Boring bookstudy book...which one was the worst?

by White Dove 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    My favorite book was the Greatest Man book. I fell in love with Jesus with that one and wondered why they didn't feature him in our worship a lot more.

    He is the one who gave the most.

    I cried with that book, even if it was inacurate in places about him.

    I still have a soft spot in my heart for that character and love his story.

  • Tuesday

    I have a thing for prophesy so the Revelation book interested me. Live Forever book the dark red book was insanely boring, the Evolution book was boring because it just kept repeating the same argument over and over and over again. The worst I felt was "The Bible: God's Word or Man's", that little orange one. That bored me so terribly, if I read it now I think I'd laugh out loud at it.

  • Gregor

    I forget which book had the multicolored statue that has some prophetic stuff about the rulers of the world. I was sitting there thinking, 'where in the world do they come up with this crap?'

    That would be the book on Daniel, "Your Will Be Done" a sickly light green color. I actually kind of liked that one because it did contain a lot of actual history. It has proven to be one of the most embarassing for the WTS because it was so specific in its interpretation of the kings of the north and south which was nuetralized when the Soviet Union was disolved.

  • IreallydidwalkoutofaKH

    The one I could not stand the most was the "blood brochure" bookstudies. Even as a child it seemed so self righteous to call the doctors performing the surgery "rapist". Then all the ridiculous experiences about taking kids out of hospitals...just horrible!!!!

  • blondie

    For me, definitely the Babylon the Great book; more involved and convoluted than the Isaiah books, which are from the dumbed down period.

  • Fadeout

    No question, Isaiah books, hands down. That is hell on earth right there.

    At least Revelation and Daniel entertain you with their goofyness. Isaiah was just hypnotically BOOORRING and way too long.

  • Quandary

    Isaiah Volumes I and II without a doubt the worst, most atrocious "commentary" ever written! How dare they apply everything dealing with "faithful" Israel to themselves and everything to do with the unfaithful Israelites to Christendom! What a load of utter refuse! I hated conducting that BS with a passion!!!!


  • lovelylil

    I agree with those who said the Isaiah's Prophecy books.............what a snooze fest during those studies. zzzzzzzzzzzz

  • avishai

    Did'nt they do the "Youth" book at least once? That one was hell as a kid,SO embarrassing.


    Your question implies that there was an exciting book to "study," lol!

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