by Mary 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mary

    I told Blondie I would do the Comments this week just to give her a bit of a break so here it is:


    Has it been months or years or decades since you've stepped foot in the Kingdom Hall? Think you've seen the last of 'shepherding calls' and that you've fallen off the radar of the local Gestapo? Well this week's WT study will dispel that notion pretty quick. This article deals with all the reasons why so many have left and what can be done to try and coax us slackers back into the fold before it's too late!! As per usual, much of the study uses rhetorical questions and answers which don't add up when examined closely. The Watchtower article is in black, my comments are in blue and unless otherwise noted, all biblical references are from the NWT. Grab some popcorn people, and set your faces to 'stun'.

    Q1. What did Peter say when many disciples aban­doned Jesus?

    JESUS CHRIST was once abandoned by many disciples who rejected one of his teachings. "You do not want to go also, do you?" he asked his apostles. Peter replied: "Lord, whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life." (John 6:51-69) There was nowhere else to go. Judaism had no "sayings of everlasting life" then, and such sayings certainly cannot be found today in Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. For any who have strayed from God's flock but who want to please Jehovah, "it is high time to awake" and return to the fold.-Rom. 13:11, King James Version.

    The first problem of course is that the opening sentence immediately thrusts the WTB&TS into the role of Christ Jesus himself. While this is not a new phenomenon, I've noticed that in the last few years (and especially in the last few articles), that they are elevating the status of either the Organization or the Governing Body members themselves higher and higher and have, for all intents and purposes, replaced 'salvation is by means of Jesus' with 'salvation is by means of the Organization'.

    Another major faux pas in this paragraph is when they claim "Judaism had no sayings of everlasting life then" because don't they always use Psalms 37:9, 10 and Isaiah 11:6.7 as the foundation for the idea of living in a paradise on earth? Who exactly do they think wrote the books of the OT? Not only that, but their claim that "...such sayings certainly cannot be found today in Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion...." Is ridiculous and completely untrue. Every single Christian religion promotes the idea of "everlasting life", whether it's here on earth or in the hereafter. The WTS's own website plainly shows that other religions believe in 'God's Kingdom'----it's not something privy to Jehovah's Witnesses:

    "A well-known prayer of the Jewish faith is the mourner's Kaddish. Although it has little to do with death or grief, it is commonly uttered in times of bereavement. The prayer asks: "May he [God] establish his Kingdom in your lifetime. . . even speedily."* Another ancient synagogue prayer speaks of the hope for the Kingdom of the Messiah from the house of David.

    Others of non-Christian faiths have found the idea of God's Kingdom appealing. According to The Times of India, a prominent 19th-century Indian religious leader, who was interested in bridging the Hindu, Muslim, and Christian faiths, said: "The true kingdom of God will not be realised unless the east and west are joined together." And the principal of an Islamic college in Strathfield, Australia, recently wrote to a newspaper: "Like all Muslims, I believe [that] Jesus will return and establish the true Kingdom of God."-------Watchtower Bible and Tract Society's Official Website

    In fact, if you look under "Immortality" and "Kingdom of God" on Wikipedia, it lists all the various religions and their viewpoints:

    As per usual, someone is asleep at the switch in the Writing Department because they sure as hell can't seem to get their statements to jive with one another.

    Q 2. What should be kept in mind regarding confi­dential or judicial matters?

    2. Jehovah demonstrated concern for the lost sheep of Israel. (Read Ezekiel 34:15, 16.) Similarly, Christian elders have a desire and a duty to help a sheeplike one who has strayed from the flock. If they assign a publisher to study with an inactive person desiring help, what should be done if the conductor learns that the individual has committed a serious sin? Instead of giving counsel about any judi­cial or confidential matter, the publisher should suggest that he speak to the elders. If he fails to do so, the publisher himself should inform the elders.-Lev. 5:1; Gal. 6:1.

    Here is yet another example of them purposely confusing identities in an attempt to elevate the Organization not to Jesus' level, but to Jehovah's level. Ezekiel 34:15 says:

    "I myself shall feed my sheep, and I myself shall make them lie down," is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah

    'I myself'. That means God Himself, not any man, yet that is exactly what they are trying to say. Not only are they putting a person's salvation into the hands of another imperfect man, but they are using scriptures that were part of the Mosaic Law, like the one in Leviticus 5:1, in order to promote the idea that you are under obligation to rat an inactive brother or sister out if they've done anything against the Organizational rules and regulations. The scripture in Leviticus should never be applied to the Christian congregation today because the Society has clearly stated over the years that Christians are not under the Mosaic law. But as we all know, the Governing Body members would far prefer the punishments merited out under the Mosaic Law, rather than display the "love" that Christians are under obligation to practice.

    Galations 6:1 shouldn't even apply to 'inactive members' as it is clearly addressing those who were active members of the congregation:

    "Brothers, even though a man takes some false step before he is aware of it, YOU who have spiritual qualifications try to readjust such a man in a spirit of mildness, as you each keep an eye on yourself, for fear you also may be tempted."

    Q 3. How did the man with 100 sheep react when a lost one was found?

