Jesus Is Jehovah/Jehovah Is Jesus

by snowbird 328 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tec

    You're welcome, GOrwell.

  • godrulz

    Thus saith the Lord. You can deny the Bible, but it is still the Word of God. You can deny the validity of God's Law, but it will still judge you in the end.

    Tec, we do not listen to Christ apart from His Word, the Bible. The Christ of Muhammad, Joseph Smith, Charles Taze Russell, Oprah Winfrey, Billy Graham, New Age Christ, etc. are not the same (one is real, the others are non-existent counterfeits created by men). 2 Cor. 11:4 warns about counterfeit, worthless Christs. ACIM, Urantia Book, Conversations with God, etc. claim to be Christ talking, but they are from demons, angels of light, christs who contradict the biblical, historical Jesus.

  • poopsiecakes

    You can deny the Bible, but it is still the Word of God.

    The whole bible? So there was a talking snake in paradise, a global flood where a man built a boat and managed to house all the mammals of the world - even those we're still discovering on continents far far away from the Middle East, a man who derived super human strength from his long hair, another man who lived in the belly of a giant fish for 3 days, a talking donkey, a war where the sun stood still for a full day and night so that a general could slaughter more people in the name of your god, 40 children killed by bears because they teased a bald man (lovely god there), a snake wrapped around a pole that cured you if you looked at it, magic powder from heaven to sustain a million people for 40 years in the desert....I could go on and on but you get the idea. All of this was real?? Really? And how is this different from Homer's Illiad or the Epic of Atrihasis? If someone said to you that they believed everything in those books, you'd think they were a loony toon.

    Or do you pick and choose the bits that fit into YOUR view of what bible truth means? Who gets to decide exactly?

  • godrulz

    I believe the whole Bible when it is translated and interpreted right (which excludes NWT and WT/JW). If there is a God, the Bible, including the supernatural, is plausible. If there is no God, then you have a point (so settle the existence of God question and then it makes sense that He would reveal Himself with a written record of His dealings with man). There is nothing in the Bible that cannot be defended.

  • tec
    Tec, we do not listen to Christ apart from His Word, the Bible.

    The gospels witness to Christ. But Christ is the Word.

    Paul listened to Christ apart from the bible, btw - the bible even says this so I don't think you can deny it. So did many of the early Christians and disciples of Christ - since there was no bible. The Holy Spirit is more than the bible, and speaks through people, and also teaches people - the bible says this as well. If the Spirit had so much power then, why do you and others deny His power now?



  • poopsiecakes

    The onus is not on me or anyone else to prove that a god exists, godrulz. The FACT is that you can't prove that there is one no matter how strong your faith is. If I told you that I had faith that lightning and thunder are caused by Thor, you'd think there's something wrong with me but it would be my faith. And at least there's physical evidence of my belief on a daily basis around this planet.

  • godrulz

    As a Pentecostal, I do believe the Holy Spirit can and does speak directly and can teach. He always speaks consistently with the revealed Word. The problem with your view is that many people claim subjective experiences with Christ and come up with a myriad of false views that are demonic or their flesh. The Christ you claim to hear will say the same thing as Scripture does. You must also be careful to think you have a direct pipeline and that all your views are infallible because Christ is speaking to you. It is both Living and Written Word, not either/or. I do not deny the Spirit's power, but many who claim to hear from God have some of the craziest, most unbiblical ideas (proving they are hearing their flesh or a demon).

    poops: Gen. 1:1 He is there and He is not silent-Francis Schaeffer Creation, Word of God, conscience, Christ, Christians, etc. all point to the existence of God. The day I believe that my car or watch could happen by time+chance (your god), matter will be the day I reject God (creation is far more complex than a jet). Design=> Designer (even a kid gets this). Something does not come from nothing, life does not come from non-life, intelligence/morals does not come from matter, etc. The New Atheists (Dawkins), etc. are idiots.

  • poopsiecakes

    Genesis? Really? That's your proof?? And a car and watch as back up?

    Godrulz, you'll have to do better than that darlin...

  • poopsiecakes

    Ok the season premiere of True Blood is starting. And I believe Vampires exist - truly. Prove me wrong.

  • tec
    The problem with your view is that many people claim subjective experiences with Christ and come up with a myriad of false views that are demonic or their flesh.

    Lol. Not laughing at YOU, but this is a funny statement. I mean, look at the myraid of views that come from following Sola Scripture. There are false Christs, false teachers, liars and simple misunderstandings.

    Interpretation of the bible is also subjective, I guess is the point I'm trying to make. So was a lot of translation. I know that you see that the WT translation is false - false pen of the scribes - but that has happened long ago as well, enough to warrant Christ speaking out about them, and one of the prophets in the OT as well. So as 'slanted in their favor' as the NWT might be, so might the versions that give us the protestant and other bibles/canon.

    I don't think anyone listening to Christ think that they're views are infallible... only that Christ is. I do hear you about false claims though... but that is why we should go to Christ, listen to Him... and test the spirits, as John said. Test against love, test against truth, test against Christ's words, as we have written. But if we can, listen for Christ, Himself.



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