#1 reason they go in service...be honest!..........

by oompa 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa
    mimimi: Well, let me tell you, turning it over to a brother was quite unsuccessful. Three different brothers I tried and they at least went once each, two of them more than that, but I ended up back with it.
    mimimi: When I was young, I remember an urgency about the service that I never saw in later years. I remember going out in service back when I was in my late teens and early 20's with a real sense of purpose. Also, there were no breaks taken back then. You got in there and did what you were there to do.

    first one...LMAO!!!....those guys soooo wanted to make a disciple! I have seen that before, or try and get a bro to go with you reg.....forget it....your only hope of a turnover is a hardcore...usually young pioneer.

    and secondly....you are dead on!....as I kid we hardly ever got breaks, and when I was ten or eleven....me and the other kids had to go to doors ALONE!!! Why?...to get the street or territory finished in time.....URGENCY...geeze.......oompa

  • PrimateDave

    You are right, Oompa. The main reason is because of group pressure, not love for fellow humans who could lose their lives in Armageddon. In fact most Witnesses by their materialistic lifestyle show that they don't take Armageddon seriously. A few do, but not most.

    That said, I hated regular door to door, but found conducting "Bible" studies to be quite tolerable. I would far rather get my time in by sitting in someone's home having a pleasant discussion than walking around to houses not knowing what to expect at the next door. In my time I had a number of regular "Bible" studies, although, to my knowledge only one man that I studied with ever became a baptized Witness. I had studied with him, and he moved away. Then a few years later I met him at an assembly after he had been baptized.

    In my family my mother has been the most active in studying with people and has made a number of converts. Please understand that my mother is quite sincere in her efforts, and I respect her sincerity if not the unfortunate results of her activities. Anymore I think she is more the exception than the rule as far as the average Witness is concerned.


  • oompa

    primate dave, i always liked studies more than door to door hell too.......but i was a good pioneer for awhile. I got many to the hall, and assemblies, but never dunked.

    Unfortunately i still feel bad for that fateful day when I placed the the Truth Book with a young college couple when i was but 10. My mom went with me and i kinda got the damm thing started (parently training for me!) and then my folks took over.......now they are a family of four and still in the frikkin truth!.....I so hope the kids have left it but dont know............oompa

  • yknot

    In defense of FS.....

    When I truly believed the JWs were the 'best' way toward salvation, I loved, loved FS and informal witnessing.

    The reason I go now is to keep everyone happy. I rarely knock on a door but am a whiz at misplacing tracts!

    Damn it is already 9:30 (meeting at 9:45)......... I gotta go schelp, CO is still in town!

    The great news is CO isn't tagging in my group (another sister and our daughters)! We are going to take the eastern territory because there is a new outlet mall that opened a few months ago just beyond the territory lines.....

  • WTWizard

    To prevent getting hounded to go out.

  • oompa

    yknot....why are you keeping EVERYONE happy? who is everyone....cause it does not make me happy to know you still go out in service when you do not want to....I did that for years and it frikkin sucked.........i cant remember....what is keeping you in?..............oompa

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    I totally agree that people go out for social reasons, peer pressure and guilt. Once you have a basic awareness of this, these motivations only work for so long. After if finally realized the truth about the truth, I could no longer sell it, I don't know how anyone could.


    Oompa..I was taught inactive JW`s will not make it into the New System.....The #1 reason why JW`s go out into the Field Service is,"Self Preservation!"..If you don`t go,your Dead!...........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • yknot

    Well after spending 4.5 hours (which I am rounding to 6) in FS today **wink, wink** and being blessed with finding some awesome fall boots at half price!

    I think the #1 reason is because they are told it is a requirement. It is a requirement created to find converts, experience persecution, and give the WTS numbers (which I am sure they pad on top of the ones we pad) to publish as proof of God's Guidance.

    True Jesus said to make disciples but he didn't institute a formal system. Public preaching, informal witnessing and silent witnesses by conduct seems to be more historically accurate.

  • redredrose

    Oh yeah, the number one reason is the guilt trip they lay on you if your hours are low.

    I too would have rather sat talking to someone pleasantly than go from door to freaking door.

    I had one study that had multiple emotional problems, half the time I visited her in the psychiatric ward and I STILL would rather have done that than knock on unknown doors. By the way, later she moved and got baptized in another congregation and just recently she called and said she didn't think she was gonna make it because she had fallen in love with another woman! Fortunately, now I was able to be completely sympathetic.

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