    3. In the preceding article, reference was made to Jesus' illustration about a man who had 100 sheep. When one was missing from the fold, he left the 99 and searched for the lost sheep. How that man rejoiced when he found it! (Luke 15:4-7) We have similar joy upon the return of one of God's sheep who has been missing from the flock. Mo­tivated by love, elders and oth­er members of the congregation have probably visited the inactive one. They too want to see the per­son come back to the fold and enjoy God's support, protection, and blessing. (Deut. 33:27; Ps. 91: 14; Prov. 10:22) If they have an opportunity to be helpful in this regard, what can they do?

    The difference between the 'lost sheep' in Jesus' parable in Luke 15 and inactive JWs today is mainly in the attitude shown by the 'shepherd' in charge. Say someone committed fornication, smoked, or committed other disfellowshipping offences. The person leaves. Years go by. The person gets a 'shepherding visit' and encouraged to come back to the meetings. Even though the person in all likelihood, is not even still be practicing whatever it was they originally got the axe for, they are not automatically welcomed back. No, they have to jump through several hoops and attend all meetings for months, possibly even a year or more with absolutely no one talking to them or even acknowledging their existence. They have to 'prove' their loyalty, not to God, but to the Organization before being allowed the privilege of having a simple conversation with those who claim to be following Christs' example.

    In the parable of the lost sheep, there is no mandate from the Shepherd as to what the stray sheep must do in order to return to the fold. There's no punishment or a judicial committee inquiring as to any possible 'sins' that were committed----the sheep is simply allowed back into the fold, end of story. Of course, the Writing Dept. doesn't read the surrounding verses regarding the lost sheep, because it bears too close a resemblance to their own treatment of the flock and their view on 'disfellowshipped' members:

    "Now all the tax collectors and the sinners kept drawing near to him to hear him. Consequently both the Pharisees and the scribes kept muttering, saying: "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them."Then he spoke this illustration to them, saying: "What man of YOU with a hundred sheep, on losing one of them, will not leave the ninety-nine behind in the wilderness and go for the lost one until he finds it? And when he has found it he puts it upon his shoulders and rejoices. And when he gets home he calls his friends and his neighbors together, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, because I have found my sheep that was lost.'

    Q 4. What can be discerned from Galatians 6:2, 5?

    4. Perhaps they can encourage a person to return to the congrega­tion by kindly showing him that Jehovah loves His sheep and re­quires only things that we can do. These include studying the Scrip­tures, attending Christian meetings, and preaching the good news of the Kingdom...."

    Wow! Really?! Where exactly in the bible does it say that Jehovah requires us to attending several meetings every week or go knocking on doors in order to gain His approval? Of course, if you ask them that, they will inevitably cite Hebrews 10:25 that says:

    ". . .not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as YOU behold the day drawing near."

    Now the interesting thing about that is on the WT CD-ROM, Hebrews 10:25 is referenced with a few other verses such as Matthew 18:20 that states: " . . .For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst. . ." and Acts 2:42 that also says: ". . .And they continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to sharing [with one another], to taking of meals and to prayers."

    There is nothing there that indicates that Christians MUST meet formally at a Kingdom Hall in order to attain salvation or be in an 'approved' standing; the scriptures above make that clear. Meeting together was and still is, for fellowship and to talk about spiritual matters, but there is no required number of times Christians had to attend, set out anywhere in the scriptures. As we all are aware, the Borg does not really allow for a 'just come when you feel like it'. You are expected to be at ALL the meetings, year in and year out, regardless of your circumstances. As the next paragraph demonstrates, even facing financial ruin is no justifiable excuse for missing meetings, although they never offer any advise as to how you might survive.

    What about the assertion that Jehovah requires everyone to 'preach this good news of the kingdom'? While there is no doubt that many of the early Christians preached, they most certainly did not preach door to door, nor was it a requirement for ALL---it was a gift that only some did. For a more detailed response, see the comments I did a few months ago on this subject:

    The WT's requirements for salvation are, of course, completely different than what Jesus' are. He laid out the requirements for eternal life in Luke 10: 25-28:

    Now, look! a certain man versed in the Law rose up, to test him out, and said: "Teacher, by doing what shall I inherit everlasting life?" He said to him: "What is written in the Law? How do you read?" In answer he said: "'You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength and with your whole mind,' and, 'your neighbor as yourself.'" He said to him: "You answered correctly; 'keep on doing this and you will get life.'"

    There's no mention of attending the Watchtower studies, the bookstudy, the TMS, or Saturday morning Field Service in the above chapter. And as well all know, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to "works" that all Witnesses are expected to do. The simple law that Jesus put forth has been completely swept aside and replaced with the same thing that He condemned: Heavy burdens and man-made laws.

    Paragraph 4 continues:"...It may be appropriate to read Galatians 6:2, 5 and mention that Christians can help to bear the burdens of one another, but "each one will carry his own load" of spiritual responsibility. No one else can be faithful to God for us...."

    So then why don't they allow each individual to serve God the way they want? If everyone will carry their own load, why all the constant harping that boils down to "you're not doing enough." If each one of us will carry his/her own load, then why are each of us not allowed to follow his/her own conscience on various doctrine?

    Have "Anxieties of Life" Taken a Toll?

    5, 6. (a) Why is it important that we listen careful­ly to the expressions of inactive fellow believers? (b) How may you be able to help inactive ones to see that not associating with God's people has been det­rimental to them?

