DF and shunning to end soon...jw numbers will triple

by oompa 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82
    If they stop DFing or DAing the numbers will fall. So they will never stop it.

    Exactly so.

    How many people (on this board, and not) are faking it, attending 50% of the meetings or less, turning in 2-3 phantom hours of field service per month, in order to have some relation with family / friends? They don't really believe it, but fear of being cut off keeps them quiet.

    But if there is no punishment for dissenting, if there is no penalty for not doing exactly what the Society says, how many of those hangers-on will stick around? What will those oh-so-precious "billion hours of service per year" numbers look like? Even those who really believe would gradually slow down.

    There's very likely only a minority of "true believers" who would maintain the current vigorous pace if enforcement were removed.

  • isaacaustin

    The ending of dfing would hurt the WT. Fringe witnesses would become weaker. Douters would leave with no fear of retribution. Hardliners (such as my dad) would be upset by this as well...since they feel this is one of the "we have the truth because only we df unrepentant wrongdoers..." points.

  • oompa
    Amha: They have already eased up on it slightly. About 20 years ago (or maybe a little more) dubs had to shun those who had been unbaptized publishers if they sinned or went away from it.

    Now this i great point Amha....I just remembered that "not shunning" was done for decades by WT...so it is "old light". The way WT keeps going back to "old light" it may only be a matter of time that this could actually happen! I am pretty sure that during entire life of WT that most of the years where with "not shunning" as the practice.......oomps

  • isaacaustin

    That is true oompa...unbapt pubs- previously called 'approved associates'- could, upon disapproval by the org, be classed as disapproved associates.

    Were they subject to rigid shunning or was it more a 'watch your association'

  • justhuman

    Actually Oompa it will lead to the opposite out come. I personally know many JW's who they don't believe that the WT is God's Channel on plannet Earth. If it wasn't the shunning issue they would have left. They stay most of all for family reasons, and the fear of braking their families due to shunning policy.

    Plus the fear of the "apostates" that now they will speak free to their family and friends, and they might lead JW's to start having critical thinking of the WTS, is something that WT afraid most of all. That is why they are against the internet because the KNOW that they are a banch of false prophets and liars. What a liar afraids most it is to expose him.

    So can you imagine what the reaction it would be like for the rank and file when they will find out that there is no 607 B.C and that the GB knows that they are wrong about 1914 since the late 1960's??? Can you imagine what it would be like if they will find out all the events regarding Ray Franz, the Blood Issue, neutrality, the Brothers in Malawi and Mexico, Olaf Yionson and the Gentiles times??? How many they will stay in the WT???

    I can tell you my personal expierience regarding shunning, since I come from the Greek culture (mediterranean sea) that we have strong family bonds. My mam does not shun me at all and so does my sister. I was at the kindom hall few weeks ago(I had to take my mam since my sister she couldn't)I met an old family friend who gave me a big hug and talked to me, in front of the entrance of the kindom Hall. My cousin(Elder)he gave me a hug at the memorial this year and talked to me. My mother in law talks to me, and so do my 2 sisters in law. Also I have a cousin that she is disfellowshiped for getting married in the Orthodox Church, and all my relatives speak to her, and invite her at the weddings,and family gatherings. Most of my personal Jw's friends still talked to me and they give me a ring sometimes!!! I have said clear to all of them thay I don't believe that the WT is God's Channel on earth and I have become Orthodox.

    It seems that the WT American Cult did not managed to corrupt completely the family bonds of the Greek JW's.....Greek Family bonds are much stronger than the WT.....


    Were they subject to rigid shunning or was it more a 'watch your association'

    It was rigid, might just as well have been baptised, shunning. It happened to my husband at that time. I was very upset because I thought it was bullshit but being new "in the truth" I went along with it because after all, how could I understand the ways of God completely?

    When the new light came out the elders visited my husband and offered him a Bible study after shunning him for about a decade. Of course he refused, point being that he was never BAPTISED and should not have been held accountable for making a commitment he did not make.

    You know what I thought ? Just more sorting of the wheat from the chaff, after all, he could study if he wanted to. Another way that Jehovah had cleansed the organization.

    I feel bad for him now and for what my children and I went through.

    Shunning is sick and wrong. And evil.

  • isaacaustin

    IC, I came in as an 'approved associate'...about 1988 or so I think...but then the new light came so when I left in '90 I was only 'no longer an unbapt pub"

  • oompa
    justhuman: I can tell you my personal expierience regarding shunning, since I come from the Greek culture (mediterranean sea) that we have strong family bonds. My mam does not shun me at all and so does my sister. I was at the kindom hall few weeks ago(I had to take my mam since my sister she couldn't)I met an old family friend who gave me a big hug and talked to me, in front of the entrance of the kindom Hall. My cousin(Elder)he gave me a hug at the memorial this year and talked to me. My mother in law talks to me, and so do my 2 sisters in law. Also I have a cousin that she is disfellowshiped for getting married in the Orthodox Church, and all my relatives speak to her, and invite her at the weddings,and family gatherings. Most of my personal Jw's friends still talked to me and they give me a ring sometimes!!!

    I think this statement supports my hope for an end to shunning. As it becomes more obvious that the bros are ignoring this horrible policy, i do not think a big crackdown by the FDS wil change things.....so they may lessen the importance of shunning in hopes of lessening the exits.........oompa

  • bonnzo

    ip_sec......my bad

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty
    so they may lessen the importance of shunning in hopes of lessening the exits.........

    Thats an interesting thought oompa which may in the future have some validity if they see their numbers decrease down to uncomfortable levels.

    But as the recent WT of Dec. has pointed out they still sound strong armed and vigilant against opposers and I think the inter-net has something to do

    with that as is the members only WT.

    I think the shunning atmosphere is varied from congregation to congregation and specific to individuals,

    but again I don't see a reversal on this policy without a total collapse of the organization, I've always seen it as an act of protectionism such as we are god's earthly organization ,

    if you don't like it then piss off.

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