The average Witness just doesn't talk about doctrine anymore

by BonaFide 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • tinker

    Absolutly, this has been my experience also. As Blondie pointed out the current insturction for conducting Q+A meeting parts puts the Kabash on any discussion. Furthermore all the Jdubs I know don't really care what the doctirns are. One current active witness says, 'everyone does what they want' In other words they are there only for the social or cultural benefits. It really is a very arrogant way of life.

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C
    I would go further and say that many witnesses don't even know what the "current" teaching is on a number of things. What difference does it make? You can't get too attached to any doctrine that may change at any time.

    [ chuckling ] Yes, absolutely. It's like a baseball fan not wanting to become too attached to a particular player on his home team; knowing that the player may be traded in the next season. Watchtowerism is like a giant checker board, with the doctrines being the checkers - being moved around to and fro.

    I found it quite burdensome to try to engage with householders on doctrinal issues. I found that I could not truly rationalize and justify them myself. Thus, I was just parroting what the headquarters told us to teach. I did not even want to reach people at home. I simply wanted to stuff the tract in the door and flee the scene before I could get caught.

  • BonaFide

    "Flee the scene" ha ha pretty funny Jeremy. I do that now sometimes.


  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C
    A few months ago, I brought up a Bible question in the car group for service. One of the brothers said to me, "Are you stuck in the 90's or something?"

    Yeah, BonaFide. Don't you know that Jehoober's celestial chariot is constantly on the move? It may be weaving left to right, and at times going in reverse. But hey - at least it's on the move.

  • StAnn

    Wow. I haven't been in a KH in years. If this is true, this is really sad and pathetic. How in the world are they able to bring in any new people in such a dead atmosphere?

    I remember when my brother was 17 or 18 and he and another boy from the KH stayed up all night reading the Bible. They thought they had found something that proved the WTS wrong. What they found was frivolous and they were corrected in their error. The other boy was a son of the P.O. All of the elders just shook their heads, laughed, and rolled their eyes at the "youths." Wouldn't happen today.

    And we used to meet at an elder's home on Saturday evenings to study the WT. And we'd have lots of discussions and look up the scriptures in various versions of the Bible, comparing them. Those are some of my happy JW memories. It's sad to think that today's Dubs can't do even those more wholesome activities.

    What in the world does the WTS offer them today?


  • tinker

    Hello Jeremy, I've been meaning to send out a Hi to you. Yes, me too. I found field service burdensome also. It was dishonest and boring. It would have been a more spiritual experience as a Avon Lady than a JW. The longer I stayed the more emty I felt. The Rev Book study was the final straw. Parroting those paragraphs and squashing my own quieries sucked the life out of me. Then what fun I had digging into doctrin on the web. Wow, Thank the Internet Gods for blessed JWD.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    I would go further and say that many witnesses don't even know what the "current" teaching is on a number of things. What difference does it make? You can't get too attached to any doctrine that may change at any time.

    Talking to my mom today, I was discussing the growth of the anointed... she had not paid too much attention to the 1935 change... she just told me that she's "not good at numbers"... she is looking forward to the end until I reminded her that she is looking forward to mass genocide which will include me and probably her...

  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C
    It would have been a more spiritual experience as a Avon Lady than a JW.

    LOL Whether you are selling make-up, or selling the Watchtower message; the dilemma is still the same: you can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.

  • leavingwt

    To discuss doctrine is to discuss the soft underbelly of the Org. Major cognitive dissonance is required to discuss doctrine and also believe these doctrines come from an orderly God.

  • yknot
    "Are you stuck in the 90's or something?"

    That is about right..... I wonder what where the organization would be now if Bro.Barry had lived.

    The only things discussed now is rumors found on JWD, depression folks are feeling, ideas to increase hours reported and how much each person agrees to round up too, when and where to take a break and BS posturering to appear 'spiritual' via WT gooblygop...........

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