    5. To discern how to help inactive fellow be­lievers, elders and other mature publishers need to listen carefully as such individuals make heartfelt expressions. Suppose you are an elder visiting a married couple who are absent from the congregation because the "anxieties of life" have taken a toll. (Luke 21: 34) Financial problems or increased family responsibilities may have caused them to slip into spiritual inactivity. They may feel a need for relief, but you might point out that isola­tion is not the answer. (Read Proverbs 18:1.) You might tactfully ask them: "Are you hap­pier since you stopped attending meetings? Is your family life better? Is the joy of Jeho­vah still your stronghold?" -Neh. 8:10.

    Wow. When I read encouraging, sound, reasonable, helpful comments like this, I just can't figure out why I ever left. Scenario: A couple in their late 30s or early 40s are having a tough time. Due to the financial meltdown, one or possibly both of them have lost their jobs. The mortgage is due and regular bills have to be paid along with all the regular expenses of having a family. So the brother takes another job at less pay where shift work is required. He doesn't really like it, but it pays the bills and in this economic crunch, you take what you can get if you don't want the bank to foreclose. Naturally they're missing meetings and that of course, will get you a shepherding visit, not because they're offering you any help, but to make you feel guilty as hell for missing meetings.

    Notice that this paragraph did not offer ANY financial help whatsoever to anyone who might be in need, nor does it offer any advise beyond 'get your ass back to the meetings'. Yes, I'm sure the Financial Officer at the bank will understand why you quit a job that paid the mortgage, so you can sit on your ass making $0 several times each week while the bills pile up and when your 'belly is empty'. Watchtowers taste awfully good with malt vinegar and salt on them. In addition to their less-than-helpful suggestions, I know many people that are much happier now that they don't go to the Kingdumb Hell anymore. The sense of guilt whenever you don't 'measure up' is gone. And I know plenty of young ones who aren't the least bit sorry that they no longer have to sit through 2 hours of druggery on Thursday nights anymore, and can participate in normal celebrations along with their classmates.

    Actually, this paragraph is the epitome of what the WTB&TS is: a heartless corporation whose sole purpose is to control your life. They don't give a crap about the individual whatsoever, even if you lose everything and end up on Skid Row. Their attitude doesn't just extend to the millions of rank and file members whom they've never met, but we found out last year when they booted hundreds of Bethelites to the curb (after decades of faithful, free labour) that they don't even take care of their own anymore.

    6. Reflecting on such questions may help the inactive ones to see that because of their lack of association with the congregation, their spirituality and happiness have dimin­ished. (Matt. 5:3; Heb. 10:24, 25) It may be possible to help them realize that failure to preach the good news has resulted in the loss of joy. (Matt. 28:19,20) So, then, what would be the wise course for them to take?

    Isn't it amazing how they just 'know' that a person must be miserable at hell because they don't go to the Hall anymore? A rather funny incident happened a few weeks ago that fits in nicely with this paragraph. I guess some Witnesses were out in Service. They must have been new to the area because they called on Delilah's house, not knowing who lived there. Delilah's just considered 'inactive' but her husband got disfellowshipped several years ago and has no intention of ever going back. Anyway, he goes to the door and when they ask "How are you today?" he replies "I'm happily disfellowshipped thank you very much!"

    The sisters were momentarily speechless as I'm sure that's not the response they were expecting. They not only didn't realize a DF'd person lived there but how could anyone be happier in a disfellowshipped state than at the KH? They quickly left and I guess they were furiously writing something down....most likely they were putting him down as a "Do Not Call" or "spaw of Satan lives here!!".

    What if a person has found happiness and spiritual enlightenment outside the cloistered walls of the Borganization? To the Witness mind, this simply is not possible. Anyone who claims that must be possessed or just a plain liar. The idea that hundreds of millions of other people find spiritual enlightenment and happiness within another faith is just too much for them to consider and they are simply considered "blind" or "duped by Satan".

    Q 7. What can we encourage those who have strayed from the flock to do?

    7. Jesus said: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life ... Keep awake, then, all the time making supplication that you may succeed in escaping all these things that are destined to occur." (Luke 21:34-36) Those who have strayed from the flock but who want to enjoy the happiness they once knew can be encouraged to pray for holy spirit and divine help and to act in harmony with their prayers.-Luke 11:13.

    Once again, they use suppositions and false analogies as the basis for this kind of tripe. How many people stop attending meetings because of 'overeating and heavy drinking'? And on what basis do they claim that everyone who's left was happier when they were still a Witness?

    Were They Stumbled?

    Q 8, 9. How might an elder reason with one who was stumbled?

    8. Because humans are imperfect, personal­ity clashes occur, and this may stumble an in­dividual. Some have been stumbled when a respected person in the congregation acted in an ungodly manner.

    First intelligent thing they've actually said in this entire article. Yes, how would someone feel if say, their son or daughter came forth and revealed that Brother Superior molested them on several occasions when they were 6 or 7 years of age. After interrogating the victim, the other elders speak to Brother Superior about the accusations. Brother Superior denies the allegations. Since no one else witnessed the abuse, you don't have the required 'two eye witnesses' and Brother Superior is free to continue promoting himself as a good, honest, God-fearing soul. The fact that he rapes little kids is a tiny flaw in an otherwise perfect character. The parents and victim are all warned not to talk to anyone else about what happened, or they could face disciplinary action by the elders. So instead of getting help from the elders, the victim has become 'the bad guy' while the perpetrator is still viewed by the vast majority as a Christian in 'good standing'.

