People who actually listened to Kingdom Melodies outside the Hall

by JimmyPage 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    I remember my mother telling me that I should listen to Kingdom Songs instead of Rap Music while getting ready for the meeting. I never did go along with that.

  • mama1119

    I used to hate that. When we would go over to other peoples house for dinner and the background music was Kingdom Melodies. Lame-o. And I hated listening to them in Field Service. I also hated Field Service. And going to peoples house for dinner.

  • halcyon

    I used to really like the melodies. I thought they were great music and they put me in a really inspired mood. So one day I sent a copy off to a worldly friend of mine who had majored in music in college and had made his living teaching music. I thought I was introducing him to something really special. Boy was I embarrassed when he responded to the CDs with a less-than-enthusiastic opinion.

    I have a problem with ALL Christian musicians, though. It seems people think that just because they're Christian, that everything they create is God-inspired. I see people of limited ability thinking they're at the pinnacle of talent. It seems that the godless are much more humble and work so much harder to master great music than anything I've seen from openly Christian musicians.

  • four candles
    four candles

    Yeh halycon I know what you mean. A musician was studying with my mum,he used to play keyboards in a prog band,and he said how really awful they were.

    One other elderly sister said it should be the only music you listen to after I told her I'd bought a single which was 'If you think you know how to love me' by Smokie(hardly devil music!!),but me and her grandson used to rock out to Deep purple,Floyd,Sabbath,Zeppelin etc....................still do now really.

  • WTWizard

    When I first joined the cancer, I was told that I needed to "wean myself off worldly music" by the humanoid that dragged me in. That was after the "Throw away your music or your house will be destroyed" trick failed. So I ordered the records, and they were all the piano crap. The tapes had the orchestra versions, but they were not sequestered like they were on the record.

    I did give the damn things a fair chance. No I did not play them all the time; no I did not mix them with worldly music. Rather, I would use them to get to sleep (not that effective when there is sudden bursts of noise along with the quiet passages). Or I used them for occasional use only (I would play a specific cut on a record or tape, not the whole record/tape). Eventually, I realized that there was no way in hell that I was ever going to like the sxxx enough to substitute for real music, so they ended up sitting. The records ended up getting "lost" while I erased the tapes and put rap music on them.

    I have heard people play Kingdumb maladies while out in field circus. We had a rule that it was either Kingdumb Maladies or nothing while in field circus or going to or from the boasting sessions, and about 90% of the time, it was nothing. However, there were people that felt it necessary to put in a tape of Kingdumb Maladies (later, a CD). I can remember someone putting a CD of Disc #9 in, and calling it "beautiful new music" and "they didn't have to take time out to give us such beautiful music when the end is so close". It was the same old sxxx, remixed and re-ordered (so close--that was 2001). I only wanted them to drop the CD on the ground, have someone step on it, scratch the label side badly, and have it ruin the disc.

    Or, to have a tape of Kingdumb maladies get eaten.

  • shamus100
    Yes, I knew people like that. They also played them on guitars at our "get togethers". And we all had to sing along


    It's always so socially awkward whenever someone pulls out a guitar at a social gathering, let alone kingdumb melodies.


  • shamus100

    This will bring more than tears to your eyes. It will bring vomit unto your mouth.

  • Nosferatu

    Thank you for posting that, Shamus. I lost my appetite for breakfast...

    That guy REALLY needs to tune his guitar. It sounds like crap.

  • mrsjones5

    Oh you poor people! My parents tried but they just couldn't keep it up and reverted back to worldly music: Mom - 60's and 70 soul, Dad - Roger Whitaker with a bit of classical music on the side. My parents like to dance and you can't do the calypso to the kingdom melodies.

  • ninja

    hey shamus.....I'm off to listen to the jonestown tapes cheer myself up after that

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