Boring bookstudy book...which one was the worst?

by White Dove 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    ah yes, the pouring out of the bowls mean conventions. lol. How did I buy into that crap

  • JWdaughter

    There was a book that mentioned revelations and Daniel a lot, right around the end of the 70's or beginning of the 80's. It is the one that we had to write the changes in for(at that time I don't remember doing such a thing before). It was a real snoozer and yet got some of the JWs real excited for some reason.

    That book took FOREVER!!!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    When I first attended in '88 they were finishing up the blood brochure. I really didn't understand what was going on. Next came the new creation book. That one was semi interesting. Was the Revelation book next?

  • dogisgod

    Anything with Ezekiel, Daniel or Revelation. If you droped acid you just might enjoy the trip just a little more.

  • greenhornet

    The book I remember was the Babylon book. It had a separate question book to it. Wow total boredom.

  • slimboyfat

    The Isaiah books without a doubt. There were TWO of them you know. And every week it was "Rutherford and his associates were taken into captivity in Babylon... blah blah... Jehovah delivered his people... Babylonish doctrines... blah blah." Oh my goodness what a waste of many perfectly good evenings that tripe was.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    JW daughter,

    That may have been the "Live in Paradise on Earth Forever." It was a Bible Story Book sized book but thicker.

    The Babylon book was a small, thick, red one studied in about the '60's.

    My son was a newborn when we studied the Rev. book for the first time.

    My grandmother absolutely drooled about the Isaiah books.

  • independent_tre

    ewww...def. the Isaiah books, and the Daniel book as the runner up.

    I forget which book had the multicolored statue that has some prophetic stuff about the rulers of the world. I was sitting there thinking, 'where in the world do they come up with this crap?'

  • sir82

    Hands down, no doubt whatsoever, the 2 Isaiah volumes.

    For those of you fortunate enough to have escaped the 1 and a half years or so spent on this drivel, here is the summary of its 500+ pages:

    "In 1919, Jehovah selected Rutherford & company, thus fulfilling Isaiah 1:1...Isaiah 1:2....Isaiah 1:3....Isaiah 1:4....."

    300 pages later..

    "1919...anointed Christians...thus fulfilling Isaiah 32:1....thus fulfilling Isaiah 32:2.....thus fulfilling Isaiah 33:3...."

    150 pages later

    "1919...anointed Christians...thus fulfilling Isaiah 64:1....thus fulfilling Isaiah 64:2....thus fulfilling Isaiah 64:3..."

    Man, was that excruciating.

  • DoomVoyager

    The current book (Live with Jehovah's Day in Mind) is incredibly vapid and lacking in substance. I might almost have to vote for it.

    Revelation is at least interesting. Even if it's mind-bogglingly absurd, I can't see how you'd call it boring.

    The Isaiah books were boring only becuase of how long they dragged on. What was it, 3 years?

    I thought Daniel was extremely interesting (as far as WT dreck goes, anyway)

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