    Ya.....I can't imagine why a scenario like that would stumble anyone. Even if a situation arose that were not this dramatic, there are countless other things that causes people to 'stumble' all the time. It can be from a simple lack of love on the part of the elders, who are supposed to set an example for the rest of the congregation to a brother scamming others in the congregation out of their life savings.

    ...If an inactive one has been affected in such a way, the visiting elder might point out that Jehovah does not cause anyone to stumble. So why should anyone sever his or her relationship with God and His people?

    Notice the subtle switch of words here? The first part says that Jehovah himself does not make anyone stumble, yet the accusation of severing ties includes not only God, but also 'his people'. In Dubdumb land, you are not allowed to separate the two, lest you learn to have a relationship with God outside of the Borg. Besides, Jesus made it perfectly clear what the fate of making someone stumble is when he said:

    " . .Then he said to his disciples: "It is unavoidable that causes for stumbling should come. Nevertheless, woe to the one through whom they come! It would be of more advantage to him if a millstone were suspended from his neck and he were thrown into the sea than for him to stumble one of these little one."-Luke 17:1,2

    Instead, should one not keep on serving God, confident that "the Judge of all the earth" knows what took place and will handle matters in the right way? (Gen. 18:25; Col. 3:23-25)

    Which is why God created Dateline.

    If a person literally stumbled and fell, he would not deliberately remain in that position without even trying to get up.

    He may not remain in that position, but he would probably avoid whatever it was that he stumbled over in the first place, lest he fall again. Here's a better analogy: Would you continue to work at a company where your boss is a prick, your co-workers treat you like garbage and there is no chance of a promotion without kissing the asses of all your superiors? And no matter how hard you work, it's never good enough. Now the place might have some good perks, like health benefits and pension plan and that might keep you there for a while, but eventually, you get to the point where you are just plain miserable, and no amount of perks can make up for the lousy way you're treated.

    So you start looking for another job and find one that is better suited to your personality. The pay is better, you're given a bonus each year and the benefits are better too. Yet when your supervisor finds out, he can only keep repeating that this company is the ONLY good company in town----all the other ones are bad and you'll be a lost soul if you leave. You leave and end up much happier. How is that scenario any different than for those that leave the Organization for one reason or another?

    9. In an effort to be of spiritual help, an el­der might mention that with the passing of time, some find that what stumbled them no longer seems very important.

    Perhaps, but what if the person still finds it very important? What if absolutely nothing had ever been done to the perpetrator? Especially when they point the finger at other religions and lambaste them for crimes for which they themselves are guilty of. An article in the January 22, 1989 Awake on page 11 says:

    "...It is not that fleshly sins will never occur in Christian congregations but that when they do occur, those guilty will either repent or be removed. But this spiritual cleansing work-the removal of fornicators and adulterers and homosexuals-most of the religions of Christendom will not do...... Christendom's congregations say 'Lord, Lord,' even as sexual immorality flourishes in their midst. "Will you steal and murder, commit adultery and perjury, burn incense to Baal and follow other gods you have not known," Jehovah asks, "and then come and stand before me in this house, which bears my Name, and say, 'We are safe'-safe to do all these detestable things?"-Jeremiah 7:4, 8-10, New International Version.

    The fact that many 'detestable things' do in fact go on in the congregations with the elders' full knowledge, simply shows that the Organization is no different than anyone else. In fact, when it comes to pedophiles, they're far worse than the Catholic Church, because at least the Catholic Church finally came out and apologized. Where is the public apology from the Watchtower Society for covering this crime up for decades?

    ...In fact, the stumbling block may not exist any longer. If a person is stumbled because he has received discipline, prayerful meditation may cause him to conclude that he himself was at least partially in the wrong and should not have allowed the discipline to stumble him.-Ps. 119:165; Heb.12:5-13.

    It's comments like this that truly make me want to vomit. While there are cases where someone is privately or publicly reproved for something like fornication, there are indeed other cases where the opposite is true. I've related this particular case several times on here, but since it ties in with what this paragraph is promoting, I think it's worth repeating. Years ago, a sister in Toronto found out her husband was getting it on with their family dog. At that time, beastiality was not considered 'adultery' and she was told she had no grounds for divorce. This sister thought otherwise and divorced her husband and was promptly disfellowshipped. Her family were all die-hard Dubs and they cut her off without a moments' hesitation. Losing all her family and life long friends was too much for her and she committed suicide. A few years later, the Society got 'new light' and lo and behold, beastiality was indeed, adultery and grounds for divorce.

    This woman did absolutely nothing wrong, yet thanks to the sick, warped laws that this cult promoted at the time, she ended up paying the ultimate price.

    Was It a Problem With a Teaching?

    Q 10, 11. What reasoning may be effective in trying to help one who had a different understanding of some Bible teaching?

    10. Some may have left God's flock because they did not agree with some Scriptural teaching. The Israelites freed from Egyptian bondage "forgot [God's] works" on their be­half and "did not wait for his counsel" (Ps. 106:13) It may be helpful to remind an in­active one that "the faithful and discreet slave" is dispensing excellent spiritual food. (Matt. 24:45) That is how the person origi­nally learned the truth. So why should he not be determined to walk in the truth again? -2 John 4.

