The End is Here....The JWs gleefully watch the economy crash!

by LovesDubs 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hope4Others

    Seems like the first sign of anything tragic in the world people start to get really scared

    and want to run back to the hall..we really have been brain washed...


  • behemot

    I wonder how the magazines printed during the "Great Depression" in 1929 dealt with the situation back then, and especially if the connection was somehow made between the financial crisis and the approaching of the end ... it would be fun to show them they were saying exactly the same things 80 years ago!

    Anyone has access to that old stuff and can brief us?


  • ldrnomo
    A few days ago my husband said that we should start going to the meetings again because the economy is so bad. So, I asked him why and he said because witnesses help each other!

    He must know some witnesses that I don't. The only ones they help are those that might be able to help them. IE: help them knock on more doors, help them spew out meeting parts so they don't have to do as many, help them by putting more cash in the boxes at the back of the hall so they don't have to put as much in, help them build or remodel more halls so they don't have to work as hard at it.

    You better tell your husband if he expects help from the witnesses he's going to have to work for it. It would be easier to just get an extra job at McDonalds 3 days a week then trying to get somthing from the witnesses.


  • justhuman

    Boy I'm clad because with the economical crush WT is going down along with the U.S finnancial system....

  • TopHat

    Emma, you have good idea there...Market the end of the world as we know it.

  • Sasha

    I would not go back to the Hall if Jesus walked down the street. I still believe what I believe, just not the organization of the JW's!

  • LovesDubs

    So what kind of hypocrite stays clear of the hall when things are going well and goes running BACK when things get sticky?? Does he actually believe that being in that steel and concrete building convinces "Jehovah" of his genuineness? That he isnt a fox hole christian like everybody else? That kind of behavior is actually probably repeated all over the world in all religions right now...people praying for the economy to straighten out.

    Didnt we also see this RUN TO THE HALLLLLL!!! shit happening after 9/11?

    And oh look...theres W on TV telling us things have gone down the crapper. Helllooooooo W...its YOUR FAULT YOU IDIOT!! SHUT UP!


  • Jeremy C
    Jeremy C

    There is something very pathological about a religious movement that rejoices in the heartache of their fellow man. The Watchtower mindset is in effect a set of scales; whereby when the quality of life of everyone else (the world) goes down; their "happy-o-meter" goes up.

    I know many Christians personally; and none of them demonstrate this kind of jubilance toward a financial melt-down. This is because they are much more engaged with their neighbors and communities, and share others’ heartache. Watchtower Witnesses only care about the welfare of their fellow Watchtower Witnesses.

    I believe that this mindset emanates from the top down - that it is conditioned through the constant indoctrination of the publications they study. A vast number of Witnesses have been conditioned and indoctrinated from an early age to feel a subtle malice toward "the world". (Much of this comes from applying Old Testament prophetic writings to the modern day JWs) Therefore, when the "world" suffers calamities, the Watchtower Witness is inwardly joyful that their "oppressors" are getting what they deserve, and that their "deliverance is near".

    Many of the Watchtowers’ publications (demonizing the "world" and "worldly" people) have the same effect on JWs that the publication The Protocols of the Elders of Zion had on unsuspecting readers here in the U.S. Just as the Jews were scapegoated for much of Europe’s economic troubles, the "world" is scapegoated for much of the JWs individual problems, and the JW is able to be above the natural human empathy and compassion when calamity befalls that very system that they were indoctrinated to despise.

  • calico
    So what kind of hypocrite stays clear of the hall when things are going well and goes running BACK when things get sticky??

    The one I am stuck with! (Ass-kissin' weasel)

    The funny thing is--he knows better--I'm not sure why he says these things to me. We had an opportunity to help a struggling family and he refused to do anything! So why does he expect any help?! He is very selfish. Sorry, I'm beginning to rant, today happens to be our anniversary--27 years of shit!

  • daniel-p

    Jeremy C, good point, as always. My own family has been asking me how I've been doing with my job out here: I gleefully tell them that my college education has allowed me to get a relatively recession-proof job. If I had went into construction like everyone else from my home congregation, I'd be in line for a free bag of food at the shelter.

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