My JW Dad forwarded me this, your thoughts please?

by asilentone 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Steve_C

    Here's a more realistic version, IMO.

    Wow, this is the first time I've seen that. Thanks, Rebel, for posting that link.

  • DaCheech

    the green book is really the puke that I spat on it.

    nice dream, but unfortunately that all it is!

    I really wish this paradise was true, but facts don't support it

  • jeeprube

    I can't even read two sentences of it. I just threw up in my mouth a little.

  • hamsterbait

    How interesting that this was read out at an A$$embly when I was a kid in about 1974.

    It was attributed to a british girl.

    "New Order" is 1970s jargon, to fit with the talk in politics.

    Since Bush has been talking of a "new World" the WT has started referring to it as "The New World" again -

    a thing that WT did in the 50s.

    What a waste of perfectly good puke is all I can say.


  • hubert

    The Watchtower should categorize their bible. They could place it in the same category as the essay.



  • fokyc

    I think someone was reading this:

    The Way to Paradise

    By W. E. VAN AMBURGH 1924

    A brief history of the 7,000 years of sin, from the time

    when sin was unknown to the time when again there will be no sin.

    This book is prepared for the express purpose of enabling

    boys and girls quickly to grasp a knowledge of

    the new order of things which the Lord is beginning to

    establish in the earth, and to point them to the way that

    will lead each boy and girl who obeys to complete success,

    joy and happiness. It describes in detail the Ruler of

    this new and righteous government. It shows what great

    love he has for the children and for their parents.


  • steve2

    Your dear dad seems to be trying to "reach" you with an emotive and motivational message. What a shame the message is a childish mishmash of wishful thinking. While I can visualise - and even get excited about - a lion lying down with the lamb, I cannot visualise a tarantula nibbling on a cherry instead of me. I have never been able to make sense of the entrenched brutality and viciousness of the "natural" world in terms of man's sinning.

  • JWdaughter

    I had a thought when I was reading this little fantasy.

    Remember back when we were all JW's and laughing about the 'so called christians' who thought they would be like angels in heaven or something? Remember us making fun about how they didn't get their hope from anything in the Bible and OURS was so totally ONLY based on the Bible?

    Everything the NT says about eternity mentions heaven and spirit. There is no mention of paradise earth as dreamt of by that (or any other) JW. Yet, they are basing their hope on the fantasies of pastoral, nomadic tribes who spent millenia searching for a permanent home and land, safety and security from neighboring kingdoms so that they could settle and raise their families in peace. Once they settled (NT Israel) they had a new dream or hope-however you like to think of it. But the JWs are still dreaming like a religion filled with transient vagabonds and no settled lives.

  • dogon

    Was she resurrected at a zoo? These animals do not coexist together. In 1912 she would have said 2 years from now, in 1914 she would have said 2 years from now, in 1970 she would have said stay alive till 75, and then she would have said before 2000. Now it is 500 years from now?

    I guess you have to keep these delusions to be a dubber or you would not be able to eat the applesauce.

  • blondie

    Actually dogon, the event the WTS predicted in 1914, and 1975 was Armageddon, just before the beginning of the 1,000 Reign. So at least this person thought that Armageddon had come already when this was written, probably in the 1970's because of the reference to a green NWT.

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