People who actually listened to Kingdom Melodies outside the Hall

by JimmyPage 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • momzcrazy

    Yes, I knew people like that. They also played them on guitars at our "get togethers". And we all had to sing along.

    Oh, and don't forget those people who played The Tree of Knowledge or those Bible quiz cards for fun.

  • DoomVoyager

    Fortunately, I never heard a Kingdumb Malady outside the Hell. But this

    Oh, and don't forget those people who played The Tree of Knowledge or those Bible quiz cards for fun.


    One time I had to do that ALL NIGHT.

    I thought I was going to die.

  • abbagail

    Also guilty! I had all of the cassette tapes, the orchestrated ones and the piano versions (before the CD era) and took them w/me to the beach all the time. Several days a week I'd do the six hour tanning session in the lounger right at the shore line, and would put on the headphones to the Sony cassette player and just sing away (silently, of course). But I actually loved those tapes and music... knew them all by heart, singing praises in my heart to God the whole day long out there on the beach!

    Can't remember one single note of them now, nor any of the words, which I figure is a good thing. Lots of gorgeous Christian music out there to choose from which we never knew about in the JW years, of course.

  • AuntBee

    A few months ago, JWs came knocking at our door. One was the mom of a senior in hs that hangs out here a LOT, eats our food, sometimes goes places with us, etc. (dau is senior at same school) I made an appointment with them, and reasoned with her for well over an hour, with all the good info i've learned here on JWD. (thanks, guys!) I"ve known who she is for a few years, but didn't mention anything about her son. I was left mystified as to whether she just came here by chance , or if she wanted to check us out.! LOL. Not to mention i've always been mystified as to how he can hang here so much, the parents seem very hard-core, i think she is full time pioneer.

    A few nights ago, he gets a call from the mother on his phone while here, inquiring as to what my first name is, as she thinks she knows me! Whoa!! She had no clue who i was when they were here! My dau hears her talking loudly, but son makes no reaction or comment afterwards. (VERY closed person, keeps the 2 'worlds' entirely separate)

    Will he still be allowed to come over? Will he be grilled as to if i ever try to talk to him about JW issues? (I NEVER have.....yet) Is he embarrassed now to know she was here? (I offered my personal friendship to the mom after our meeting, but i said regrettably i knew she couldn't because i would be bad association, and she just stared at me. It felt kind of eerie...)

  • AuntBee

    i think i hit "reply" instead of new topic. Anyone know how to get it moved? Help!! LOL

  • mkr32208

    I know one person! Next time your watching 'worlds wildest police chases' they are chasing this guy in a white car who hits a gas pump. When they open the door to drag him out you can clearly here kingdom melodies blaring out of his stereo!

  • momzcrazy

    One time I had to do that ALL NIGHT.

    I thought I was going to die.

    But it was good clean fun!!! LOL But at least the treats were good!

  • blondie

    I got them and never used them, dust collectors. I heard of some younger Bethelites recording over the tape with their favorite music, heavy metal, rap, etc. I wonder how they got caught?

  • momzcrazy
    I wonder how they got caught?

    When BOOM BOOM BOOM could be heard down in the cafeteria?

  • babygirl75

    The head thrashing probably didn't help either....I've never seen anyone rock out to the Kingdom Melodies...

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