by whereami 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • passwordprotected

    @sbf - did you, as a JW - perhaps even still - believe that an elite group would rule over the earth, the rest of humanity working and toiling to turn the earth into a paradise-like state. The elite group would enjoy immortality in self-perpetuating, incorruptible bodies, ruling over the lives of the workers.

    If you did believe that then you also believed what the 'elite' often talked about in 'conspiracy theories' intend for themselves. If the 'conspiracy theories' are crap, then it's safe to say the WTS teachings are crap.

    You wonder if we'd all be better off back at the meetings. Yes, but only if we desire to have our lives controlled by an elite group of men living in America.

    Good luck to you.

  • Mary

    I'm amazed at some of the responses on here about CoC and Ray's credibility. Quite frankly, I saw nothing in the book that raised any flags for me when I first read it. There was nothing in there that made me feel that Ray was guilty of lying or manipulation. Logically, if those were characteristics that he thrived on, he would have remained on the Governing Body.

    Ray's not perfect-----he never claims that and in fact has said that he feels ashamed at some of the crap he helped promote and solidify when he was on the GB, yet the attempt to try and claim that either he or Peter "lied" about Peter's situation has been done by JW apologetics with the obvious goal of smearing his name and making it appear as though 'you can't trust anything he says'. They never stop to think: If Ray had lied about anything in CoC, the Borg would have sued his ass off the moment it was published, and they would have been able to point out exactly what he lied about.

    Since this never happened, I think it's fairly safe to say that the book and it's author remains highly credible.

  • delilah

    When I left the organization 11 years ago, I knew nothing,( nor cared really) of how it really operated...until this book was given to me. When I read it, I was stunned and horrified at how little the rank and file really know about what goes on behind the curtain, and how major decisions are made.

    I did not get the feeling that Ray was lying, nor did he ever give the impression that he was arrogant and deceitful. He presented the information with all honesty, and in a very humble manner. The WT is very secretive and uses lies, threats and disfellowshipping to cover up wrongdoing, and to wield it's power over the people.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Anyone who was a contemporary of Ray's at Bethel during the period he covers -- and I was one for at least part of the time frame he reports on -- knows that he's dead on with his recounting of events and presonal impressions of the main characters.... As he once said, "I stand behind every word" ... and so do I, at least for the part of his story I was on hand to witness.

  • snowbird

    I read it, and read it again, for the first time.

    I wept, railed, wailed, gnashed my teeth, cursed!!!, and walked the floor with grief at the senselessness of it all

    I felt all along that something was not quite right with the org, but COC clinched it for me.

    I was angered and disillusioned by the stuff he presented, but what touched me particularly was his revealing the fact that he regretted not having any children. He stated that he gets a hollow feeling when he thinks about dying before she does and leaving no one to look after her

    That revelation really broke my heart.

    I don't see how anyone can question the veracity of this book.


  • wannaexit

    YES-- Ray tells the truth.

    As soon as I read Ray's 2 books---I saw the truth in everthing he said----

    As an above poster alluded --if there was a stich of a lie the watchtower would jump on him with their "suing machine"

  • mkr32208

    The things this "discreditor" is talking about are stupid issues that are CLEARLY in how the person viewed what was happening. Ray felt that his friends disfellowshipping was rushed and had a huge impact on his friend his friend didn't feel that way. I feel like my friends should do stuff all the time that they don't feel like they should do or think differently on, does that make me a liar?

    THis is just dumb.

  • caliber

    Ray is so forthright and honest to the point of putting himself down... what do some people expect ?

    He had every reason to stay.. a softer protected life....honor and respect from the masses...

    CoC page 273.. Point of Decision .".I now began to realize how large a measure of what I had

    based my entire adult life on was just that, a myth-persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

    Do such humble admissions sound like a man not telling the truth ? Give me a break folks !

    I say shame on you who have even a Shadow of doubt about his character.

    I dare say how many would put their life under such close dissection ?

    I have nothing but honor and total respect for you good buddy Ray ....

    "Forever in your debt"


  • still_in74
    I now began to realize how large a measure of what I had

    based my entire adult life on was just that, a myth-persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

    oh the truth of those sad words......

  • Quirky1

    For what reason would Ray not tell the truth? It took time for him to finally feel the "need" to expose the WT for the deceptive practices and misleading information. Plus there are many bethelites and others that can verify the information he provided.

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