    What was it that Lex Luthor said about Otis in the first Superman movie? "It's a miracle that brain can generate enough power to keep his legs moving." For some reason, that phrase came to mind when I read this paragraph. So someone might leave the Organization because they could not agree with the interpretation on one or more scriptural matters, put forth by the 'faithful and discreet slave'. The solution? Simply tell the person that the very group that they no longer believe are 'God's mouthpiece', are 'dispensing excellent spiritual food.' Yep. I can see how that would do the trick.

    Notice how there is no suggestion that the elders ask the person what they didn't agree with, nor any suggestion to let them show why they cannot accept a certain teaching or teachings. That is simply not acceptable. I know from firsthand experience that it makes absolutely no difference if you can prove from the scriptures that the Governing Body is completely wrong about a certain doctrine. There simply is no room for discussion, no matter how bizarre one of their teachings might be. Even if you manage to show the visiting elder why you don't believe something, the most you'll actually get is "well, we have to wait for Jehovah to reveal His truths through The Slave" or "don't run ahead of the Organization" or "Well if Jehovah sees fit to use the Slave Class to reveal His truths, that should be good enough for all of us."

    This of course, is directly in contrast to what the scriptures tell us to do. The one scripture the Witnesses love using when talking to people of other religions is the one in Acts 17:11 that says :

    "Now the latter were more noble-minded than those in Thes·sa·lo·ni´ca, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so."

    In other words, the Beroeans did not automatically accept what Paul and Silas were saying as gospel truth, but rather they checked it out for themselves. This is something that is very much frowned upon in the Organization, for the sole reason that the men in charge are more than aware that many of their doctrines do not stand up under scrutiny. This was made painfully clear to them in 1980 when several of those at Brooklyn Bethel were axed for daring to question the Governing Body's interpretation on anything, no matter that they had proof that the "Slave" was not getting it right. For anyone not familiar with what happened, the story can be told on Randy Watter's website:

    11. When endeavoring to help those who have strayed from God's flock, the elder might refer to the disciples who abandoned Jesus because of rejecting one of his teach­ings. (John 6:53, 66) By cutting off associa­tion with Christ and his faithful follow­ers, they lost their spirituality and their joy.

    Slight bit of a difference. The scripture in John 6:53 shows that the problem was the way some of Jesus' followers interpreted what he was saying, not that Jesus had said something incorrect. The Governing Body on the other hand, has changed their interpretation of several doctrines many times over the years, which has caused immeasurable harm to hundreds of thousands of Witnesses. And once again, this paragraph is elevating the "Slave Class" to that of Jesus himself, as well as giving the blanket statement that everyone who leaves the Organization has "lost their spirituality and joy"----a statement that simply isn't true.

    Paragraph 11 continues: "....Have those who stopped associating with the Christian congregation found another place where there is rich spiritual food? No, for there is none!"

    How would they even know such a thing? Have they ever gone out and actually asked those who have left if they're happier? No, instead they give a blanket statement without any facts to back it up at all. This is reminiscent of a man who bullies his wife and children, where nothing they ever do is good enough, where they always come second to him and where he dictates every aspect of their lives without listening to them, and then can't figure out why his wife leaves him or his children are out the door the minute they turn 18 never to return----It's the exact same mentality. He can't handle the possibility that she is happier with another man and tries wooing her back with the 'candy and flowers' routine. It's not that he really loves her, but he views her as his property and he wants control over her life again. If he doesn't get it, he'll make sure he makes her life a living hell.

    To a great extent, the WTS is exactly like this. Members are emotionally harassed and belittled that they're never doing "enough", yet when you try to leave, or even after you leave, they won't leave you alone. Countless ones have been spied on by "mature ones" in the congregation, to see if they can catch them doing something that would be grounds for disfellowshipping. Attending another will also get you axed, even if you are much happier there, have not lost faith in Jesus and are a morally right person. The assertion that there is 'no other place' where someone can get 'spiritual food' is baseless and nothing but a scare tactic.

    Was Improper Conduct Involved?

    Q 12, 13. If someone who has strayed from the flock admits that he has committed serious sin, how may it be possible to help him?

    12. Some individuals stop preaching and at­tending meetings because they have com­mitted a serious sin. They may feel that if they confess their wrongdoing to the el­ders, they will be disfellowshipped. But they will not be expelled from the congregation if they have discontinued the unscriptural practice and are genuinely repentant. (2 Cor. 7:10, 11) Instead, they will be welcomed back, and the elders will give them the spiri­tual help they need.

    I don't know which is scarier: Their neanderthal methods of punishment or their offer of "help".

    13. If you are a mature publisher who has been assigned to help an inactive person, what should you do if he tells you that he has engaged in serious misconduct? As noted earlier, rather than involve yourself further in the situation, recommend that he approach the elders. If he does not wish to do so, you will be showing your concern for Je­hovah's name and the spiritual welfare of the congregation by acting in harmony with di­vine direction respecting such matters. (Read Leviticus 5:1.) The elders will know how to as­sist anyone desiring to return and live in ac­cord with God's will. Loving discipline may be required. (Heb. 12:7-11) If the person ac­knowledges that he has sinned against God, has ceased to engage in wrongdoing, and is truly repentant, the elders will help him, and he can receive Jehovah's forgiveness.-Isa. 1: 18; 55:7;Jas. 5:13-16.

    Ah yes....always be prepared to rat someone out for anything from masturbation to pedophilia, although historically in this religion, someone who's a habitual masturbator has most likely faced greater discipline than someone who molests children.

