The Loyalty Question

by choosing life 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • mustang
    Because of only having one elder there, I knew I had some wiggle room. I still wanted to be left alone, so I turned the question back on him. I acted shocked and asked if he asked because HE didn't believe it was true. He recoiled from the thought and that was the end of the conversation.

    That's exactly what occurred to me last night when I woke up once.

    I am glad I had made the rule that I would only talk to one person at a time. I refused any visits by two elders. Now, I just refuse any visits. They still try to catch me working in yard and will use that as an excuse to stop by and talk. I will talk to them about everyday things, but that's it. My own thoughts on God and religion are my private thoughts and I choose who I wish to speak to about them and when.

    Bingo: that's what kept me from getting clobbered towards the end, as I started to put the fade into effect. Then, once I started moving around the country, they lost track of me.

  • Dagney
    After a few minutes he asked me if I believed the WTS was the Truth. I just laughed at him and said, "That's what elders ask when they are trying to DF you." He dropped it and soon left.

    That's good Mene!!! I'm going to remember that one!

    I think it depends on where you want to go with the discussion. I've used, "Oh! That's not for me to decide! The scripture lays the burden on the "slave", and how he is treating the Master's belongings. Not if the belongings accept the slave."

    Or something like that.

    I think I'm going to used Mene's answer from now on.

    Best of luck cl!

  • mustang
    "Oh! That's not for me to decide. The scripture lays the burden on the "slave", and how he is treating the Master's belongings. Not if the belongings accept the slave."

    Dagney, I thought your original response was choice


  • Honesty

    I got the loyalty question right after I asked why did the WTBTS affiliate themselves with satan's organization by signing documents each year for 9 years with the United Nations.

    The cultists didn't even attempt to anbswer my question.

    They just wanted to know if I was loyal to the false prophets on the Gubnin' Buddy that they worship.

    I told them that the Gubnin' Buddy are all apostate false prophets that are lying through their teeth.

    That statement got me announced as Disassociated 2 days later during the TMS/Serve Us Meeting.

  • 2112

    I was asked that question by a JC. I did not answer it so I was told that they would treat my non-answer as a no. They then say that since I answered no that I would be concidered to have DA myself. My reply was "I did not answer with a no and I am not DA myself. If you say or infer that I did you will be guilty of lying." I also said that "You said a prayer at the start of this meeting and asked Jehovah for his blessing, now your telling me you plan to lie about what was or wasn't said? Do you really serve a God who would support that and give you his blessing to tell lies? The God of the Bible can not lie, and his enemy Satan is the father of the lie, so when you tell these lies who will you be serving?"

    Well, I do not know what they actually did as they never talked to me again and I have recieved many conflicting messages about what they announced. My wife came home from a meeting two weeks later and told me they read my letter to the cong. I asked "what letter?" She said "The letter you sent to DA yourself." I said " I did not send a letter and if they said I did they are lying" Her reply was that elders don't lie. - (How do you argue with that)

    I asked if they said I was DA or DF she said no they said you were no longer a JW. Others have said that I was DF'ed, some said DA'ed and a few have said there was never any mention one way or another. Me I don't give a rats butt.

  • besty

    A former MTS graduate and missionary has used the following reply succesfully for many years:

    "I have made an informed decision not to be at the meetings right now" and "I'm not really interested in discussing that"

    <Repeats until elders get fed up and leave.>

  • james_woods

    How many here have been asked the loyalty question by an elder. I am referring to, "Do you believe that Jehovah is using the faithful and discreet slave class to accomplish his work?" Or something along this line?

    How did you answer that question? Did you just lie outright or try to create some wiggle room?

    I was asked this very question by that little twerp of a Circuit Overseer Bennett (now deceased, IIRC). I replied that "since the Watchtower Society has become so monolithic since 1975 that it was impossible for me to tell what they were doing." C.O. Bennett did not know what the word monolithic meant - so he had to ask me. This was the same guy who preached from the platform that sugar was un-theocratic food for your kids, and that the dinosaurs lived so their bodies would be squished down to make petroleum.

  • sir82

    Just tell'em you believe what the bible says about the FDS.

    If they ask about particular people, such as the GB, tell them "I thought the judge of who is really anointed is between the person and Jehovah alone - I can't judge who is anointed & who isn't"

    Then count the number of times the phrase "Yes but..." is used.

  • bennyk

    Two Elders met with me because they were concerned about the fact that I had entirely (and abruptly) ceased meeting attendance. Using WTS literature, I had just discussed with them a number of discrepancies [read: "lies"] in the Society's historical claims. I asked how these things could be so -- how the Society could publish such things...

    They asked: "But you still believe that the WatchTower Society is God's Organisation, right?"

    I answered: "I can not unequivocally state that it is. That is the significance of my concerns regarding the Society's claims. It devolves on you Brothers to provide me with a reasonable answer."

    They have not announced me as DF'd/DA'd. They also have not given an answer (reasonable or otherwise).

  • LayingLow

    PO: Do you believe that the faithful and discreet slave is led by God?

    Me: Absolutely (Since I believe that all Christians are anointed and that all anointed Christians that are judged as faithful and discreet must have been led by God)

    PO: Do you believe we have authority as your elders? (Tricky, yes-> JC, no-> DA)

    Me: I believe that I should accept the authority of all who meet the qualifications in 1 Tim 3. If you feel that you meet those qualifications, then sure.

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