Global Warming lie -don't be brainwashed 2008 Australia's Coldest winter???

by Witness 007 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • restrangled

    Don't try to sell Floridians against global warming based on the last 5 years... or our insurance companies.

    We are paying big time one way or another.


  • zagor
    The sea probably emits more gas in one day, than we did in the last 1000 years! Think about, volcanoes errupting so furiously they blocked out the sun for a few years. Now thats pollution! In the course of geologic time we are not even a blink. We have some impact but it is negligble in the scheme of things. I don't know if I'm the new age sucker or the people that get fed their propaganda.

    That is an interesting argument, were it not for the fact that those other phenomenon are natural and have been happening for the length of earth’s history. And over all are balanced out by other mechanism in nature making this plant’s climate rather stable over long periods of time. So the question now is,

    1. Do we have tangible evidence that sea water is evaporating more than it had in the past?
    2. And do we have tangible evidence that volcanic activity has increased over the last 100 year? (I think dubs would love you if you could prove this second one)

    The truth is volcanoes tend to erupt ash high into the Stratosphere that hence act as blocking mechanism for Sun’s short-wave radiation, rather than the other way around. Hence, you often have cooler years after a major eruption. Take for example Santorini eruption (cc 1630 BCE) was followed by a short period of summer cooling that then affected crops. We know that by the tree rings from that period being unusually thin. Note by the same token during the winter the ash in stratosphere acted as a shield so usually that meant milder winters, since long-wave radiation could not escape into space that easily.
    The same pattern you could observe in eruptions closer to our time like 1991 Pinatubo eruption.
    So if none of these and other natural phenomenon can satisfactorily explain global rise in temperature then you have to search for what is else happening. And no I completely disagree that this is now part of political campaign or any other propaganda. Scientists have been pointing to the fact that carbon is warming our climate for quite some time, it is only that public is waking up to the fact NOW.

    Way back in 1896 Swedish physicist, Svante Arrhenius warned us that increase of Carbon can in fact increase global temperatures.
    In 1930’s Guy Callendar a British researcher monitoring temperature data from various parts of the world noticed that over time temperatures were going up. After that a number of other people noticed that not everything was so care-free. So no this is not something someone concocted to increase his business turnover.

    Of course, people will try to make a buck out of everything; in fact one of the ways to stop global warming is to encourage businesses to look at environment friendly alternatives. Up until recently very few of them paid much of attention. It was only when public finally became aware what was indeed going on that “climate” shifted (no pun intended) and of course now businesses are scrabbling for their position, because of estimated “green” dollar being worth several trillion dollars. That of course does not nullify the fact that climate is changing rapidly, it only testify to the extent of human need to make money no matter what is going on.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Yes Zagor. I agree with your assessments. These things can be proven in the lab. However, you have also demonstrated, that the earth, is quite capable of messing itself up, without our help. Just look at the viscious climates of the other planets. I think we can too get comfortable, with assuming that the earth is a stable place. It has been wiped clean many times of its own accord.

    I am only factoring into the equation, another element which must not be overlooked, as it makes up part of the whole. Everything makes up the whole. Including Mountains which block wind, and desserts which create dryness etc.

    Even these constants can change however, given enough time, shifting and collision. So then too, can the earths core change. It is a violent and forboding place in fact. I would tend to think that a 10% change in the core is significant for something so huge, that is part of an interlinked process. Exactly why, or how this changed, I'm not totally sure. I suggested, it is a lead up to planetary allingment. The weather is getting significanly worse, and will continue, its violent ,strange behaviour until the forces at play, have moved on, and the earth finds its natural balance again.

    Heating the world is one thing, but violent tsunami's and earthquakes are not created by pollution. Ok, I'll be nice. Let's say 50% mans fault, 50% the earth. Is there a buck to be made? You got that right! Can we do something about it. If I'm right, we should tuck are heads between our legs, and kiss our asses goodbye. I hope I'm wrong.

  • zagor
    I suggested, it is a lead up to planetary allingment.

    I hope you're not referring to what I think you are :), well in that case I have to tell you that forces of gravity from various planets are so negligible that there is no practical reason why we should even consider it even if all of the planets align as if on a stick. The only other possibility would be that there is, as yet, undiscovered force between planets which at this stage seems highly unlikely. Earth core's dynamics are anything but stable that is true and polar reversal can happen in next 1000 years. There is evidence of that happening before. On the other hand, one of my old physics professors used to argue that it is not reversing at all but that continents actually shift over time which then accounts for different records of ancient magnetic alignment in rocks… The thing is we have not seen one in recorded history, to my knowledge anyway. Nor do we know what effect, if any, would that have on global climate.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    LOL, I knew that planetary allignment comment, would get you. Well Zaggy I was looking into it, and it seems you might have a point. I found a link which demonstrates, what you are saying scientifically. Even the time frame for the allignment, is different than what I expected.

    Well, at least you and Rainbow, know how to get a physics teacher angry, thanks to me. Man, if I ever take a physics class, I better bring lots of apples, and a bullet proof vest.

    But that is good news! I'm not upset. I don't think, I am really able, to ground myself in any beleifs. If I did, I would either be wasting my time, with false knowledge, or not open to other ideas. I would just love to know, where these new age concepts, are derived from. If it's fiction, then God dammit, label it as fiction! Now my next question! Could core disburbances have been caused, by nuclear detonations in the earth. If so, then we are 100% guilty. Dam, I hate taking blame.

    Your other idea, about continental shift is interesting. I guess we'll just have to wait a few billion years to see. Meantime, we got some cleanup, and repair work to do. I still won't relent, on my "core idea", though. ( No pun intended) but I don't disagree with other causes either, as it all forms the bigger picture. I guess its a fairly safe stance, since they are still learning about it.

    I think one thing I am vulnerable to, in a way, is tieing history into science, to give a greater meaning to things. That may in fact, be the appeal of new age thinking. I may get this, from being raised a witness and veiwing the bible as an historical document. The truth is though, that despite the bibles nonsense, there is some arenas of factual history. The trick is to figure it out. History does indeed repeat itself, throughout civilzation and geologically. Human history on this planet is very short and there's a lot missing.

    Do be quite honest, if all I have to look forward to is a bunch of numbers. I'd rather die. Maybe I should attend that physics class, without the vest.

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