Meetings: Are They Morons?

by metatron 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    So, the new arrangement for meetings includes a jam-packed Ministry School/Service Meeting and Book Study that ends at 8:45PM in many halls - unless they go overtime!

    These geniuses tried to create a family night because they realize Witness families are falling apart so they created an awfully long meeting instead that will often take place on a Thursday night - just prior to Friday when countless kids have tests in school scheduled!

    Good for them! Goodspeed to theri efforts to shoot themselves in the foot!


  • minimus

    good point

  • hillbilly

    8:45 Pm? That's early. We didnt get home before 10pm on MS-SM Thursdays.... Missed the Waltons and later, Cheers...or whatever good stuff used to be on Thursdays

    I always felt bad for the guys next town over...they were a Friday night bunch... at least I could make a High School football game in our Hall.


  • foreverfree

    Don't forget that alot of families are being torn apart by that UNCristian JW shunning policy.

  • aniron

    so they created an awfully long meeting

    As far as I can see the meeting is the same length as it has always been. In fact when I became a JW in 1971 this meeting started at 7pm and finished at 9pm.

    When I attended my last meeting in 1999 it started at 7:15pm and finish at 8:45pm and I mean finished.

    Also depending on the congregation it was either on a Tuesday or a Thursday.

    From what I see in the KM schedule they seem to be only doing about 6 paragraphs of the study book. At that rate how long will it take them to do a book?

  • sir82

    Not sure I follow the point of the post...

    Old schedule: CBS ended at 8:30 on one night, TMS / SM ended at 9:15 on another night

    New Schedule: CBS / TMS / SM ends at 9:15

    (Both assume a 7:30 start time)

    So the new schedule packs 3 meetings into 1:45, while the old schedule had 2 meetings fit into the same 1:45 time-frame. Of course the new schedule completely drops one meeting night.

    How is this more burdensome?

  • rebel8

    I agree, metatron. That is way too late to end meetings. By the time they "fellowship"

    ....then scrape the ice off their cars, drive 20 mph home on the icy roads in the dark, get the kids in's well after 10 pm.

    I remember having to get up at 5 am--not enough sleep--especially when one is always anemic due to chronic blood loss....but that's another story. It's hard to function in school when you're so tired all the time.

  • undercover

    Actually it's a better indoctrination method. Three meetings crammed into the space of what used to be two meetings. More propaganda drummed into their heads, leaving less reaction time to question anything presented.

    The only drawback is allowing the dubs an extra night off from any real responsibility to group think or group activity.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Its looks more confusing. In reality its probably less burdensome. But it underscores the stupidity of the whole thing. Why not just eliminate the book study period? Oh right...its NECESSARY spiritual food. Mind you they probably borrowed the whole idea from some foreign language groups and congregations have been doing for years.


  • slimboyfat

    From what I gather the Thursday ministry school/service meeting/"Bible study" will be the same length as the old meeting.

    But it probably won't be long until they shorten it even further somehow.

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