It's unanimous-women are confusing

by keyser soze 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    Reminds me of a line from a song that goes "Women are wicked when you're unwanted..."

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Here's the deal: there is no set formula to understanding women. Get that? No set formula. Why? Because women are individuals. Most times when women seem uninterested, it's because you haven't captured their interest. And maybe you're never going to. She does have a life and it does not revolve around you. You might have to let her know, through time, that you are worth her attention.
    As long as a guy looks for one set formula that will work with any and every woman, he's going to flub things most of the time. I sure don't want to be judged by the last few women you pursued. Communicate with me through thoughtfulness, words, actions and deeds. Don't try to play games with me. I don't want to play games. My life is too real for that. If I want to play games, I'll play board games and cards with my grandson.

    Yeah, tell that to any florist or jewel crafter.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I love you, too, Dinah. I am always polite and nice to men. You're right, we were raised in the south to be nice.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Yeah, tell that to any florist or jewel crafter.

    Maybe for the woman who is easily satisfied with a pat show. I want things that come from the heart. Ever the hippie girl in spirit, I'm just not impressed by gifts that men think I expect just because I am a woman. I value thoughtfulness over trinkets. Andy ordered a movie from China for me for my birthday one year. It was one he knew that I cherished and that was not available here in the US or Uk. It was a movie my grandparents took me to see at the grand Fox Movie Palace in downtown Atlanta, when I was 13.That means a lot more to me than flowers because it's Valentine's Day or a diamond engagement ring. Every guy tries to give a diamond for an engagement. I prefer heartfelt originality. I'd rather have an artist make matching rings for us both, with gemstones I like.

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