Why do you think that some are more "controlled" by the WBTS than others?

by easyreader1970 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • easyreader1970

    I used to think that maybe it was just the people who were raised in the truth, especially from infancy. They didn't know what life outside of the Organization was so it was all they had to cling to. But that's obviously wrong because many, many have left--happily--never to return.

    But you have some people who worship the WBTS and who are consumed by it. No bad thing can ever be said about the organization or its members. In my house I am usually ripped to pieces by my wife if I say anything "negative" about the organization or the brothers. Doesn't matter what they did. Because they are part of God's Organization, they are free from accusation or even inspection. The Organization could write "kill your husbands or children in their sleep if they don't fully submit" and she would do it. I have no doubt of this.

    These people refuse all logical thought and accept everything the Watchtower prints as one hundred percent undeniable truth. Most of them hold the Watchtower and its literature in a higher regard than the Bible itself. How else can you explain why they are so accepting of the Watchtower's ever changing doctrines even though the Bible (even the hacked JW version!) is always constant.

    Are these people just weak minded? Do they lack inherent ability to make their own decisions and depend on others to rule them (sheep)? Is there some other psychological issue there that makes them more likely for total commitment than others?



    They need to be "right!"..It does`nt matter how insane they sound..They need to be right..At any cost,even their own credibility...........Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • jaguarbass

    If you find the answer to that question and post it here, I may understand why some people are democrats and some people are republicans.

    I dont think there is any accounting for stupidity.

    Life is a journey, we are not all at the same place on the journey.

    As far as I can see life is a journey made by many people who are in a zombie like trance.

    There are the masters or owners.

    Then there are the citizens, population, consumers.

    We were bread to be consumers. Some of us get hit on the head hard enough that it wakes us up, then we start to rebel and revolt.

    Then we get hit on the head again and either get locked up or medicated or done away with.

    Probalby being in a zombie like trance is a good thing. Especially if you can make enough money to be a good consumer while in the trance.

    Cause reality can suck.

  • Quandry

    In my house I am usually ripped to pieces by my wife if I say anything "negative" about the organization or the brothers. Doesn't matter what they did. Because they are part of God's Organization, they are free from accusation or even inspection.

    That's because nothing has been done to her personally.

    I used to feel the exact same way. Didn't matter what happened to anyone...you weren't in the back room, you have no buisiness saying something wasn't fair, they would never disfellowship someone who was repentant, they did what they had to do, you shouldn't take offense, that is negative talk and I will not listen, etc, etc. etc.

    Until my sixteen year old, shy, straight A student, never been in trouble before daughter who did a couple of normal teen things with friends was taken into a back room and devastated by five men on a JC, accusing her of everything imaginable, and calling her a liar when she would not admit to it. Then they told her God viewed her as filth, berated and humiliated her, and df'd her with no counsel whatsoever, or explanation of why it was necessary.

    THEN it made a difference to me....I am sorry to say. It may be the same for your wife. She just is a loyal dub.

  • Maddie

    A very good question!

    Some people and naturally more susceptable to indoctrination and mind control. Some ex JW's can leave and after a relatively short period of adjustment, they are able to go on with their lives without much problem. Others who leave never get over the experience of being a JW.

  • jamiebowers

    In my house I am usually ripped to pieces by my wife if I say anything "negative" about the organization or the brothers. Doesn't matter what they did. Because they are part of God's Organization, they are free from accusation or even inspection.

    That's because nothing has been done to her personally.

    OMG, Quandry, what a horrible experience for you and your daughter! But I beg to differ. I have known more than a few jws who have suffered at the hands of the elders, but they keep coming back for more. My mom is one of them. I'm not completely sure why they do it, but I think it has something to do with their own credibility. Even if something horrible happens to them, they so much want to prove themselves worthy of what they think is God's love that they'll put up with almost anything.

  • AnneB
    Are these people just weak minded? Do they lack inherent ability to make their own decisions and depend on others to rule them (sheep)? Is there some other psychological issue there that makes them more likely for total commitment than others?

    I suspect that prior abuse has something to do with it. Some are born into a culture of abuse and don't even realize that another way of life is possible.

    If a person is taught by life experience that some human higher than themselves is always right, that to voice different thoughts is sure to be punished, that to act on one's own initiative means emotional and physical torture, then yes, such people will be much more easily controlled by WT policies if they should become JW's.

    They're not weak-minded, not at all, nor do they lack inate abilities. They just haven't come up (yet) with a way to escape their current situation. It takes time and exposure to another life course before an abused person can make a successful transition to a more fulfilling way of life.

    Never give up hope.

  • WTWizard

    I wonder if some are hypnotized to the point that they cannot observe their current lives, and if things go from bad to worse or new problems are created, they will not attribute it to God, the Washtowel Slaveholdery, or both. Rather, they will blame themselves or someone making an innocent mistake, and continue serving God or the Washtowel Slaveholdery instead of slapping both in the face.

  • Satanus

    A part of the reason is the intrinsic nature of some people. They are content w it, and belong on the org.

    Within humans, evolution bestowed an advantage on those who cooperated more. Groupthink and following along is a part of that.


  • LongHairGal


    I do think some are more controlled. Most of these are either born in or have family and even business ties. It is true that some do not want to hear anything 'negative' about the people or the organization, no matter how bad. I used to wonder about this. In some cases it is because some are so precariously balanced emotionally that they can't deal with anything negative. They live in their own controlled environment or unreal bubble where only 'positive' or 'upbuilding' things are talked about. God forbid if you come along and burst their bubble!

    Others believe that god is using this organization probably because of the 'name' of the religion. So, these don't care about any bad news, which in a way is arrogant.


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