LURKING JW: Thinking of leaving? Learn from my experience.

by SnakesInTheTower 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Truth and Justice
    Truth and Justice

    Dear Snakes,

    Hello Snakes, before I give some thoughts on your situation, I want to say that I have'nt properly introduced myself as is the custom when people send replies. I would hope that I will have some sort of story line for all to see within a 30 day period.

    In regards to your situation, I certainly have empathy and understanding for you. There are times when I have felt a lull, sort of in the middle because there are no friends to speak of on either side. That was a problem for me and my Folks. What did sustain us though was a determination not to let it beat us. One very important point that seems to be left out is (Prayer). I may have left the wts, but I absolutely never left (Jehovah). I prayed about the matter and poured my heart out to him and eventually got some resolve. The result was I was able to find nice decent people to associate with, and second, my personal health seemed to be refreshed. Jehovah has never become a failure in my sense, because I never left him. He is God to all people. Please be assured that I have you in my thoughts.

    The Sun will shine on you! Sincerely, your friend- "Truth and Justice"

  • JimmyPage

    Lurking JW:

  • sass_my_frass

    Congratulations on the study. It's a long slog, but you'll get through it. Just keep slogging. Good to hear from you!

  • DaCheech

    like you said snakes, it's good to make friends outside of the witlesses.....

    they will help you through

  • BluesBrother

    Snakes..Hang on in there , friend - it has to be hard be fore it gets better. We know from your posts that you are articulate, amusing and smart..It Will come right.

    It really is that tough to break out and establish yourself. I have not really done so. I get along ok with workmates but my only associates are on line.

    BTW when I was young I had what the dubs call spiritual sickness for a while. The flame of zeal had died. But when I got out, I could not inter relate with people . I got lonely. I had none of the knowledge that we have today on the net, so I went back like the prodigal son and wasted another 20 years of my life.

    My own fault.

  • His Excellency
  • rubadubdub

    His Excellency, thanks for bumping this thread!

    In 2009 Snakes in the Tower wrote:

    If you are currently an active Witness but thinking of walking away from the Organization, understand that if you leave that you need to be prepared to go through a rough road . Have a support system in place BEFORE you walk away . Make some "worldly" friends at work or somewhere;, find a therapist if you can; get close to non-JW family...people that you may have looked down on before...people you can talk will need all of them and more to get you through the mental anguish that follows you...especially if you were raised as a JW. It's harder to do after you leave. If you don't you end up being in a "no man's land" for a time. The more time you have invested as a JW, the harder it may be.

    People who were as involved as I was in the Watchtower Organization do not just get to "walk away" from the Organization. "Something" must be wrong. The rank and file witnesses can smell it as surely as the smell of death (and that is a smell you never forget) and run the other way.

    Snakes, you what you said years ago is still so true. Spot on. I wish I had read this before I walked away. I make a cold, clean break from the WTB$ with no preparaton whatsoever, and I suffered the consequence. No support system, not a single non-JW friend. Unable to reconnect with Non-JW totally dysfunctional family (The Trifecta: mental illness, alcoholism, drug addiction-- The Perfect Storm). Working part-time from home for our family business (my active dub life was a part-time job in and of itself, and I had been my mother's primary caregiver for nearly 12 years at that point (with no family support.) Severe, recurrent clinical depression reared its ugly head after a brief elation upon my exit. I also have PTSD, in part due to the fear-mongering of the early '70s leading up to 1975, but not all dub related.

    I had 42 years of my life invested. I raised myself in The Lie from age nine; no other family members go sucked in. I married in The Lie. Raised two children in The Lie. I did end up in "no man's land" for a time, and it was exceedingly lonely and painful. Now 19 months later, I am so much better! Today I had a recheck with my cardiologist. I literally came to death's door due to my exit. I was so depressed that I went back on medicaton. I was having severe adverse side-effects and my M.D. kept increasing the dose, saying I needed to stick with it just a bit longer and my body would adjust. I ended up in the hospital due to being over-medicated. My cholesterol numbers had always been high, but the stress in my life had driven them through the roof. My EKG is still not back to normal even though it has nearly been a year, but my cholesterol numbers have settled; and my cardiologist is happy with the percentages. But the great part about today's visit-- my cardiologist said, "I nearly walked out of the room, I didn't recognize you! You look so different, so much more relaxed and well. What has changed?" I told him everything has changed. I explained that I had been a Jdub for 42 years and had left. I told him that I am now a volunteer literacy tutor and love it. That I am practicing yoga and meditation and I am currently in therapy and benefiting from it for the first time in my life, because I can freely talk about what is really bothering me instead of trying to protect the image of an organization. He said that he sees the same hight levels of stress in the Orthodox Jewish community. (He is Jewish.) He said that the unattainable expectations and standards drive people to the brink. He expressed how very happy he was for me. He asked about exercise, and I told him I just fell in love with kayaking, and my husband has ordered one and it is on the way. He said, "Kayaking is great exercise; I wouln't change a thing. See you in a year!" I love being on the water and in the sun! There will be room for my dog in my kayak (she has a life jacket already for sailing). I have a waterproof camera, so I will enjoy my love of photography while we are puddle jumping. Also, I walk my dog every day, something I never had the time to do as a dub. I would just tie her out. My father and grandmother both died of heart disease at aged 54. I am going to be 55 in July. I'm not certain I would still be here, if I had not let The Lie. I was clearly dying inside. I'm glad I walked away. I just wish I was more prepared for what I was up against. So if any lurkers are reading this, please listen to Snakes. He was right years ago, and he is still right today!
  • LisaRose

    Rubity, great post, so happy you are doing well.

  • SkyGreen

    Ditto rubadubdub... and LisaRose.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    this is a bump. I had not seen the original bump from 2 years ago. I was doing a search for some of my old posts to possibly link to a more recent one. I think this is one of them.

    Man how my life has changed from 7 years ago.


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