Global Warming Is Irreversible, Study Says

by Alpaca 67 Replies latest social current

  • Kudra

    The residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere is ~1000 years. That's why we can't "do something" about it.

    We obviously could stop putting GHGs into the atmosphere, but the changes that will arise from what we *already* have emitted will continue to occur regardless of whether we stop now or not.

    I think that is the basic idea of the BBC (NPR?) newsblurb in the original post.

  • Kudra

    BTW, I have a cool graph of the past 100 years that shows solar output, volcanic activity and greenhouse gas levels and then it has the lines for 1. actual temperature observations, 2. reconstructed temperature using only natural (solar and volcanic and non-anthropogenic GHG) forcing and 3. temperature reconstructed with both natural and anthropogenic forcings.

    It's super cool, if you are a science geek.

  • Kudra

    What I mean is, I could post it if anyone wants it- I would have to find it and then try to figure out how to post a picture...


    (how do you edit posts on the new and improved JWN?)

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    If you don't know how to cool it what makes you think you know how to heat it?

    "If you're too goddamn stupid to discuss global climate, why are you commenting on this thread?"

    If you can't abide by the Posting Guidelines why are you commenting on this, or any other thread?

  • SixofNine
    What I mean is, I could post it if anyone wants it- I would have to find it and then try to figure out how to post a picture...

    Please do! The picture is easy, just click on the little tree icon in the formating bar when posting.

  • Alpaca


    I would like to see it if you can post it. Or, if you have a reference, I can look it up on our university's library system.

    BTW, you have a PM.


  • flipper

    ALEX- Good thread. It goes without saying that the polar ice caps at the North pole and South pole have been melting at an alarming rate the last 50 years or so - polar bears are getting stranded on chunks of ice floating adrift. We've seen that in the news a lot. Temperatures are generally warmer as well at both poles I've read too. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that something odd is causing all this ice to melt where it used to exist ! So I agree with you - global warming and pollution are real problems that generations down the road will have to deal with even more

  • SixofNine
    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that something odd is causing all this ice to melt where it used to exist !

    True, but it does take a climate scientist to know with a reasonable degree of certainty what is causing it and how it compares to historical norms.

  • Alpaca

    6 o' 9,

    Is this a denial thing that people don't want to hear what the scientists have to say?

    Wow....this whole conversation really knocked me back!!!!

    Thanks for the comments on this critically important issue.


  • oompa

    We are in for a very rough ride in the coming decades.

    This was reported on NPR:

    All Things Considered, January 26, 1972

    Global cooling will certainly increase in the next one hundred years. There is nearly total agreement in the scientific community that we are on the precipice of a new ice age.....

    been there..........done buddy in Vail Colorado said the last two years have been so cold there...that the powder is just like Utah....super dry and can actually breathe it is like being on another can ride through it up to your chest and it is like it is not even there......oompa

    ya...climate change CAN happen....big deal

    btw...there are many scientists that feel that increased polution will certainly LOWER the earths temperature...just like huge explosive volcanos have in the past (krakatoa)...they block out energy from the sun....not just hold the energy in......anybody hear this??...makes sense to me...history proves it

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