Defence of watchtower society Links

by reniaa 343 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Matt_fs

    Reniaa said

    It does but if we only measure false prophets on dates then the majority of christian faiths have done this, the older ones have learned to stick their head in the sand but once they were the WT equal on this. 1000 ad was popular for predictions. If you want to try and make wt into a false prophet you'll have to use more evidence than this, unless you aquit other christian faiths because there date naming was so long ago.......One thing I've notice is people on here will bring up paperwork from 19 century on wt onwards but they act like all other faiths are wiped clean by virtue of time.

    Ok Reniaa, so you ignore the bible and think the way YOU want to think. The bible is clear on the subject of false prophets. It says to stay away from them, they are not from God. I dont understand what you mean by I'll have to use more evidence? The only evidence the bible asks for is if a prophet says something is to pass and it doesn't, then its not from God, hence a false prophet, what more evidence could you ask for?

    And i dont care if other christian faiths have set an end date (they are false prophets as well) but we are not talking about them, we are talking about the WTS.

    Follow Jesus, not a man made organization.


    Reniaa..I`m on Dial-up so your Answer to Question #1 just came up..Thanks.....That is not an apology by the way..Far from it..Accepting "some responsibility" is not an apology..During that time you could have been D/F for preaching against 1975..That`s a fact.I was there..As anyone can see,there is no apology....I await your answers for Questions #2and #3..................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open



    Congratulations for your courage in providing a good defence of Jehovah's Witnesses, their beautiful and sacred teachings and its modern day organization.

    Be assured that our teaching regarding chronology especially the date 607 BCE is soundly established on the Bible and secular history. The date is well proven and supported by several WT scholars many of whom are qualified at University level and have made significant contributions to biblical scholarship similatr to that of the NWT Committee.

    Apostates hate 607 BCE and only rely on the published work of an apostate Carl Jonsson and they simply accept everything he has written without any criticism it is just as Jesus said about 'the Blind leading the blind'. Further, such ones only slander us but do not provide any alternative; If the Witnesses are not the True Religion then where is it to found today? They have no coherent doctrine, no ministry, no brotherhood in short they have NOTHING to offer except ridicule and vile hatred of Truth, Justice and Christiian Freedom.

    Keep up the good work

    Your brother in faith

    scholar JW


    I thought this was satire.

  • bennyk
    I thought this was satire.

    I wish it were satire...

  • Beep,Beep


    "Everyone in the Org at that time completely and radically changed their lives because we were told that Armageddon was coming in the fall of 1975. "

    Sorry but that is simply not true. My life was not changed radically, nor were the lives of my family. I know that some people took this to mean what you claim, but from my experience they were a minority.

  • Kenneson

    Anonymous Watchtower scholars with no credentials but their own claims to scholarship. How impressive. Not!

  • Kenneson

    The Watchtower acknowledged "some" of the responsibility for 1975. Heck! It should be all the responsibility. Do they imagine that the rank and file thought up that date? And who was it that kept it in the faces of the rank and file if not the literature and spokesmen of the Watchtower Society? What did they expect but for the rank and file to run with it? They can't even apologize wholeheartedly.

  • JWdaughter

    Benny K said: "DEFENSE" is spelled "DEFENCE" in Great Britain..."

    THAT explains my difficulty with spelling those kind of words-all the Mills and Boone stories I read in the old days (I was poor and got the old ones where they didn't kiss till the second to last page-either right before or after they became engaged or married). It is good to know where that spelling issue comes from. Do they do the same with offence? Because that is another one I always misspell.

  • ex-nj-jw
  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    Hi Renaia:

        Hi guest with questions
        your questioning the 144.000 well the number is in the bible and the bible does mention annointed, you use a lot of wt quotes but do you think jesus will goto the real israel then? and who do you think are the annointed? it's not an easy question It's one I believe because I do want to stay on earth and have what Jehovah promised Adam. if there is just one group that all just get swept upto heaven that doesn't make sense either because of the mention of a ruling class etc who do they rule?

