1914 coverup has begun

by hamsterbait 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • musky

    Sorry , I don't mean to say that Hamsterbait said that, but was quoting the elderly sister. oops

  • besty

    great post mostlydead - more like that please....

  • shamus100


    Great post! If you lack faith, it's your fault. If you don't believe, it's your fault. If the watchtower is a false prophet, it's your fault. They're trapped by guilt, and trapped because there is nothing else to go to.

    It's tough admitting that everything that you believe in is complete bullshit. It's even tougher to be a man and actually believe.

  • jwfacts

    There is a good article on cognitive dissonance by Randy that helps explain why people hold on to beliefs that are obviously wrong.

    There is also a great quote from Carl Sagan at http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/1914dates.htm (scroll down to the yellow box). He uses the JWs 1914 teaching as an example of how weak minded humans can be, saying; "The fact that religions can be so shamelessly dishonest, so contemptuous of the intelligence of their adherents, and still flourish does not speak very well for the tough-mindedness of the believers."

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    A very good book discussing this subject is "When Prophecy Fails: A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world" by Leon Festinger and others. It is a study of an actual group (not JWs) that predicted the end of the world on a certain day and when it didn't come, were more committed than ever. I read it when I first left the WT years ago and was amazed by it.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    My father caused my final 'outing' by trying to scare me with his '....1914 generation is nearly all dead now....' seven years after the WT had thrown it out.

    Going by recent conversations I think my father would still believe it and.....

    ..... my mother would deny they ever taught it and ....

    .... my Apostate Anglican, now JW, wife would say I am just looking for faults so that I can carry on my 'decadent' lifestyle.





    Fear, of thinking they are going against Jehovah.

    Fear, of going against the FDclass.

    Fear of so called glorious ones

    They may have many faults.............................but being wrong is not one of them.

    If people were to look at the scriptures for what they are, they would see that the Org. fails to live up to it's statement that it is directed by "Holy Spirit"


    Are we always going to be foolishly taken in by MAN ?


  • passwordprotected

    I'd say that not everybody in the Org isn't listening or thinking. Locally 6 JWs within an 8 mile radius have DAd/DFd due to not believing the WTS's claims/dates. A small number in the scheme of things, but it shows that there are people thinking then leaving.

    That being said, it is hugely frustrating to see a JW's cognitive dissonance kicking in and making up reasons to stay with a group of men who can quantifiably be shown to be liars.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Great info people! I dropped a few of these great factoids posted and the wife was clearly intrigued. I could tell she saw the light of truth. Baby steps

  • reniaa

    AD 992 A rumour that the end would come when the feast of the Annunciation coincided with Good Friday. This happened in 992, when Easter fell on March 22, and eager calculators established that the world would end before three years had passed. --Apoc pg 50-51 AD 1000 Christian authority all over the known world predicted the second coming in the year 1000.

    AD 1033 When the world did not end in 1000, the same Christian authorities claimed they had forgotten to add in the length of Jesus' life and revised the prediction to 1033. The writings of the Burgundian monk Radulfus Glaber described a rash of mass hysterias during the period from 1000-1033.

    AD 1033 The roads to Jerusalem fill up with an unprecedented number of pilgrims. Asked why this is happening, the 'more truthful of that time...cautiously responded that it presaged nothing else but the coming of the Lost One, the Antichrist, who, according to divine authority, stands ready to come at the end of the age." --

    oops no we are not talking mainstream christianity and it's wrong dates but Jw's, sorry guys I forgot we are only allowed to look at Jws and forget most christianity has commited same mistakes but we've forgotten, forgiven or just don't want to point the same scarpel we use on JWs at our own christian faiths unless the imperfection of men is actually a valid point.

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