Ann Coulter

by megaflower 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    jeeprube...too funny on your got a rubicon?...i have my second incredible REAL jeep as in amc...both 1980 cj-7 white and original!!!.........this one with only 100,007 miles on it and a lady one owner!! who never off roaded.....

    anywho...she does seem very smart and kinda funny to me...and i am pretty sure rush has both a member and a vigina...just a rumor.........oompa

  • beksbks

    Geez Doe, she nasty, no lie. Look at that pic up there!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    You always have the sensible posts Leo.

    She is an entertainer. Her shtick is politics, unlike most entertainers, but she gets paid big bucks to talk provocatively about politics. I take her about as seriously as I take Stephen Colbert's persona. Whether or not she really believes what she spouts is kind of irrelevant to the success of her act. People buy her books, they like what they are getting
  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Geez Doe, she nasty, no lie. Look at that pic up there!

    Practicing your ebonics?

  • beksbks

    Just tellin' it baby

  • purplesofa

    I take her about as seriously as I take Stephen Colbert's persona.

    Cobert is likable!!!

  • beksbks

    Actually, I read some of her book, before I was too ill to continue. I also read a book from one of her peers. She believes what she spouts. Privileged woman.

  • watson

    She believes in the Great Left Wing Conspiracy.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    She believes what she spouts.

    I thought you said she was a liar.

  • purplesofa

    She believes her lies.

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