    A Son's Return Brings Joy

    Q 14. In your own words, relate Jesus' illustration re­garding the prodigal son.

    14. When seeking to assist a sheep who has strayed, the one assigned to help might refer to Jesus' illustration recorded at Luke 15:11-24. In that parable, a young man squanders his inheritance on loose living. He eventually comes to abhor the debauched life he has been leading. His stomach is empty, he is home­sick, and he has made up his mind-he is going home! When he is still far off, his father sees him, runs and falls upon his son's neck, tenderly kisses him, and is filled with joy. Reflecting on this illustration may motivate one who has drift­ed away to return to the fold. Since this sys­tem of things will soon be destroyed, he should 'come home' without delay.

    So the Prodigal Son lived a debauched life-style which obviously included 'fornication', yet his father did not shun him---he welcomed him home without reservation and without wanting details as to what he had been doing with his life. That's the whole point of the parable: Unconditional love, forgiveness and being non-judgemental. We already have discovered that if an 'inactive one' committed fornication (even though they hadn't been going to the KH), it must be reported to the elders so they can determine how 'sorry' he or she is, so the elders can sit in judgement on them. The scenario is totally different than that of the Prodigal Son.

    Q 15. Why do some drift away from the congrega­tion?

    15. Most who drift away from the congrega­tion are not exactly like the prodigal son. With some, drifting takes place gradually, just as a boat that is adrift slowly floats far­ther from land. Others become so weighed down with anxieties that they lose sight of spiritual things. Still others allow themselves to be stumbled by someone associated with the congregation, or they leave because they do not agree with a certain Scriptural teach­ing. A few become involved in unscriptural conduct. However, the points presented in connection with each of these matters may help you to assist those who have left the fold for these or other reasons to return before it is too late.

    Yes, no matter what the reason is, it's not a valid one in their eyes, and they have a cookie-cutter answer to all your problems: attend meetings, go out in Service, do not ask too many questions. That is all.

    "Welcome Home, Son!"

    Q 16-18. (a) How did one elder help a brother who had been inactive for years? (b) Why had this broth­er become inactive, how was he helped, and how was he received by the congregation?

    16. One Christian elder says: "Our local body of elders is very interested in calling on those who are inactive. I thought about a brother I had studied with and helped to come to a knowledge of the truth. He had been inactive for about 25 years and was going through a very difficult situation, so I explained how applying the spiritual princi­ples from the Bible could help him. After some time, he began coming to the Kingdom Hall and agreed to have a personal Bible study to help strengthen his resolve to come back to the flock."

    I'm sure there are inactive ones who eventually end up going back. Given the fact that we were given absolutely no coping skills when we were still all in, it's not a big surprise that many find it difficult to cope in the real world and they end up going back to the Hall. In fairness, a lot of people like the structure of the Organization and having someone tell them how to live their lives. If these people are truly happier going to the meetings and out in Service, power to them. What I disagree with though, is the idea that they are trying to put forth in this article that there is valid reason for leaving and that you must be miserable by leaving the Borg.

    17. Why did the brother become inactive? He admits: "I started giving more attention to worldly matters than to spiritual things. Then I stopped studying, engaging in the ministry, and attending meetings. The next thing I knew, I was no longer a part of the Christian congregation. But I was helped to return by the personal and sincere interest the elder displayed." This brother's problems began to subside after he accepted a personal Bible study. He says, "I realized that what was missing in my life was the love and guidance of Jehovah and his organization."

    Ah yes.....materialism. It gives new meaning to the term 'fear factor' when talking with JWs about it. While there is no doubt that many people today are indeed slaves to material possessions, the Organization is paranoid to the extreme about what defines 'materialism'. To a lot of them, buying a home, owning a nice car, or having a six figure income all equals "materialism". Yet the very same group encourages you to leave your (materialistic) possessions to them when you die. I also know of one brother who had a really fabulous job, but it involved shift work. He was told if he wanted to be an elder, he had to give the job up, so he did. Things have never been the same for him and his family and he's very resentful over the entire fiasco. Shift work is usually the one aspect they bitch about more than anything else. Even if it's to put a roof over your head and food in your childrens' stomach, shift work is not a viable excuse to miss meetings or service in their eyes. I truly believe they would rather see a family on welfare than to work various shifts, which is a good indicator of the warped mentality of those higher up. Quite often, merely trying to provide the basic necessities of life for your family can be construed as "materialism".

    18. How was this brother received in the congregation? He says: "I feel like the prodi­gal son spoken of by Jesus Christ. In fact, one of our elderly sisters who was there 30 years ago and is still going strong said to me, 'Wel­come home, Son!' That really touched my heart. I was truly home. And I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the love, warmth, patience, and interest shown to me by that elder and the entire congregation. Their love for Jehovah and neighbor truly helped me to return to the flock."

    This is called 'love-bombing' and it rarely lasts longer than a Canadian summer. And it is probably the Witnesses (or any high control groups) greatest asset. Who doesn't like to feel loved and wanted and part of something special? Everyone does and in that, there's nothing wrong with it. The main problem I have with it though, is that it is not the unconditional love that Jesus spoke of. Having the love and support from friends and family who are still JWs, hinges on how loyal you are to the religion---not to God or Jesus. This is where the emotional turmoil comes into play and it's how they keep the rank and file under constant control: If you want our love, you have to work for it.

    Urge Them to Take Action Today!

