Who was the first person to become a Jehovah's Witness in your family?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I thought I was first but I later met some distant relative and I learned that a great Uncle of mine was a JW. That side became JW's while our side stayed Catholic until me. I belive a neice of mine is Baptist

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    My mom and dad started studying in the 60's shortly after they were married. Several of their brothers and sisters came in around the same time. I don't know who was first.

  • WTWizard

    I was the first and only one in my family to ever become a Jehovah's Witless. No one else took the bait, though my father had some Suffer Forever books on him around 1998 (the last I have seen of him), indicating that others may have studied with the witlesses independently of me.

    Now, if my other relatives become and remain witlesses independently of me, I will be the apostate (I have lived this long without contacting them; therefore, that is going to do nothing to get me back).

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    This is an interesting thread. I have my theories on why some people are so attracted to the witnesses. In our family it was my parents that studied in early 60s, they got baptized without any questions, my father never really fit in, he was too dominant and aggressive. My mother was c of e, disappointed because the vicar refused to christen me, I was adopted. Anyway my family were disfunctional and whatever we did would always be extreme. They all left the organization in the 70s....I was well and truly in by then as the witnesses had become my family, I was only 14, terrified of the big A and craving acceptance and approval.

    I remember being told that Jehovah chooses those he wants to be his servants, I couldnt understand what went wrong in our family, he got it wrong I was sure. Yet when I met good people outside I kept thinking how come God wants my weird family and not them? I now realise that my parents limited education and need for absolutes as well as the run in with the vicar made them prime targets.

  • TheOldHippie
  • LouBelle

    My mum, then her sisters & parents followed. My parents' were divorced and though she tried to get my father to study, he cottoned on after about 3 months or so that it was bull. All children from sisters were born in and just now their kids will be born in.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    It was grandparents on both sides. They are dead and I can't ask them what they were thinking. Then it just becomes your family religion and you are a hostage.

  • garybuss

    My father's parents. I'm not sure which one of them bit first. They were infected by door to door peddlers. The other dumb thing they did was settle in South Dakota. Why not settle where it's warm? What were they thinking?

  • mrsjones5

    My mother's grandmother. It happened sometime in the 1940's when my mother was about four years old. It spread from there to my father's family like a cancer. Dad wasn't a jw when he married my mother, one his sister got baptised first and my father followed soon after. After that about half the family became jws but my father's parents didn't get baptised until the 80's (they're both dead now).

  • Quirky1

    My in-laws about 15 years ago.....sigh.

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