -- Caedes

    Amen, Caedes. Well said. My sentiments in a nutshell. Ann Coulter is a rancid mountain of feces whose stench is only surpassed by the foul smell of the hot air that is emitted by Rush Limbaugh's morbidly-obese, drug-addicted butthole of a mouth.

    LOL...this is classic stuff.

  • BizzyBee
    Yes, she does believe in the left wing conspiracy, as do I. She and John Hannity are execellent and very insightful.

    Can't argue with that informed logic and intellect. Just can't.

    I think Caedes and 144001 are starting to close in on the definitive analysis of Ann Coulter.

    BTW, has anyone seen Ms. Coulter's opinion of Palin? I've looked and looked, but Coulter seemed to have been MIA during the campaign and silent on Palin. Wonder why she didn't unleash her big mouth in Palin's defense.......?

  • watson

    Sarah is hotter, and Ann knows it. Not only is she a "mountain of feces," but she's jealous too.

  • beksbks


  • megaflower

    Ann has talked and written about Palin many times. The mass media has a "bone to pick" with the consertive Palin. "The media hysterically denounced Palin as inexperienced even though she had more exective experience than B. Hussan Obama-the guy at the top of the Democrats ticket.""The moment John McCain introduced Palin as his running mate,liberals switched from being the primary advocates for stamping out sexism in politics to being the primary perpetrators of sexism toward women in politics". "She was chosen because she was pro-life, pro-gun,pro-drilling, and pro-tax cuts". " Also, she did not have clownish hairplugsand a tendency to make offensive statments on camera". For the most part Ann speaks very favorable of Palin.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I really think liberals need to have a talk with Thumper's mom.

  • loosie

    I don't agree with her on anything. I think she should stop flapping her gums.

  • BizzyBee

    Ahh, yes, Ann Coulter. The woman who said of the 911 widows: “I’ve never seen people enjoying their husbands’ deaths so much.”

    “We have been slandered. Contrary to Ms. Coulter’s statements, there was no joy in watching men that we loved burn alive. There was no happiness in telling our children that their fathers were never coming home again. We adored these men and miss them every day,” the women said.



    She's a nasty piece of work - kind of a female Limbaugh only not as pretty.

  • BurnTheShips

    She makes her money in stirring the pot. Best to ignore her.

  • Dagney

    She and Limbaugh and their ilk are paid to say the things they say and the way they say it. They are media personalities. They found their niche, and as long as their forums are making money off them, no matter what the truth is, they will always have a home.

    She's awful.

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