Boring bookstudy book...which one was the worst?

by White Dove 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • NotBlind

    I hated both Isaiah books - it was the same study week after week, literally, for well over two years.

    Blah, Blah, Blah 1914 Blah Blah 1919 blah blah spiritual restoration blah blah free from the chains of Babylon blah blah 1919 blah blah 1919.

    Isaiah books - even worse than the Revelation book!

  • gaiagirl

    I probably got less out of the Revelation book than any of the others. As already noted, the writing was terrible. I had a distinct sense that the writers didn't really understand Revelation, and were just trying to sound as if they did. Explanations for difficult passages used expressions such as "This LIKELY means that....". Obviously inspired by holy spirit...NOT!

    I came to view the bookstudy as "filler", just something the WTBTS wanted us to do so we wouldn't be doing anything else.

  • WTWizard

    All of the prophecy books were a complete waste of time. The first time through, I thought the Revelation book was reasonable (though there were a couple of times I was hoping for an awfully short study). However, after the third time through, it too became a waste.

  • boyzone

    Definately, totally, the two Isaiah books.

  • leavingwt

    Isaiah Book, hands down, most boring book.

    On the flipside, the Greatest Man book was my personal favorite.

  • DonutsToGo

    Notblind - that is how I remember the Isaiah books. The worst part was finishing the one and then rolling right over into part two - which was equally thick. Those two have my vote.

  • Nosferatu

    Wow, I'm glad I got out before the Isaiah books were released.

    Worst was probably the Revelation book. The pictures are really cool, but on the third time, they're boring to look at.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I endured some of the BS meetings in the Isaiah books but I stopped attending about that time. When I stopped attending my friends would tell me how the lessons every week were the same.

  • Gregor

    As I recall the Babylon (Revelation) book was released before it was finished. The first part was like 3/4 of an inch thick. Then the complete 1.5" tome , dark red, came later. This meant the WT could actually sell the book twice. Very dry book but the old timers liked the idea that we were getting back to the old theme of exposing Christendom as a rotten whore that their hero, Judge Rutherford, had made the very essence of the TRUTH.

  • LovesDubs

    After being out for 11-1/2 years I have blissfully forgotten all the books we read except the damn Revelation book since they insisted on doing that a bazillion times. Whoever wrote that drivel was in love with their own prose apparently. They actually expected us all to buy NEW ONES to start over again! What??? So Im sitting there in my OWN HOUSE in the book study in 1995 with my newborn on my lap listening to this crap being beaten to death all over again and had to stifle LAUGHTER into the baby's blanket at the rediculousness of their assertions and the very VERY serious way the book study conductor was covering this material ...again... What a FARCE.

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