    Q 19, 20. How can you encourage inactive ones to re­turn to the flock without delay, and how can you show them that God does not expect too much of us?

    19. We are living in the last days, and the end of the present system of things is immi­nent.....

    Well if the Watchtower says it, it must be true! But doing a little research, I've come to the conclusion that they must have a very strange interpretation of what "imminent" is. Here's a few quote from over half a century of 'imminent' warnings:

    WT 1954 12/1p.734 Living Now as a New World Society: "..let us take joy in the fact that the Kingdom is established, the King is present, the great ingathering is taking place and the complete vindication of Jehovah's name is imminent."
    WT 1968 8/1 p.466 par.14 Does Your Zeal Stir Up Your Brothers? "...Behind this passion for convert-winning is the firm conviction of the Witnesses that the end of human history is imminent. They expect it to come at any hour, and almost certainly within the next 10 years."
    WT 1971 10/15p.623 par.49 When All Nations Collide,Head On,with God: "..unerringly said according to the Bible's timetable and according to world events in fulfillment of Bible prophecy. The confrontation with God is imminent! "
    WT 1974 4/1p.218 par.19 Persecuted Christians-"A Theatrical Spectacle to the World": "..The time for the end of all false religion is imminent. Those who are a part of her now are not spiritual men suffering for righteousness' sake."
    WT 1975 10/15p.628"Divine Sovereignty"Assemblies Demonstrate Reality of Kingdom Rule: "..the ClevelandPress headlined an editorial "Welcome, Witnesses," and commented: "Never has the city had such an orderly convention." It added: "The Witnesses believe the end of the world is imminent."
    WT 1982 8/15p.9A Secure Future in Sight!: "..The Bible prophesies that a God-ordained universal cleanup is imminent. It is the long-foretold war of Armageddon.."
    WT 1984 11/15p.22 par.4"The Time Left Is Reduced": "..Happily, the Creator of planet Earth and mankind will soon destroy this wicked, suicidal system. Its time is short because "the great day of Jehovah" is imminent!"
    WT 1987 5/15p.15 par.21 Peace at Last!-When God Speaks: "..Why has this world come to the state where such an earth-wide destruction is imminent?."
    WT 1988 9/15p.26 par.16"They Will Have to Know That I Am Jehovah": "...Gog's war equipment will be so extensive that it will take some time to dispose of it. Birds and beasts will gorge themselves on the unburied bodies of Gog's crowd. How should knowledge of all of this affect us? Why, learning that Gog's attack is imminent but that Jehovah will rescue His people ought to increase our faith and make us rejoice that such events will result in sanctifying God's long-profaned name!"
    WT 1989 3/15 p.31Call on Jehovah's Name and Get Away Safe! "..Why, "the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah" is imminent!"
    WT 1990 7/15p.5 Soon-A World Without Pain!: "...The end of bondage to pain is imminent. Yes, it will occur in our day, and this very generation will see it."
    WT 1993 3/1p.4Will You Heed God's Warning? "..The question is, When will this destruction come? There is compelling reason to believe that the tribulation is imminent."
    WT 1996 7/15p.23 What"Instinctively Wise"Creatures Can Teach Us: "...Because the end of this system of things is imminent, and problems are more pressing than ever."
    WT 1998 9/15p.6It Is High Time to Awake! "...We have sound reason to believe that an "ending" is imminent."
    WT 199 910/1p.12par.10"A Time for Peace"Is at Hand!: "...Yet another reason why the present can be viewed as a time for war is that "the day of vengeance on the part of our God" is imminent."
    WT 2000 9/1p.16par.20 Show a Waiting Attitude! "...God's faithful worshipers know that Christ's Millennial Reign is imminent."
    WT 2003 9/15p.25"The Law of the Wise One"-AS ource of Life: "...For example, we know that God's new world is imminent"
    WT 2007 12/15p.13par.13 Are You Ready for Jehovah's Day? "...Since Jehovah's day is imminent, do you need to make a greater effort to "put on the new personality".

    I for one, would love to see wickedness done away with, but simply telling people that an event is "imminent" doesn't make it so. The earliest quotes you can get are from the 1950 Watchtowers, but as we all know, there were countless statements of the same effect done prior that that effectively said the exact same thing. Everyone in Charles Russells' day believed The End was "imminent" and they're all long dead and buried. And most of those that were alive in Rutherfrauds' day are also either dead or on their way out, my dedicated grandmother being one of them. The Witnesses called on her in the 1930s assuring her that Armaggedon was 'right around the corner' and that she'd never grow old or see death at all. My grandma has been dead for nearly 10 years now.

    ....... Therefore, encourage inactive ones to attend Christian meetings. Urge them to start attending immediately. Point out that Satan is trying to destroy their relationship with God and make them think that relief from life's burdens can come by abandoning true worship. You can assure them that only by being Jesus' faithful followers can they enjoy true refreshment.-Read Matthew 11:28-30.

    Actually, being a 'follower of Jesus' doesn't really mean anything in this religion. Salvation depends solely on obeying the Governing Body's man made rules and regulations, end of story. It makes absolutely no difference to them that someone might want to follow Jesus and lead a clean moral life. The bottom line is: if you're not a baptized JW, you're history.

