A Sad, Sad, Sad Tale

by snowbird 70 Replies latest members private

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    If a woman is stupid enough to stay with an asshole like that i would say she gets all she deserves

  • snowbird

    Stupidity has nothing to do with it.

    I knew her pretty well, and I can assure you she's not stupid.

    As to why she put up with his treatment of her, I can only surmise that she hung on, thinking things would get better.

    I understand it's a complex situation with abuse and abusers alike.


  • yknot

    The whole concept of entire devotion to home and husband is a strong one in the South to many women....... regardless of denomination.

    My hubby is from CA, but has played on the Southern Stand By Your Man card a few times in disagreements (of course I am a bad JW, so I point out that as a sign of weakness)........ seriously though.. even I am afflicted with the 'good wife' syndrome.

    The upside is that she is away from HIM and receiving various therapies that I hope help her to reassert herself.

    Maybe call and see if she can receive vistors or correspondence of encouragement.

    My mom was in an abusive marriage for decades, she didn't come from an abusive home and didn't know how to cope with that world. So like many women she tried harder and then eventually went into a coma inside.

    Fleaman ----- many women are so brainwashed by religion or culture that they truly don't know they can leave. After so many years of abuse most women suffer from very low self-esteem. No PERSON deserves abuse...... it is not a matter of intelligence or stupidity.

  • mouthy

    It's Celestine. Thanks sweetie will keep her in my prayers

  • snowbird

    Yknot, that is a very astute observation.

    I've seen it time and time again.

    Let's not forget that she was totally dependent on him financially.

    She was (is?) also a very zealous JW, and believed with all her heart that she was doing God's will.


  • snowbird
    It's Celestine. Thanks sweetie will keep her in my prayers

    So will I, dear Grace. So will I.


  • mouthy

    If a woman is stupid enough to stay with an asshole like that i would say she gets all she deserves Well my lad I have a thing I would like to say to you.....Yes I am one of the Stupid ones you think deserves what we got....But do you ever stop to think that when VOWS were made ,some of us believed them "For better or worse"???? Did you ever say that???? Did you ever believe it was "better NOT to vow than vow & never pay????"Did you ever believe God hates diivorce???? Did you ever realize that if you had a child every year & wanted to be a good mother "if you left where to go???? No family !!!! to go to.... No money to rent a room, anyway what room that could be afforded would take four kids ???1 21/2,3 1/2,4 years old I presume you are a VERY Intelligent person. Not much understanding though you ticked me off I do hope any mistakes you MIGHT make ( although you sound far to intelligent to make any) You DONT get what YOU deserve mate...

  • mouthy

    I am sorry to steal your thread Snowbird to tell fleaman what I think of his comment ...He ruffled MY feathers.

    ."Oh the gift that God had give us to see ourselves as others see us"

  • snowbird
    I am sorry to steal your thread Snowbird to tell fleaman what I think of his comment ...He ruffled MY feathers

    No need to apologize, Grace. Fleaman ticked me off, also.

    My first husband was an abusive womanizer, but it took me only 10 months to shake the dust off my feet against him. However, I had a large family that was only too willing to take me and the baby into its fold.

    Not all women have that support system, and some are too ashamed to apply for public assistance.

    Fleaman, are you taking all of this into your heart?


  • BurnTheShips
    My first husband was an abusive womanizer, but it took me only 10 months to shake the dust off my feet against him. However, I had a large family that was only too willing to take me and the baby into its fold.

    Family is so important and so lacking these days. How many women lack this safety net?


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