Aren't we as a group smart enough to bring the whole thing down?"

by BonaFide 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    There isn't nearly as much interest here in bringing them down as there is there in staying up.

    Anyway, what's it to us that they believe what they want? Shouldn't they be allowed to? Isn't that what you do? Is it anybody elses business what you believe? I don't think so, and I think JWs, just like everybody else, should be left alone to believe whatever stupid thing is in the light right now. Disagreement = opposition = persecution = "We must be right!"

  • zagor

    I think you underestimate the hold WTS has on many people. Its power comes from rank and file actually believing WTS and GB are authority so attacking then directly would just strengthen R&F resolve as they would interpret that as "the sign of the last days" hence "being persecuted for their beliefs".

    Only way forward it to chip it away slowly like a corrosion showing logic they cannot argue against. Which is why closing site of this magnitude in my opinion only works for them...

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    and the $203.95 price (discounted) on Amazon is a bit steep for my tastes.,,,for what, one maybe 2 more classes?

    They've gone up. I gave $179 for mine on Amazon about 4 years ago. One thing about the top end calculators is you can get most of your money back on resale. Besides, I'm a sucker for tech gadgets.

  • jaguarbass

    The bible was written to manipulate man and steal his energy. Many people fall into its trap.

    It will be here long after we die. The watchtower is just one of many man, bible manipulating sects.

    Pt Barnum is sometimes credited with saying a sucker is born every minute and folks like the watcthower are there to pray on them.

    I suspect most witnesses even up to the top believe it.

    The puppet masters have made this matrix, this trap to drain mans energy and keep them fighting and having wars.

    And the watchtower is just another angle, or view of this trap.

    The watchtower doesnt drain peoples energy with wars it drains their energy doing stupid things boasting session meetings, telling lies about the end of the world, selling stupid magazines.

    All these things take people energies away and allow the politicians to pillage and rape the citizens.

    Its a Machavillian divide and conquer scheme.

    If someone can bring the tower down. There will be something to replace it because beings that are smarter than us are pulling the strings and keeping us trapped in the matrix.

    It's no accident that the witnesses can come up with a long list of short commings with all the worlds religions. That observation is part of the matrix.

    If your brain is not wired to fall and get trapped by catholisism, theres the baptist, lutherans, pentacostals, Jw's.

    There is a trap there for everybody.

    And if you dont fall for the bible trap there is cable tv with 57 channels with nothing on to keep you in the matrix.

    All to numb your mind and allow the politicians to rape you and steal your energy.

    Having said all that, I'd love to see the tower fall.

  • DoomVoyager

    In most cases, you can't reason a dub out of the tower. Even if they agreed that the coverups happened, the teachnigs were false, etc, most stil have a motive for staying. Therefore, it has nothing to do with how "smart" we are.

  • sf

    Aren't we as a group smart enough to bring the whole thing down?"

    You'd think. But then considering...

    It comes down to whom ACTUALLY is the "we".

    And it comes down to simple choices that "they" use as excuses, not solid reasons, that allow It to stay in Business of Deadly Policies.

    (Nice to see the forum still standing)


  • WTWizard

    It isn't just the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger we are fighting to bring it all down. They are only the ones making the rules.

    What we have to fight is the whole army. Each and every one of them is programmed to fight for their beliefs, and will spread the cancer through the community. It is about like trying to take out a colony of ants when the queen is untouchable. But, there is a way to slowly starve the queen.

    What has to happen is the communities be educated (which is part of what we are doing by spreading things on YouTube and MySpace). The active witlesses are programmed not to touch such material, so they will not be reached (and they are programmed not to reason). However, if they cannot get anyone that will respond, it's a matter of time before they become discouraged. Some will quit when they realize that they are completely wasting their time. Others will drop out when the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger does something totally stupid. However, the majority will stay lodged in the cancer.

    But there will be no growth. And that is where the hope is. Fresh money will no longer be coming in (they already cut off the supply of money from the inmates). And, if people leave and are not being replaced, they are going to be weakened. You get zero incoming, a few leaving, and the net result is a slow decline. Then people will die off, further shrinking the organization (and they are dying young). Ultimately, it gets to the point when there aren't enough people to run the congregations, and they can no longer keep tabs on everyone. People begin missing boasting sessions, they begin committing "sins", and soon the dropoff accelerates. And there isn't enough money entering the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, which will cause more pedophile embarrassments to reach the mainstream. In turn, that will heat up the opposition. Eventually, the law will catch up to them.

    That is one of my objectives. I cannot help the witless that remains steadfast and doesn't visit these sites. But, if a new study sees my posts and those of everyone else and realizes that it has bitter fruits or finds the scam tricks, those studies are more likely to become dropouts early in the game. The witlesses' time becomes wasted. They are unable to recruit those people that they placed littera-trash with. Ultimately, that is what undermines congregations.

  • OnTheWayOut

    We are like a huge herd of cats. Yes, the herdsmen cannot control us, but
    we are not all willing to cooperate, nor do we know exactly how we could cooperate
    to bring the herdsmen down. If we knew how, we would disagree on whether we
    wanted to do it.

    Many are still believers in something spiritual or religious. They would think that
    it was important to bring the JW's to Christ or to whatever it is they believe in now.
    Others would want to chip away at all religious beliefs. Some would want to punish
    the hounders and the hounder-hounders for their actions, while others would say that
    they are just victims of victims so it ain't necessary.

    Nobody pays us for our efforts to boycott, picket, march, protest, argue, travel to the
    Hall, or whatever we decided to do. Meanwhile, many would be risking friends and family
    association to bring the WT down. Some think that boldness is the method while others
    think that stealth will win the day.

    Each individual effort is appreciated. Each must decide on their own what they are willing
    to do. I don't blame some for just walking away and having peace. They wasted enough
    time and effort in this stupid cult already.

  • jamiebowers

    I know you are desperate for your family to see the real truth, but it's called mind control for a reason. Google Steven Hassan. It seems to be the best bet.

  • Finally-Free

    You have to consider the negative consequences of bringing them down. If the watchtower cult ceased to exist who would I loathe and sneer at? Also, since I never liked JWs even when I was one, it amuses me to see them waste their lives. I'd have to seek a new source of amusement.


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