    20. Remind inactive ones that God expects us to do what we can. When Lazarus' sister Mary was criticized for anointing Jesus with expensive perfumed oil shortly before his death, he said: "Let her alone. . . . She did what she could." (Mark 14:6-8) Jesus praised the needy widow who made a very small contribution at the temple. She also did what she could. (Luke 21:1-4) Most of us can at­tend Christian meetings and share in the Kingdom-preaching work. With Jehovah's help, many of those now inactive will be able to do the same things.

    Here's another oxymoron that the average reader will not pick up on: There is nothing in the scriptures that indicates that either Mary nor the 'needy widow' went out and preached door to door, went to the Kingdom Hall (instead, they went to the Jewish temple), or filled out a field service report, yet they are spoken of very favourably in paragraph 20 and according to JW doctrine, they would both have been in line for the 'heavenly calling'. This double standard that the WTS has with regards to first century Christians, and Jehovah's Witnesses today, could not be further apart.

    Q 21, 22. Of what can you assure those who return to Jehovah?

    21. If a sheeplike one who has strayed from the flock fears facing his brothers again, you might remind him of the rejoicing that oc­curred when the prodigal son came home. Those returning to the congregation are a cause of similar joy. Encourage them to act now to oppose the Devil and draw close to God.-Jas. 4:7, 8.

    22. A joyful welcome awaits those returning to Jehovah. (Lam. 3:40) Their past experienc­es in God's service undoubtedly brought them great joy. Untold future blessings await those who return to the flock without delay!

    There's no doubt that if all inactive ones started attending the meetings again, the majority of us would probably receive a warm welcome, while others might still continue to be on the 'black list' of the elders and remain there for all eternity. From what I've seen on JWD/JWN, it appears that the vast majority of us stopped attending the meetings, not because someone 'stumbled' us, or because we're lazy or thought we were 'too good' to go out in Service, but because after a bit of investigating, we came to the inevitable conclusion that 2 + 2 does not equal 5, no matter how many times someone might say does.


    This study article should have been entitled Much Ado About Nothing, because after listing the various reasons why so many have drifted away, they offered absolutely nothing constructive or even helpful to the 'lost sheep'. Those that may be struggling financially and have taken either a second job or a shift-work job to keep the wolf from the door, are given absolutely no practical advise or even help and instead are told what slackers they are, or how materialistic they are and how they must have no joy in their lives now that they don't attend the meetings anymore. The elders are encouraged to employ emotional blackmail as they take the slackers down Memory Lane, reminiscing about The Good Ol' Days instead of dealing with the problem head on. In the elders' defence, they're not really allowed to do anything more than what Crooklyn dictates, lest they find their own neck in a noose.

    Those that left because of the teachings are not allowed to show why they came to such a conclusion, nor are the elders encouraged to 'listen to both sides of the story' or to even 'make sure of all things'. Instead, they are given the pathetic and ridiculous line that the "f&ds is dispensing excellent spiritual food". This is akin to finding out that a certain restaurant you frequented for years, is infested with cockroaches and where some of the "food" has been recirculated several times while being passed off as 'fresh'. The owners encourage their regular patrons to come back claiming it was all just 'bad publicity' but refuse to submit to a health inspection, or even what goes on behind closed doors in the kitchen. However, they have no problem publically criticizing all the other restaurants in the area and gleefully point out all their faults, hoping it detracts from their own inadequacies.

    I'm giving this study article two thumbs down.

  • Mary

    Sorry, I can't seem to get the formatting to work right...........

  • Jankyn

    Wow. Great analysis, Mary. And thanks for giving Blondie a break.

  • snowbird

    Mary, you've done a superb job of highlighting the WT's inherent weakness: A refusal to admit that most JW's leave because of WT's flawed interpretations of Scripture.

    I know that's why I left. The so-called FDS kept putting itself on an equal footing with Jesus, and I couldn't stomach it anymore.

    If any elders come a-callin,' I intend to tell them just that.

    Thank you for the hard work you put into this review.


  • quietlyleaving
    Galations 6:1 shouldn't even apply to 'inactive members' as it is clearly addressing those who were active members of the congregation:

    "Brothers, even though a man takes some false step before he is aware of it, YOU who have spiritual qualifications try to readjust such a man in a spirit of mildness, as you each keep an eye on yourself, for fear you also may be tempted."

    good point

  • Quirky1

    Thanks Mary!! This is the first of one of these posts I've read since I started coming here about a year ago, also since my departure. It was the perfect reminder as to how "F*cked up" these people really are!

    I know my wife is still an active JW, even tho she has slowed down somewhat, has mentioned that their "new PO" would like to meet me and the children. I said, "WTF for?" She said, "I dunno."

    I would think this is the reason, they are wanting Quirky to return. Well, I got news for her and the rest of them f*ckers there ain't no way. The more I think about it the more it just pisses me off! I was gettin' pissed just reading this!!

    If that d#ckhead PO or anyone of them wants to meet with me they are going to get a real piece of my mind!! I might even threaten to kick his/their a$$es. They will definately know I'm 110% f*ckin' apostate then!!

    Whew! I better calm down!!

    Thanks again Mary!!

  • delilah

    thanx for the warning, Mary...I'll be sure to have my pitbull husband home when they come a-calling!!

  • cawshun

    Thanks Mary


  • Irreverent

    good job Mary! A Canadian Summer is too long for the Love Bombing. More like a New York Minute. Same results.

  • Irreverent

    Oh, and I nominated you and Blondie for Sainthood for delivering this spiritual food in such a fine manner.

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