Simple: What's Your Opinion of Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    Mostly honest, decent, Bible-loving people. They have been misled. I have the greatest sympathy for them.

  • 4mylove

    Brainwashed victims of loneliness. zombies. hopeless at times.

  • IP_SEC

    They are just people. They are really no different than anyone else. They have the same needs, wants, desires, & problems as everyone else.

    They believe in the Governing Body.
    You believe in the Democrat/Republican party.

    They dont do blood transfusions
    I wouldnt do chemo

    They have ideals
    We have ideals

    They dont celebrate Christmas
    You dont celebrate Solis Invicti

    They dont talk to people they dont like
    You avoid people you dont like

    Shall I continue?

  • jaguarbass

    To start out and keep it simple.

    My opinion of JW's.

    They are the blind leading the blind with an attitude.

  • Kudra

    "They are just people. They are really no different than anyone else. They have the same needs, wants, desires, & problems as everyone else."

    ---mmm, I disagree, and let me tell you why!:

    "They believe in the Governing Body.
    You believe in the Democrat/Republican party."

    ---I associate my political ideas *most* closely with one party but believe we need both parties to keep things moving along and sane. I have no problems doing things that "my" party doesn't espouse and I have no problem hanging out with folks from the "other" party.

    ---They follow the dictates of the Governing Body even if it means their death, or to not talk to their children for the rest of their lives. They will not even allow a suggestion of any other "party" to guide their actions.

    "They dont do blood transfusions
    I wouldnt do chemo"

    ---You don't do chemo because of whatever reason, but I dare say you don't think that if you were to decide to do chemo you'd think that you committed an unforgivable sin and would loose out on everlasting life. I also think that you didn't get a message from a deity telling you not to do chemo. If you choose to do chemo, all of your friends who are anti-chemo will probably still be allowed to talk to you.

    ---They have no basis for refusing blood other than a message from a supernatural source.

    "They have ideals
    We have ideals"

    ----You have ideals that change as you get older based on what you have experienced and observed. you can come up with your own ideals based on your unique perspective and discuss them civilly with friends that may or may not disagree with you. You can still be friends with those that don;t have the exact same ideals as you.

    ----Their ideals are pre-packaged and pre-THOUGHT for them. They all have exactly the same ideals which come from a bunch of old men in NY. They can't adapt their ideals to their experiences or what they pick up from others that they come in contact with.

    "They dont celebrate Christmas
    You dont celebrate Solis Invicti"

    ---You don't celebrate Solis Invicti, but you would probably have no problem attending a celebration if your friend was inviting you and you would be respectful and enjoy yourself. you might not believe in the event but you'd find it interesting and not fear for demons lurking at the gathering.

    ---They don't celebrate Christmas and have scorn for those that do. They believe those that do are dishonoring God and will be destroyed if they don't turn from their ways. THey avoid every miscellaneous item remotely associated with Christmas, fearing some sort of supernatural contamination if they take it into their house.

    "They dont talk to people they dont like
    You avoid people you dont like"

    ----You avoid people you don't like because you don't want to have an unpleasant interaction that would cause the quality of your day to decrease. You choose to "not like" people based on personal interactions that are less than positive.

    ----They are fearful that people who see them talk to non-JWs will impose sanctions on them (elders etc). They believe that interacting with people they "don't like" will impact their standing with god. They choose to "not like" people because of rules written by those men in NY. The reasons are nothing to do with personalities or positive/negative interactions, but based on if the peopel they don't like are following the same arbitrary rules they follow.

    JEEZ! I usually won't write out something long like this... don't take offense!

    I must be turning into a cantankerous JWD pontificator..


  • LouBelle

    Deceived, living a life of fear & not too sure of themselves.

  • Twitch

    Objectively, just another branch on the christian tree. People with nothing better to do on a Saturday morning,

  • Kudra

    I guess I took the "simple" out of

    "Simple: What's Your Opinion of Jehovah's Witnesses?"


    that conjures up a funny image.

  • hillbilly

    mostly some pretty everday folks caught up in a really bad pyriamid scheme.

    I feel bad for most of em


  • betterdaze

    Walking wounded,

    hounded by hypocrites.


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