it was near, then very near, then very, very near...only once

by oompa 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sweetstuff

    Sigh, it's so hard to understand why people continue to worry about saving their arses from the "Sky Daddy" versus actually being more humane to each other.

  • Quirky1

    Well said sweetstuff!


    There is another preacher of the Bible - the best on radio on this earth - from who came up with the same date 1994 AD and now with the year 2011 AD.He is 87years old and see what books he wrote on the subject of the end-time . And compare his knowledge of the Bible to yours.

    How he explains the year 1994 AD he wrote about in the two books .Yet he predicts the 2011 AD.

    You can get for free his publications :
    " Time Has an End "; " The End of the Chruch Age and After " ; " Wheat and Tares " ; " We Are Almost There ".

    by calling 1-800-543-1495 .

    He you listen to His Open Forum programs just as I do though I don't agree with him on many issues.
    By the way right now I have an audio tape running that I recorded with his Open Forum .

    We have to have real reasonable explanations why the past predictions failed and why we should rely on the next .

    The year 1914 AD is a clear indicator the International Bible Students were the only true christian religion back then and Jehovah's Witnesses using the name Watchtower are their successors .And you cannot escape this reality if we are living in the end-time era.

    There must be a period of 120 years counted as patterned after Noah's days before the end comes.This must be a peculiar period that has time limits on it .

    1879 AD + 120 years = 1999 AD.

    1884 AD + 120 years = 2004 AD.

    1891 AD + 120 years = 2011 AD.

    So ,we can see clearly that the end could not take place unless 120 years are passed .

    1914 AD + 120 years = 2034 AD.


    Don't be wiser than God Yahweh that gave us the Bible and we have plenty of texts there about the end of the world.And we have numbers there as well that were written as words and the words were sealed up to the end-time era - Daniel 12.4,9-12.

    We have signs given there and they must be fulfilled before the end comes.And the true christians should know how far we may be to that very end.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    And just when u think that life is getting boring OBVES appears

  • BizzyBee
    And just when u think that life is getting boring OBVES appears

    Yeah, it's always darkest just before it's pitch black...........


    The issue of the end-time prophecies is one of the most fascinating topics of the Bible.If you don't like what I am explaining using the dates or numbers you get the Wall Street Journal and see the numbers there and see a difference .


    To get into the spirit of the end-time check what is being taught today on this subject ,not years back .

    Daniel 12.4,9 states that the words ( the numbers were written as words too ) were sealed up to the end and check it out if now we are at the end reading my posts . Or go to and let Harold Camping explain you what times we are living now .

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    OBVES is a shinning example why we should support are education system and are Collages and Universities

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Zeno's Paradox and Armageddon: it keeps getting even closer, yet never arrives!

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