My HISTORICAL night in Grant Park!!! AMAZING!!!! (pics)

by Tatiana 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Looks like you had a great time.....nice pics!

  • SixofNine

    Thanks for sharing. I'm jealous. We had a great party in Dallas too, but nothing on that scale. Same diversity and same tears though.

  • sammielee24

    Those are so cool..thanks for sharing. A once in a lifetime moment...sammieswife.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I've ran out of buckets for all my tears. This is beautiful!

  • Dagney

    Great pics!!! Thanks for sharing! How lucky you are!

    I loved the one with the little boy with the big eyes listening. I was told by a family member who's house is divided (husband a FOX addict), her little boy was repeating all the stuff his dad says, trash talk about Obama, and he's only 7!!! But he watched the election coverage (dad was not there), and didn't say a peep during Obama's speech. Afterward he said, "He's really good!"

    That's what's it's all about. Hope won!!!!!!!!!!

  • halcyon

    Sounds amazing and I wish I was there too!

    My night was unexpectedly amazing, actually. I went out to get something to eat at a sports bar, not even thinking about the fact that I might still be there when the results were announced, or that anyone else would react. (I know, duh, right? But I just am so inexperienced at these things!) So anyway, all of a sudden the place erupted in cheers and applause. Totally took me by surprise, but even more so, my own emotions took me by surprise! I felt sooooo proud! The historical implications of the moment sunk into me, deeply, and I became incredibly thankful that serendipity had led me out of my house so that I could share the moment with others.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Thanks for sharing. What a wonderful opportunity for you to actually be there! Mr. Fiorini and I watched it at home together. When it was announced, we let out a scream, gave each other a high five and a big hug and kiss. Then, after I sat down, the tears came. I have never felt this way about an election before. This has been so long overdue. Finally hope has returned!!

  • BabaYaga

    Tatiana, thank you so much for posting these. What an incredible night... you just added another level of reality to something that still feels like a dream.

  • Tatiana

    Dagney... there were a lot of children there. That little boy was standing behind me.
    He looked tired and had probably been there for a while, yet he was still listening.
    Hope did win! He never even saw me take his picture. but his mom did. She tapped his shoulder and said, "That lady just took your picture!!" was really better to be with other people. I am a loner, and I really
    hate crowds, but that night I was tremendously happy to be in that crowd of folks.
    It made the moment so much more poignant.

    Mrs. Fiorini...I've never felt this way either. I've had debates with witnesses over
    the last month or two about voting, and being raised as a witness, it was hard for me
    to trust any politician. I never voted until now. The feeling was amazing. I am of the
    firm belief that what ever God or Goddess is up there, he or she doesn't want us to be
    "apart" from the world, meaning our neighbors and fellow humans....he or she wants us to
    HELP each other and ourselves. Not sit around like zombies waiting on he or she to swoop
    down and kill half the planet so a few of us can be all happy. I believe "apart" was taken way out of context.

    Not logical. So I voted..
    .and I feel great!

    White Dove...I need another bucket. still feels like a dream to me too. After living in a nightmare for 8 years, this is like a dream come true!

    Here's another story that made that night even more special...from our local Channel 7 news.


    CHICAGO (WLS) -- Tuesday night is certainly one for the history books.
    It's also a night a Chicago couple will never forget but for a different reason!

    Erin and Mawi Asgedom welcomed their son, Sawyer, into the world early Wednesday morning. They started the evening at Barack Obama's rally in Grant Park. But halfway through Obama's acceptance speech, Erin went into labor.
    "Before we went, we realized that our contractions were about seven minutes apart. We decided to take the risk and witness something that was very historic," said mom Erin Asgedom.

    "I feel like I've had the best 12 hours one can have. I got to witness a momentous moment in the history of democracy, Barack Obama, and then now I have my son here, who can be anyone he wants to be," said dad Mawi Asgedom.

    The couple walked nearly a mile to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, taking breaks along the way.

  • Tatiana

    I put two videos up. Haven't finished. I was screaming like a banshee. LOLOL

    This was the moment they announced Obama was Prez!

    This is right after when they were playing Stevie...

    Just wanted to add that I already recieved a nasty comment from someone about abortion. Like..what does that have to do with my happy night?? alt

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