        Living on Earth/the Name Jehovah

        You say that you want to stay on earth. Many churches, including the church that I have attended in the past and the one I attend now, David Jeremiah and Charles Stanley, just to name a few, believe in a literal 1,000 year reign. Also as a side note many churches do say Jehovah is His name. It's not just Jehovah's Witnesses. I personally don’t like it as I believe it is a man-made name. Yahweh is closer but not accurate either. We don’t know the accurate pronunciation of His name and I don't think we should choose a name that is close enough, or good enough. I don’t think it’s a requirement for salvation, just as many other beliefs are not necessary for salvation. Jesus said believe in me and you will have eternal life. He is the way, the truth and the life. When we love someone we want to learn as much as possible about him. We want a relationship with him.

        Until this past year it wasn’t a subject that I was as interested in as some of the others. It could be fear because of my Jehovah’s Witness parents. It was a subject that I dreaded and avoided for a long time. I don't fear it anymore.

        This is what I have pieced together so far and I might have to rethink some things but am starting to see a clearer picture. My feeling is that new light can be something revealed to the individual, something that he didn’t know before. As I stated before some beliefs are not a requirement for salvation. I may have the order wrong, I may have some things wrong but I am searching the scriptures. Whether I am right or wrong in some areas doesn't make me loose or gain eternal life.

        I believe that all who die as believers will go up to heaven, but not sure if they are concious of anything. At the cross Jesus did say to one of the criminals that he would be in Paradise with Jesus that day. Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise. (not, truly I say to you today, you will be with me in Paradise.)


        Some say that the Rapture could occur at any time. Some say before, some say during or after the Tribulation. At the Rapture all believers who have died will be resurrected first. Then all believers still alive will meet Jesus in the air. True believers will be changed in the twinkling of an eye.


        There will be peace for about 3 ½ years on earth. Apparently a peace treaty will be signed with Israel and they will think they will at last have a peaceful existence but it’s short lived.


        Then there will be a great tribulation lasting about 3 ½ years (1260 days). Then Jesus will come back with the Church (believers) to Jerusalem. (not a figuritive but the literal Jerusalem-Mount of Olives). Every eye will see Jesus.

        1000 year reign

        After the battle Jesus will reign on earth for a thousand years. The believers will help rule. It seems that you might get different rewards depending what you have done on earth during your lifetime. After this time there will be the Judgment.

        New Heaven and New Earth

        I then get the sense from reading Rev 21 that there will be a New Heaven and New Earth; that heaven and earth come together. It seems that it is at this point that there will be no more suffering and God himself will live with us. It’s interesting to note that Israel was the bride of God, and all believers are the bride of Christ.

        I have to say that I prefer this version to the Watchtower version as there is a horrible clean up of all the dead carcasses by the people left over. But what's important is, what does the Bible really say will happen.

        Jews coming to Christ

        This past Wednesday night I talked to a Jewish gentlemen that now believes that Yeshua (Jesus) is his Saviour. As foretold in the Bible many Jews will realize that Jesus is the Messiah they have been waiting for. Their hearts were hardened but they will be softened. This is happening. Many Muslims are also converting.


        He doesn't believe that the 144,000 is a literal number. I don’t know if it’s to be taken literally or figuritively. My understanding prior to speaking to him, (and I could be wrong-this is a learning process) that towards the end Jewish people will witness throughout the world preaching the Gospel to their own people and this is happening. At this point this is what I believe until someone can show me otherwise. It makes sense but I realize that it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is scriptural.

        The Annointed

        I believe that all who have received Jesus into their hearts are annointed. Some people, because of pride, think they are above others, but Paul said that no-one is without sin.

        1 John 2:26-27 I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray. As for you, the annointing you received from Him remains in you, and you don’t need anyone to teach you. But as His annointing teaches you about all things and as that annointing is real, not counterfeit -just as it has taught you, remain in Him.

        2 Corinthians 1:21-22 Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

        Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for youare all one in Christ Jesus.

        I have been doing a personal study on Israel and hope to eventually post it on JWD. Renaia I do hope you read it.

        As for my mom, she is slowly walking away after 36 years. She is confused but she has seen the hypocricy, the lack of love and some of the falsehoods on her own, without any help from me. I believe that God is working in her. I can proclaim the word but I can’t convict her. Likewise I can’t convict you. Read your Bible without preconceived teachings from the Watchtower and you will see it also. New light will be revealed to you. This new light didn’t change, but it will be revealed to you personally as new light.

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