11/15/08 WT: Sick? Too damn bad - get yer @$$ back to the KH, slacker!

by sir82 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208

    I would be willing to bet worldwide every single article like this helps 500-1500 'extra' people out. Probrably more! How many are fading and leaving, not even including the people who get Df'ed just the ones that leave and fade? 150k a year? More? I don't know the stats well enough maybe someone does. But if I'm even close that works out to 3,000 people every week. I don't think it's even though I'll bet some weeks only half that number or less leave. There might even be weeks when there is very little loss but weeks with studies like this? I'll bet it's twice the normal average. So it's crap like this that wakes them up. So I say bring it on, all day every day more and more and more

  • garybuss


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    If someone could scan this I would really appreciate it, I want to show this to my wife

  • Mary

    I've scanned it and am trying to upload it, but it seems to be stuck and won't upload.....Rrrrgh.....I'll keep trying.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Seems to me that some of this may be a reaction to people breaking the blood ban? Just a though...

  • iloowy

    Mary wrote:
    > I've scanned it and am trying to upload it,
    > but it seems to be stuck and won't upload.....
    > Rrrrgh.....I'll keep trying.

    Hi Mary, I had similar problems getting the KM 10/08
    uploaded to the board... couldn't see any way to do
    it. I put the files on another board, and they still
    didn't show up here as a linked graphic. Finally I
    edited, which didn't seem to work half the time and
    kept giving me error messages, and I ended up putting
    plain links to the other board, but then the links
    lead to a pages which you need to register in the
    photo album of the board in order to see. What a
    process. Has it always been like this with graphics
    on JWD or is this a new thing since the end of times
    for JWD was announced by Simon?

    Does anyone have a dependable and working system for
    getting graphics to display on this board? If so could
    you share? I'm willing to scan articles if there's a
    way to put them up.

    With regards.

  • Mary

    OK, here we go.....what a pain in the butt. For some reason, Photobucket would not accept the scans that were jpg.....I had to re-save them as bmp.....I didn't save the first page of the article, as there was nothing earth-shattering on there, but the rest of the article is really bizzare:

    healthpg1.jpg picture by sam3217

    healthpg2.jpg picture by sam3217

    healthpg3.jpg picture by sam3217

    healthpg4.jpg picture by sam3217

  • WTWizard

    "We strive to stay as healthy as possible"?????? Well, under these constraints which make that impossible:

    (1) We have to get up early so we can make it to the Kingdumb Hell at 5:30 in the morning for field circus, no matter how we feel or how late we had to stay up last night for field circus. That means a quick breakfast, usually crap and under a lot of stress.

    (2) We have to stay up late for boasting sessions and other field circus. We are somehow supposed to do as much field circus as possible without allowing for health issues. Getting 3 or 4 hours of sleep per night is what they want you to do, and put everything else in field circus.

    (3) We eat fast, good tasting poison for lunch every day so we can keep our time going. On occasion, that is not that bad. But when it's all the time, it can ruin your health.

    (4) There is continual stress of whether we are doing enough. Houndings for everything are common. You have to worry about stumbling others with common things like music listened to in private and what books you read.

    (5) There is no fun. You can't even take a weekend off without Brother Hounder chewing you out about it. Just the austere routine of boasting sessions and field circus.

    (6) Many of those alternative medicines actually do help. I myself take vitamins. And, I will not hesitate to recommend (as opposed to impose) them for someone (that is, someone I feel is worth it) that has an illness that I reasonably think might be helped by the vitamin or mineral. One I have heard a lot about (and that nearly everyone is deficient in) is magnesium. Once they ban my discussing and recommending magnesium, that is depriving everyone of the knowledge that it may help headaches, cramps, and heart disease as well as help people to sleep.

    (7) Their money goes to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. Not only that cuts them off from being able to afford better food and vitamins (and sometimes allopathic medicine to go along with it), but it adds more stress. Which could create health issues in the first place.

  • chappy

    "Some diagnostic procedures border on the use of the uncanny." Come on folks, don't you think this nit-picking of Jehovah's Witnesses is a little over the top? We all know they're only stressing the use of common sense when dealing with medical issues. The Witnesses have always been well known for encouraging the use of approved and accepted medical practice like Miracle Wheat, The Electronic Radio Biola and Phrenology. chappy

  • Mary
    chappy said: The Witnesses have always been well known for encouraging the use of approved and accepted medical practice like Miracle Wheat, The Electronic Radio Biola and Phrenology.

    You're right chappy. And let's not forget Biggus Dickus Rutherfraud's timely caution against vaccinations:

    "Thinking people would rather have smallpox than vaccination, because the latter sows the seed of syphilis, cancers, escema, erysipelas, scrofula, consumption, even leprosy and many other loathsome affections. Hence the practice of vaccination is a crime, an outrage and a delusion."----The Golden Age 1929 May 1 p.502

    "Vaccination never prevented anything and never will, and is the most barbarous practice... Use your rights as American citizens to forever abolish the devilish practice of vaccination." -----The Golden Age 1921 Oct 12 p.17

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