Exclusive video from the 115th Gilead class... check it out!

by Awakened at Gilead 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quandry

    Yes, I agree that the men seem most spiritual and sincere. The people are clean, well groomed, well dressed, and pleasant looking. Obviously, this is the cream of WT crop.

    Of course, the instructors and students are in air conditioned/heated buildings. Their rooms and food are supplied. There is no long commute to the classes. No one has to go home to cook dinner and bathe/diaper crying babies or pay bills.

    They are completely surrounded by like-thinking people whose research has been done for them. Any research that you did on your "hot seat" assignment I am sure was completed in the WT facilities.

    It all looks so appealing, so wonderful. As long as you don't search too much. As long as you don't ask the wrong questions. As long as you agree with everything you hear.

    I bought it all for over thirty years. But when the rose-colored glasses come off.........

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    It all looks so appealing, so wonderful. As long as you don't search too much. As long as you don't ask the wrong questions. As long as you agree with everything you hear.

    Exactly, Quandry. Interestingly, there is no forum at Gilead for debates or questions. It is a the equivalent of a spiritual feeding tube. No chance to even wonder if this is all correct. It is assumed to be the truth.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Nice job. Even JWs will find this one hard to resist watching.


  • besty

    great work Lance - was it just me or did it sound like all the instructors were saying a prayer in the recorded remarks at the end of the video?

    PS - Typo in word 'foreign' at 9:20 :-)

  • besty

    Is Lawrence Bowen claiming anointed status? he is merely stopping by at Gilead on the way to the GB surely?

  • daniel-p

    Besty, i noticed that, too--it's just their monotone transmittal of all the phrases and words they have stored in their head that come tumbling out on demand. Great video, Lance! The only thing I thought was a bit out of place was the "Faithful and Discreet Slave... Now that's a clear concept..." that flashed across the screen, since the overall tone of the video certainly wasn't of sarcasm.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Wow! Bad memories. This caused me to get my Gilead bible out.....

    Bowens first talk was about holding to the pattern of healthful words from 2 Tim 1:13. It's easy to see what the agenda was now. The entire point of the talk was how this scripture served as a "formula" of sorts for the JW interpretation of the bible.

    According to Bowen, the phrase "the pattern" comes from the Greek "typo/typosis" which literally means (to Bowen) "under type, not readily apparent, below the surface"

    Basically, taking the bible literally at face value is not what Jehovah had intended. He embedded the truth to keep it from Satan's minions. Only the F D Slave has the ability to see what is "not readily apparent, below the surface."

    Bowen said that this scripture proves that the bible is like a puzzle, where the pieces are put together until a picture or image has emerged. It is very easy to see the agenda. Once you establish that the bible is the JW code book, with puzzle pieces to be assembled by the Governing Body, with puzzle pieces that "point" to the Governing Body as the sole authority figure, then you can control everything. Only if you convince the level of leaders and managers below the GB will it be relatively easy to control the worldwide congregation.

    If you are reading this for the first time as a JW or ex JW, it might seem shocking, but this is as very bit a fundamental belief of Jehovah's Witnesses as the paradise earth and the existence of the 144,000. They obviously don't publicize it much these days because it stretches credulity.

    Great video Lance. I gave my videos to my ex. I didn't think I would ever need them. Sounds like "the big 3" liked you guys....

  • Amha·’aret

    Great video Lance. Gotta say I like the scripture that Mark Noumair used:

    (Proverbs 15:15) . . .All the days of the afflicted one are bad; but the one that is good at heart [has] a feast constantly.

    Am - of the "feasting constantly" class!

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Isaac - I desgned the video so that it was as neutral as possible, not letting the bomb drop until close to the end...

    Daniel... I know, I shouldn't have, but I just couldn't resist when I heard Liverance say that...

    Besty - As far as I know Bowen is claiming to be anointed... so yes, I think he wants to be the new "Oracle" as he knows Hebrew and Greek (supposedly) and he has zero personality. And we didn't learn to spell at Gilead, lol!

    ATJ - This was the hardest video for me to make as I had to dig up all my old Gilead pics and vids... one of our students had made a video compilation, so I ripped his CD and posted the instructors comments, hehe...

  • SnakesInTheTower

    Interesting video...

    a lot of similarities with what I went through during Ministerial Training School (MTS), which is part of the School of Gilead.

    One of our instructors, Paul Illingworth, claimed to have taught himself Koene (sp?) Greek. Since the instructors alternate teaching A and B portions of the material, it was a crap shoot whether or not he taught the NWT section of the class. He did. And Anthony Manera taught the JW history (Proclaimers) portion. At the time we thought it was great because we had instructors using their "specialties," Illingworth going into detail about John 1:1 and other portions the Borg likes to twist and Manera going on and on about people in the background of many pictures, telling how he knew them way back when. Try listening to that drivel at 2pm right after a heavy lunch and slave chores around the assembly hall. (and sitting on the front row trying not to get caught napping).

    Reflecting back now without the rose colored glasses, the "school" was a farce. Nothing but teaching single men how to be Company Men. The difference between MTS (2 months) and Gilead (5 months) is that MTS emphasized Organizational procedure more and Gilead (at least it appears to me) emphasizes the ministry and missionary service more. Same material basically with different emphasis.

    I dont have any video of my experience just a bunch of pictures. I have put all of that stuff in a box in storage.

    Snakes ()

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