What Little Rebellious Things Did You Do When Still A JW?

by Seeker4 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • crownboy

    When "still a believer": attended holiday/birthday parties at school (without telling parents), always changed clothes after conventions at the hotel before going out (hated being in a suit all day), never wore a suit jacket to bookstudy or field service even though in my home congregation it was expected of brothers (did I mention I hate suits? ). Watched R rated movies. What Newborn said (without guilt ).

    during "fade": all the above, plus pretending to knock/ ring bells in service to avoid talking to people about what I didn't believe in.

  • teel

    I read any books I wanted, although not apostate ones, only novels.

    I skipped meetings when travelled somewhere on a holiday.

    I played World of Warcraft That game had everything the WT ever said about bad video games: it was online, it had magic, fighting, violence, foul language (from other players), it was an RPG. And it was rated 12+

  • cantleave

    For me it was my music (i always enjoyed the heavier side of rcok) and taste in comedy / cartoons. Like ATJ I watched Southpark but never plucked up the courage to see the movie when it was out.

  • lesabre

    most of this was in my late teens while we were fading.....

    watched r rated movies. (my mom let us)

    stretched my ears to a 10gauge (my mom didn't care. no one even noticed) now i'm 5/8''g .....

    listened to metal, rock, and punk bands as long as there was no swearing or "bad stuff".

    talked to df'd people.

    sat in the smoker's lounge at work. (cooler people.)

    wore all black all the time, dyed my hair black. no one cared.

    had a bunch of gay friends. (cooler people)

    physically assaulted my older sister's (at the time) boyfriend, who asked me to suck his you-know-what. (they're both non-JW)

  • teel

    oh I just remembered, I bungee-jumped once that must be high up in the no-no of extreme sports list.

  • finallysomepride

    For me it was my music (i always enjoyed the heavier side of rcok) and taste in comedy / cartoons. Like ATJ I watched Southpark but never plucked up the courage to see the movie when it was out.

    Have not heard of that type of music, must be something the poms have started recently LOL

    Went to R18 movies, one that comes to mind is from 1980 called 'the chatter box', comedy about a talking penis & pussy, only showed nudety wast up...bugger.

    Did lots of JW no nos...didn't really care, but was descrete.

    Just remembered, nude massages with opposite sex. hehe


    Went to a different convention by the sea, spent the weekend on the beach or shopping and turned up in a suit during the final session to pick up the new publications and a programme. Got quizzed by family when I returned but had all the evidence I needed.


  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    Let's see...when I was a believing JW, I did a lot of the same "rebellious" things mentioned previously:

    • Watched movies and listened to music as I saw fit; included R-rated movies and hard rock frowned upon by the WTS
    • Went to rock concerts and nightclubs on occasion
    • Went to bars/pubs regularly (not sure how rebellious this is, because I know plenty of JWs who go to bars more often than I do)
    • Never went to meetings when on vacation (again, most JWs that I know--except for the most self-righteous ones--don't go to meetings when on vacation)
    • Did as little actual field service as possible (typically worked with my family, did "calls" which meant a couple of not-at-homes and then a nice long break and some errands)
    • Made conscious decision not to "reach out" for "privileges"--simply decided it wasn't worth the hassle, and reasoned that nowhere does the Bible say you have to be a MS/Elder/Pioneer to make it to the new system...
    • Discussed politics with "worldly" and JW friends/co-workers, taking "non-neutral" positions

    Just to mix things up a bit, here are a few things I did that were NOT rebellious:

    • didn't participate in birthday/holiday parties at work (developed a knack for not being around when those things came up)
    • didn't vote in political elections
    • for the most part, I didn't talk to DF'd people (though I would smile/wave/say 'hi' to them)
  • JWoods

    I got a private pilot's license when I was 19.

    I bought a Porsche 911T when I was 20.

    I graduated from college when I was 21.

    They didn't like any of that, but there was really nothing they could do about it.

  • miseryloveselders

    I still listen to some Hip Hop, hardcore punk, stoner rock, and some metal. Every now and then I grow a soul patch, and between meetings and field service, I let my beard grow. Still occasionally see rated R movies in theaters. Although I have to admit with all of those things, the older I get the more my conscience doesn't allow me see certaint things, or listen to as much foul language. The same things I used to listen to on my walkman as a teenager, when I walk by a car blasting similar content, I cringe at the language. During fits of anger, I still occasionally use language I shouldnt use.

    I love boxing, I would have loved to have done it for a living, there's just something about fighting that intrigues me. So right now I'm debating whether or not I'm gonna go to a sports bar and see the Mayweather/Mosley fight. As I'm typing this, my email alert just flashed something my worldly coworker sent me saying this is gonna be a good fight. Ahhhhhh!!! Decisions, Decisions!!! Every now and then I watch MMA, Anderson Silva is monster!!

    2009 to now are the first years I ate birthday cake. You know I felt guilty getting a plate? When walking back to my desk, I felt like a failure. Once I took a bite though, it all went out the window. The women here treat me like a posession, and they always call me on the phone from all the way on the other side of the floor, "Misery, did you get some cake? No? I'll bring you a plate!"

    High School, and even a couple years after it, I hung mostly with worldy dudes that my family didnt know about. Fooled around with women occasionally. Used to go home and pray for hours afterwards feeling so guilty. Nowadays I don't hang out with anybody ,worldy or in the so called Truth. Most people are scum anyways. I've learned to view the opposite sex as people as opposed to thinking about how I'd like to "hit that." No more conscience issues as a result on that end of things.

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