Global Warming Is Irreversible, Study Says

by Alpaca 67 Replies latest social current

  • SacrificialLoon

    Is this it?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Having grown up a member of an apocalyptic doomsday cult I am reluctant to buy into the doctrines of other apocalyptic doomsday cults.

    For me, the standard of proof has to be a little better than it was for my father's shonky cult.

    For Global warming, I have not found this to be the case.

    As an ex-global warmer, I found myself vilified by more people than I was as an ex-JW and exactly the same tactics were being used against me.

    Should I go along with GW in my public life, just to keep the peace?


  • Kudra

    Ok, I found the graph and saved them online...

    So, the first one is temperature reconstructed using only natural forcings (volcanic, solar etc):


    The second graph is temperature reconstructed with natural forcings (solar, volcanic etc) and anthropogenic gases as well. These graphs are similar to the one I posted in another post but are more up to date. The also have the volcanic eruptions graphed in which is super cool, as you can see the effect that a volcano can have on global climate.


    Sorry they are so big!!!

  • Kudra

    Sacrificial loon- that is a cool graph too, but not hte one I was searrching for. THnkas!

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    Did any of the people who are claiming that global climate change is bullshit, simply because it's still cold in the winter in their neck of the woods, bother to read Kudra's (a real live scientist!) posts on this thread?

  • Alpaca

    Hemp lover,

    The Republican attack on science (see Chris Mooney's book) waged in the media and begun before the Bush administration's tenure, has had a far reaching effect on the mindset of many who don't bother to actually investigate and weigh the science.

    I feel your frustration.


  • BurnTheShips
  • BurnTheShips
  • beksbks

    Gosh Burn, any more blogs you wanna share?

  • moshe

    Temperatures jumped up across the USA when the airlines were grounded after 9/11, so it appears that jets contribute to global cooling. A big volcano will cause global cooling, a pandemic like the black plague will cause global cooling (a decrease in human activity). It's all too complicated for us to figure out, yet.

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