Zev's UN/WTS Scandal Web Site - Part 2

by hawkaw 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • nelly136

    . http://www.globalpolicy.org/ngos/ngo-un/rest-un/2001/1030j.htm

    Jehovah's Witnesses Quit UN Affiliation
    after 10 year Relationship with UN Made Public

    October 30, 2001

    Responding to criticism from current and former members the Watch Tower Society (parent organization for Jehovah's Witnesses) this month withdrew its formal association with the United Nations as a NGO (non-government affiliate organization).

    dont know if youve already got this link zev
    apologises in advance in case anyone else has already posted it

  • zev

    thanks nelly

    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
    ** http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69 **

  • zev

    there are many web sites in the .com world who would relish having stats like this:

    "These pages have been viewed a total of 3265 times."

    and that only been since mid november.
    and that the amount of hits on all pages of the site.

    thanks for the interest.

    please take the time to go and view the web site below.
    it lays out in detail the whole sorted story. check out the links and see for yourself. there is good reason why so many have taken this to heart. the evidence is there. all you have to do is look at it.

    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
    ** http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69 **

  • Dino

    Hi Joseph. It is Sunday morning here and I am just able to get back with you. First off, I wanted to apologize for the direction our discussion went last night. After I signed off I felt really bad. I had taken unneccesary umbrage to your view of our being overzealous in our pursuit of this mess.

    Down through history certain men who have jousted over different things have developed a mutual respect and friendship. I hope we can do the same.

    Your last question was an excellent one and I will get back to you on that one. Im sorry I wont have time today as my sister-in-law is flying in.

    Once again, please accept my cyber hand of friendship.


  • one

    The problem with Josehp Alwardl:

    He is not a jw or ex-jw

    He has not read or know what the WT had said or written about the UN, specially prior to 1991
    What the UN represents,
    What God will do to the UN
    and How
    Actitude toward anything "unclean"

    What the WT has written about the UN after 1991
    It did not fit, but nobody knew what was going on,
    WT was carefull to please (they had to) the UN without
    alerting the jw with the info published in articles after 1991.

    What real need there was to get an UN library card?

    WT complied with UN requirements about publishing etc, right? but resigned because was not aware of what? They read only part of the fine print when joining.

    As anyone familiar with the WT knows, they are VERY carefull about anything they do, specially in a case like this. THEY HAD AN AGENDA.

    That is why web sites relating to UN scandal have to be very well written, even many JW have a hard time understanding the issue. Old timers will "see" it much better.

  • zev


    was mine well written?

    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
    ** http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69 **

  • one


    I have not seen your site yet. One of the reason is that i understand you were still working on it.

    Keep in mind to "understimate" what people and jw know about the WT and UN.

    'Said' as litle as posible. Avoid complicated language. One or two pictures will help.

  • JosephAlward


    Thanks for the constructive comment.

    To others:

    In a previous post I wrote,

    Then such public pronouncements about the good things the United Nations has done predate the current "scandal"? If so, then why is anyone upset at the recent revelation that the Watchtower availed itself of the opportunity to use some of the resources of the United Nations? This doesn't make sense.
    Someone responds to me:

    You're such a jackass!!!
    The quotes on the JW website quote articles which have been published by the Society subsequent to their association with the UN/DPI.
    You obviously have NOT done your homework.
    Alward responds: Are you saying that it's NOT true that the six articles mentioning the UN favorably do NOT predate the current scandal? Did this person misread my comment above, or do I not understand his response? I thought the recent revelation about the UN affiliation was more recent than the articles in question. Am I wrong about that, or is the other person the one who hasn't done his homework--or perhaps failed to understand the meaning of the word "predate"?

    Now, if it's true that the articles from 1998 and 2000 which mention the UN favorably do, indeed, predate the recent revelation that the Watchtower obtained a "library card," then I STILL fail to understand why so many people are so upset at learning that the Watchtower has given the appearance of accepting the goals of the UN.

    Please understand that I am not saying that JWs don't have the right to be upset at the apparent hyprocrisy of the governing body. What I don't understand is why there wasn't a furor back in 1998, when the first article favorable to the UN appeared. I hope no one will answer back with insults and words containing "ass" in them; I've had enough of that. All I want to is learn more about the emotions surrounding this issue and to have explained to me--calmly, if possible--why people are upset NOW, but apparently weren't upset THEN, when those articles came out.

    This is not my only concern. I would also like to have someone explain to me (again, let it be someone who is willing to respond without anger or insults, if possible) why Jehovah would not approve of a Witness lying to satan. If the forum believes that the JW IS justified in deceiving the most evil force in the universe, then why should it not be appropriate for the governing body to lie to the United Nations--to mislead its agents into believing that the signers of the papers subscribed to the goals of the United Nations?

    Now, we perhaps cannot know what was in the minds of the signatories to the agreements, renewed each year, apparently. But, should they not be forgiven--indeed, applauded, for outwitting the purple beast and using its resources? If not, why not?

    I hope the members of this forum who have grown impatient with my questions will think of me they way they would if this were a courtroom, they are the prosecutors, and I am the jury who brings to this discussion an open mind. Show me your evidence, and I'll let you know what I think--if anyone is interested. Keep in mind, however, that no jury is likely to look favorably on prosecutors who shout at it, scold it, and call it names.

    Joseph F. Alward
    "Skeptical Views of Christianity and the Bible"

    * http://members.aol.com/jalw/joseph_alward.html

  • one

    Josehp Alwardl,

    1. when the articles started to come out after 1991 there was no INTERNET

    1.1 when the internet BECAME a reality most likely some commented about the UN on H2O forum BUT THERE WAS TOO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT

    2. JW are always scare to ask too many questions

    3. ex-jw do not exist as far as WT and jw is concerned

    4. I do remember a DO commenting "this is just the begining" when i asked him about the "generation" in 1995

    5. It has been said on this board that someone published a book or a pamphlet about the UN issue years ago,

    6.The WT 'articles' were strange even shocking to me, i had the opportunity to read some but did not pay too much attention, had more important things to do, i knwe it was a matter of time before thing started to happen.

    7. I wrote to the GB many years ago, still wating for an answer. It was about something else but that gives you an idea of what to excpect if you raise an issue.

    sorry, in a few words what is your point again?

  • zev

    only jw's can fully understand what the implications are joeseph.

    you really need to study jws and their thinking.

    then you can see it for what it really is.



    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
    ** http://www.geocities.com/plowbitch69 **

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