Ironic Number 4 Talk Next Week

by stillajwexelder 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • still_in74

    there was a #4 last week on this too.

    I couldnt believe it. The "sister" asked for a chance to defend JW's after her study said that a family member said JW's were FP's

    SO anyway, the sister did nothing to defend JW's, instead she side-stepped it and just read scriptures pertaining to JW theology that is less prophetic and not scrutinized by apostates!

    It was rediculous!! "oh we examine the scriptures regularly" --- "JW's live peacabley to together and manifest love" ----- "JW's preach like we were taught by Jesus" ----- " we dont forsake the gathering of ourselves together....."

    And of course the study was all "oh wow, I really see now that JW's do follow the bible"

    DUDE - you need to touch on sensitive issues without getting in trouble - when i did a talk on blood from the Reasong Book I brought up fractions. After having talked for 4 minutes about pouring blood on the ground I then discussed how "new understanding" (I never say new light) on fractions may allow some to concienciously accept blood fractions even though they were derived from blood that was not poured out.

    I was commended for my excellent talk by many elders and others. BUT - i may have sparked someone to go "wait a tic??"

    Lightly step on some issues.

    "Some claim that JW's are false prophets. Perhaps refering to 1914, 607 BCE or 1975. But is this claim accurate? Has Jehovahs organization ever claimed to be a prophet of god? The WT of 19..... (whatever bla bla bla....)

    Thats it! just throw it out there and forget about. Maybe someone will google those dates and see the sham the org really is.......

  • Preston

    Ask "How long have youve felt this way?"

    - Preston

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    "Some claim that JW's are false prophets. Perhaps refering to 1914, 607 BCE or 1975. But is this claim accurate?


    [There are even secular authorities who claim that the destruction of Jerusalem occurred in 585 BCE and not 607 BCE]

    But what do they know? They're not part of Jehovah's Organization.

  • oompa

    just say we lie the best we individually can...........oompa

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    State in your talk that JWS are a store front of lies and deceit starting from the founding members of more than 100 years ago and we have maintained

    the organization on those complacent lies and deceptions, the money and power built off these selective lies and corruption were also notable.

    The exploitation of the belief in the bible for commercial purposes would not have been made possible without the freedom of religion policy of the United States,

    and this too we exploited to the fullest length........but we're not false prophets, we're profiteers.

  • Alwayshere

    I thought Satanus's opinion was very good. Give it a try.

  • james_woods

    I am sure that I am not the only one who can hardly wait to see wat Stilla does.

  • sf
  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    I'm looking forward to finding out, too. But if you need to stay in for the sake of your family right now it must be rather limiting to say the least.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Gosh stilla, that is a tough one.

    Well, the prophecies come from the Bible, Watch Tower Corporation merely interprets these prophecies. It is reasonable to conclude that Jehovah's Witnesses aren't false prophets, they're false interpreters. Where's the harm in that? So what if some quit their jobs, sold their belongings, and even went into debt because they listened to the excitement leading up to 1975? Or what about those nominal Jehovah's Witnesses that didn't save for retirement because they were told that "this generation" that was alive in 1914 would not pass away? That is their own fault for believing those interpretations when they were discarded in 1995!! So, simply tell the householder, I have no idea what you're talking about, I've never put any confidence in Watch Tower Corporation's predictions of the future. I follow the Bible and hand out their litteratrash for laughs.

    Sorry stilla, I guess I'm not much help.

    B the X

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