too tired to fight

by Bridgette 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    Hear hear! Let's keep this post near the top, folks.

    Goodbye Bri--


  • Unclepenn1

    Bridgette, you are the kindest soul on here. I know you will be missed greatly. Keep in touch :)


  • closer2fine

    I'll miss you and look forward to your return.


  • mommy

    Aww I am going to miss you I understand what you are saying though. Just last night in chat someone asked why I am still here after leaving the Jw's 9 years ago. I am here for a variety of reasons, my friends that I have met here mostly the biggest reason. But when I left the JW's I left and never looked back, never really looked at their doctrines, or heard the horror stories that have happened to others. I thought I was unique and it only happened to me.

    I first found this site and WOW my eyes were opened to the fact there are too many who have had the same experiences and even worse with the org. So many coming out now are just as confused and lonely as I was when I first left. The stories I hear upset me to no end, and I often take a break.

    I guess I stay here so that the newbies can see that what they are going through is normal! And it may take them a few weeks to years to finally get over the org. Of course with family still in, it is a harder thing to ignore, and even a harder thing to bear when you realize what the org is, and does.

    My heart goes out to you, because I know how much you care. Sometimes that can be our downfall, but don't ever stop that part of you. I am glad you are reaching out to other organizations that give you a hands on feel of accomplishing something. This can be so fulfilling, but I also have found in the end you feel drained as well, with so much more to accomplish.

    I have this feeling we are very much alike. We take things personal, and try to right wrongs commited. I think it is a wonderful trait, but it is a two edged sword. And sometimes we need to just concentrate on ourselves, and our happiness.

    You have my email, please keep me up to date on the baby! And on you ((((((hugs)))))))

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • Tina

    I will miss you and your thoughts. But it is imperative for you and baby that you do whatever it takes to take care of yourself. Our journeys towrd wholeness and wellness do not all go down the same path.
    And yes,the horror and pain can be draining and wrack us to the depths of our souls.
    Im reminded of this,Nietzsche I think?
    ""Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look into the abyss,the abyss also looks into you".
    In pursuing justice for victims,help for those in pain,it's not unusual to feel a bit of 'burn-out'.
    I know this happens also to law enforcement,in the medical profession,social workers etc.
    Why? because they like many of us are in the front lines,in the thick of it. And if we don't step back,take the time to care for ourselves first,we become unable to help others.
    I've felt this both professionally and here at times. Then I know it's time for self-care,regain blalance and perspective.
    I wish you strength courage and love in whatever or wherever you journey of help nad justice takes you!
    Best wishes for a happy healthy delivery.
    Have a wonderful holiday. Enjoy all the good things and opportunities life offers to us. Find the fun things in life.
    There is much pain in this world,but also much that can give joy,as sense of accomplishment,and love.
    May your path be filled with more smoothness than bumps. love always,tina

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • jayhawk1

    Hurry back, and good luck with work, school and your pregnancy.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame. and [email protected]

  • waiting1

    Hey Bridgette,

    As you may well know (I do after 3 pregnancies) - our hormones during that time are unbelieveably strong. Also, I think the desire to protect our growing family is strong - which can have an effect on us when we hear of other families being torn apart. It's natural, and a help to us as mothers. We want to protect.

    I had a close friend who was a sargent detective on the child abuse squad in Indpls. He said every once in a while, they'd all go out and get stinkin' drunk, laugh, dance, cut loose. Otherwise, they'd lose their minds with what they saw daily.

    Perhaps right now, you're not able to distance yourself. Take a break and enjoy your family.

    Catch ya later!


  • Ranchette

    You and I have not bantered back and forth as far as I can remember, but I want you to know that I really enjoy your posts and will miss you.

    I completely understand you needing a break. I remember feeling the same way when I was expecting.
    Baby and health comes first!

    I remember blocking every negative thing out and living in a fantasy world to protect my babies.
    I was a hard core JW during those times,I had to do something.

    I think if I was recovering from being a JW and pregnant I would do the same thing.
    You are a very intelligent girl and I know you will do what is best for your family.
    We will miss you and hope you return soon.

    Just pop in and say hi sometimes if you feel like it.
    You do not have to have deepconversations.
    We understand.
    just give us sone fluff every so often for a change.


  • Tatiana

    Bridgette, I'll miss you. I feel just as strongly as you about Laree. And I will be keeping up with her case. The papers here have put that on the backburner because of the trial of the Lemack woman here who suffocated her kids. But, I look each day for more news.

    I always enjoyed your posts. There are some people you just connect with. Take care of yourself and the baby.
    Sometimes it gets so overwhelming. There are days I don't want to leave my room. I'm so glad to have found the people here to help me cope.
    I'll be waiting for your return.



    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Satanus

    Thanks for being a freind, bridgette. Take as long a break as you need. We are not superhuman. We can only do our little parts, whatever they may be, but we must always put ourselves first. You're number one.


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