Australian Premiere of new James Bond movie full of Witnesses and Elders???

by Witness 007 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker


    You are correct, it is personal choice, until you are told by some elders you will lose your privileges.

    Generally in the United States, witnesses do not watch anything rated "R" - there are some who won't even watch PG movies.

    There are those who would enforce a choice on some - you watch this and I won't hang out with you.

    In the UK the "15" rating would probably be considered "R" here.

    I believe Bethel has one of its questions as "do you watch R rated movies", so even though they don't have a list, the implied list would be quite lengthy.

    The Bible does speak about Jehovah hating those who love violence.

    At the end of the day, if you rent an R rated movie which informs you that it "contains graphic violence, sex and scenes of drug abuse" you have been warned, but it is still personal choice.

  • oompa
    oompa do have a way about you girl!....can you count all your friends on just one finger??............oompa

  • Thirdson

    When I was about 13, we were counseled during a SM item about seeing violent movies in particular 'James bond.'

    A group of us teenagers had gone to see Live and Let Die. I still like that movie for the car and boat chases. 3rd

  • Satanus

    I remember councel on not going to violent movies. Thing is, the wt religion doesn't work. It has too many conflicts. They talk all nicey nicey, but the core of their system has a bloodthirsty tyrant, yhwh, who can hardly wait to exterminate those who don't do obeisence to the wt leadership. His second in command, jesus, michael the arch angel, the present ruler of the world, is not much better. James bond reflects some of that core violence, in the killing of a few evil doers.


    Ps, i used some wt lingo to aide rennia's reading ability.

  • Summer wine
    Summer wine

    I may be wrong ............but I think "Basic Instinct" was mentioned by name.

    It doesnt have to come through the WT. They slip it through the congregations by the COs.

    We were told not to watch ...................THE LION the DO at an assembly. He also said for us not to go to a holiday resort................Centre park.

    I will explain if any one is bothered :)

  • kerj2leev

    This is personal choice so whats the problem?

    Oh, this is a gem.

    For an Elder it may affect his ability to give counsel.

  • DaCheech

    I have a friend who was reporved for watching lord of the rings, and another friend who was reproved for trying to organize a paint ball meetup.

  • sweetstuff

    This is personal choice so whats the problem?

    It is a problem when you have to look over your shoulder for fear the "elders" will find out about your personal choice and inform you you don't have a personal choice if you want to please Jah.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Also the new James Bond movie......worst one ever!

  • hamsterbait

    Reniaa -

    When ET came out, the magazines said that it contained profanity, drunkenness and demonic telepathy. Then "is this the kind of entertainment christians would watch?" (JW code for don't watch it)

    Of course this "code" is used in the Magazines so they can turn around and say "we NEVER TOLD you what not to watch"

    The Omen, Omen II, were also specifically mentioned, as was the Michael Jackson video Thriller. The "Ten Commandments" was also dragged over the coals as "a Hollywood Hash" that made a mockery of the Bible. Would a true Christian want to watch a portrayal of Moses indulging in an immoral affair with the daughter of Pharoah?

    The game Dungeons and Dragons got a bad press too. Again they did not specifically say not to play it, but asked if a Christian would want to play such a game.

    Generally the Witchtower makes a list of things portrayed in movies and says it is wrong to watch such things - They would be taken to court by the manufacturers if they specifically said "do NOT watch X" or "do not buy Y" about a specific product.

    What bothers me is that whilst claiming to leave things up to the individual conscience, it is made clear that those whose consciences allow them to do other than what the WTBS says will have sanctions of some form imposed - even if it is only being killed by God.


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